The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on May 08, 2004, 02:59:05 pm

Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 08, 2004, 02:59:05 pm
I know it has been discussed, and TBone is already over it, but I wanted to get an official word on whether or not we're making a transition to a fansite to bolster our chances of getting into beta?

If this is the case, based on the limited information available regarding the game itself; we might consider implementing a lot of information from the Matrix universe in general.

This does two things:

1.) Gives people a reason to visit, content is always a boon to business;

2.) Gives our current members something to work with in regard to their character biographies.

If this is something bossman decides to roll with, I would be interested in donating some time compiling the information necessary (I'm also phpnuke competent, so I would be able to assist in implementing the content into the site).
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 08, 2004, 03:03:25 pm
It sounds like a good idea to me, but we should do it for the community, not a position in the beta.We could have weekly stories that happened during actual gameplay and have people tell us about how they hacked into a information source etc.
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 08, 2004, 04:07:42 pm
Believe me I agree, we should be doing it for everyone.  There's nothing wrong however with having it boost us up as well.  To keep up our top-shelf status, we'll always need to be one step ahead of everyone else, and this would be a key in pre-game community development.
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Tbone on May 08, 2004, 05:29:20 pm
The sacrifice we make by making a fansite at this stage in the game is that we lose our mysterious side. Most people know of the Furious Angels, but not many people know exactly what we are. They just see that we're those "angel people". It's cool that way, and it keeps people interested on us. The gig can't last forever, though, and when the mystery fades, we will need something cool behind the curtain. Does anyone have any ideas as to what a good member cap is? We're getting close to the 100 mark...
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 08, 2004, 05:38:34 pm
I would think 95 would be a good cap for now.Every so often you should take breaks and see who is active and who is not.With more and more people coming it'll be hard to monitor the other new comers and make sure they are not from other clans or trouble makers.
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 08, 2004, 05:45:35 pm
At this point, you might want to establish the leadership, and allow the new members to simply fill the ranks.  Even more so, you'll find that you'll lose a healthy percentage of people depending on how much information Monolith releases.  There's nothing wrong with too many people, so I wouldn't stop.

However, when you open the site, just allow people to come on in a prohibationary status until the game launches, and we have a chance to see everyone in action.

As for applicants from other clans, they will have to realize the jig is up when they get ingame and will officially have to declare a faction.  And for those that want to go deep undercover and "infiltrate" our faction, they'd have to do it by means of social domination, since it's unlikely game mechanics will allow anyone the oppurtunity to disband the group.
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2004, 01:00:16 am
Asha you have some good points, but they are flaud too. There is something wrong with having TOO many people. If you have too many people then the clan gets to big and then it just becomes a number contest with the other clans. If other clans are going to try and infiltrate this clan, we don't need to have various #'s of members who say they're allied with the FA, but don't really mean it, who say they're for the FA, but barely log in. This is what will happen if someone from another faction infiltrated our group and began to rally the people who are only here at face value, and the FA will have alot of those people if it does not continue to weed out the good from the bad. I've noticed peeps on here who have not even posted yet, these people you'd have to look for, and after the one week, deny them to come back. This is how the angels are going to remain strong.

Tbone I would agree with Eli and say around 95-100 members is enog, depending on how many are going to be active or non active. Then it'd be you know a community, not just like a world lol. But seriously we should watch out for clan infiltratists.
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: likwidtek on May 09, 2004, 02:28:02 am
I think we need to weed out tthe non actives and start getting more of a community going on internally.  More discussion...  more unity.  Then worry about pulling more people in.  Quality before quantity.
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2004, 04:47:12 am
As he said, it should be survival of the fittest. Good old Darwin. Anyway, If we decide to go mega-big, I belive that there should be a much more of a pyrimid hierachy. With Tbone at the top, then a select few ship captains, then the lower down ship captains, then the crews of the first ship captains and so on. The higher ship captains would be in charge of a wing of ships, maybe two or three, and so on. It would mean that older members would have advantages, but ambitious newbies(and i use the term only at face vaulue, as new people to the clan) would have a chance to rise throught eh ranks.
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2004, 06:36:22 am
I agree with that point, but i also dissagree.  I think that once we get to about 100, no more than 105/110, we should just stop accepting people.  This way people would aspire to us more.  Having an Uber clan would really not work because of inactives and people who are just trying to mess us around.  I think that we can include the pyramid system in once we have an established number, that way it wont be 11 people commanding 110, it would be people ranking others.  That way we would get tonnes of respect in the clan and things would be really organised.  Thats my two cents anyway.
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2004, 07:38:04 am
Quote from: "Eclipse"
Asha you have some good points, but they are flaud too. There is something wrong with having TOO many people.

