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Fifth Matrix Film Announced! by Lithium
[April 07, 2024, 09:49:37 pm]

2024: New PC for VR! by Tbone
[April 06, 2024, 12:22:30 pm]

MOVED: Fifth Matrix Film Announced! by Tbone
[April 06, 2024, 12:18:27 pm]

Holiday Fun by Tbone
[March 01, 2024, 09:09:44 pm]

Quest 2 Link Best Settings (Finally Better Than Rift S) by Tbone
[November 27, 2023, 04:57:46 pm]

randomness by Jeyk
[November 27, 2023, 09:42:30 am]

New PC for Oculus Rift (Purchased!) by Tbone
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Stability Issues with CPU/RAM/Mobo by Tbone
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News and Announcements / FA's Twitter Feed Now Active!
« on: July 05, 2016, 07:47:05 pm »

You can now follow the Furious Angels @FuriousAngelsVR. Hopefully this will help you keep up with our news even if you don't check the site regularly. We also have our Facebook page here, so follow us however you'd like!

General / Welcome lord_omega!
« on: July 05, 2016, 03:22:54 pm »
Welcome to the Furious Angels!

General / Getting a Rift Sooner
« on: June 17, 2016, 04:51:23 pm »
Still waiting on a pre-order to actually process? Haven't ordered a Rift because it is backlogged until August? You can receive an email/text notification when Best Buy or the Microsoft Store gets them in stock:

Today Best Buy had them in stock for about four hours, with them being delivered before Wednesday of next week! Currently this is much quicker than ordering through Oculus!


Tonight at the Bethesda E3 2016 briefing, Bethesda announced that two if its latest games, Fallout 4 and Doom, are getting virtual reality versions.

Fallout 4's VR edition will launch in 2017 for the HTC Vive, though Bethesda did not announce a release date or platform for Doom's VR version.

During a post-briefing livestream, Bethesda talked about its ambitions for the Fallout 4 VR version.

"Let's not make a short version of Fallout 4--the promise is the whole game," game director Todd Howard said.

VR Gaming / How To Meet Up in VR!
« on: June 07, 2016, 05:21:36 pm »
Currently Oculus' social system has no way of messaging or grouping up. We highly encourage everyone to log into Teamspeak (server: when jumping into VR! I've seen a lot of you online in the Rift and checking games out, but not coming on Teamspeak to check out the multiplayer games and social experiences. They are not to be missed!

If you are only on a GearVR, that's a slightly different story, but you can still log in on your computer to let us know to meet up with you in AltSpace.

No doubt these social features will eventually be added, but in the meantime, feel free to utilize the tools we have. I also recommend getting Kik and joining our text group there. My Oculus name is Tbone if you haven't added me.

We are also logged into Steam, but when playing Oculus titles, it's hard to read Steam messages (though I usually will still hear the notification)!

General / FishBowlVR + Furious Angels = Get Paid to VR!
« on: May 24, 2016, 07:16:46 pm »
So I've been a tester for FishBowlVR for a while now, and it's a lot of fun. I get free access to big-name VR apps in order to record a quick play test and fill out a quick survey. On top of that, I get PAID to do so!

The guy in charge, Geoff, is really cool, and he approached me about a partnership of sorts with FA. Essentially we could be used for multiplayer/social testing and all get paid for it.

Sign up at here and if there's an option, let them know you a part of the Furious Angels group. If there isn't a box for you to mention that, shoot him an email at geoff[at]fishbowlvr[dot]com

Let me know as well if you've signed up. I want to know how many testers we have available for him.

News and Announcements / Website Server Move and Temp TS Addy
« on: May 18, 2016, 11:17:36 am »
Tonight we will be moving our website and services to a new server in order to improve stability. A bunch of us just received our Rifts, so if you want to join us, you can find the Teamspeak server at the normal address!

General / Rift Processing!
« on: May 13, 2016, 10:16:54 pm »
At long last my f*cking Rift is processing. Hopefully I'll receive it in the next week or two! We actually have a lot of exciting things planned, so I hope you all plan on joining us!

Non-VR Games / The Division - Crit Heal Build!
« on: April 15, 2016, 02:17:