That's right, if we were ingame; but as you see we are not.  By setting as cap on players at this point, we may be denying some really good players the chance to join, or make it more difficult, discouraging them from having interest.  As a pregame community, you need all the support you can get, even when the liscense is as popular as the Matrix.  In SWG, we nurtured a pregame community for two years prior to launch, and it was difficult to keep those people interested.

I do agree that there needs to be a filter, that is, the follow the angel scheme.  There should also be a weed out period just before the game goes live, where all inactive members of these forums are set to suspended status pending reapplication or something similar.

But at this point, if you follow the logic that less than 10% of online gaming organizations make it to the endgame, potentially only 10% of the people here have what it takes.  As for this notion of spies, it's laughable and merely something to talk about during the lack of a game.  If someone actually wants to come in here, spend more time with FA than they do with their own organization...then it's likely they're wasting their time.  To that end, the powers that be just need to be wary of who they set to administrator status on these boards, the MxO website makes no mention of a guild structure where people can "take over."   That practice is taboo, and most game companies won't touch the idea with a 10 foot pole, it agitates subscribers far too much and creates a customer service issue.
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Tbone on May 09, 2004, 10:08:05 am
Read my thread entitled "BOOT". Inactives will not be around much longer. I made it clear that the Furious Angels would be a hardcore group. I understand that Real Life takes a priority, but everyone has 5 minutes just to check in. This being said, there should be a lot of slots opening up on some of the ships.
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2004, 10:49:17 am
Yeah, I agree that there should be a limited number of members. The more people in a crew, the harder it is to control...that is the only thing I worry about. But I'm tentative to pick the acceptance cap because I have no idea what would be a good number and what would be too much.
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2004, 10:49:36 am
Yeah, I agree that there should be a limited number of members. The more people in a crew, the harder it is to control...that is the only thing I worry about. But I'm tentative to pick the acceptance cap because I have no idea what would be a good number and what would be too much.
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2004, 10:50:12 am
Whoa, I don't know how that happened at all...the site did something crazy. I apologize.
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2004, 11:18:43 am
No worries heh.
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2004, 11:31:38 am
Hang on, i do not think we should stop growing, just make sure that we have no inactives and no twats or immature people, i mean loo at the caliber so far, we all are a great bunch of people, ahem, and if it continues this way then we should not stop, I mean, we could have the greatest bunch of people in Mxo excluded because we have too many.
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2004, 11:37:43 am
Let's not try to make a monopoly though.If we are too big then our server may not have many other clans(Diversity), or there will be smaller clans that really hate us and make many acts to take us down.
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2004, 11:55:27 am
I think that there will be a few thousand on each server, seeming as they have effectivly eliminated lag, and so even if we reach 200, which i will be amazed by, we will only be a fraction of the overall players.
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2004, 01:08:50 pm
Over time, our community amassed over 700 users on the forums.  When the game [SWG] launched, maybe 100 were active.  Today, less than 50.
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2004, 01:19:44 pm
You are talking about SWG right, I don't even know what that stands for but I remember you mentioning that you started the community 2 years before the game was due to start, well we are only waiting six months or so, i think it's safe to say that we are going to lose too many people, but you never know.. Anyway, if people do leave or become inactive then its their loss.  Anyway, i think that we should make it to a certain level of members then we should only accept people if they really prove themselves as people who want to be part of FA.
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2004, 01:26:42 pm
So what grants me or you the ability to get in so easily?  What I'm saying, is that the hardcore, mature gamers may be holding off on this game until either after E3, or until a solid release date is announced.  In turn, those gamers could be channelled into another faction (read: competition).  For me the choice to go Zion was as arbitrary as, "I like this faction, if they're Zionists then I guess I am too."  

A solution would simply be to tier access to the site.  Provide a public stomping ground, a recruit bunker, and keep the members here.  By allowing people the option of being able to participate, we can still keep an eye on the quality applicants without alienating them by saying, "Sorry, you weren't here on time.  We're taking our toys and going home."
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2004, 01:30:27 pm
I suppose thats a good point, you have swyed my opinion, congratulations.  I am now in favour of this 'fansite'
Title: Transition toward a fansite
Post by: Anonymous on May 09, 2004, 04:23:13 pm
We shouldn't let to much information out before the people actually get into the faction, just shouldn't be done. You were talking about a member cap on the Faction, i say 100 is about right, not to many for the size of the game, but enough to make a difference ingame. once that cap is reached, if sombody leaves get thrown out. then a space should open up, that place would go to the best applicant that compleats a challange in the fastest time or another test/prerequesite.

As the FA are gonna be operating on 2-3 servers, would it make sence to have a certain cap for each of the servers, would it be 100 for each server, is there anough people on the european server to have a 100 cap. Or should it be different for other servers. what u lot think?
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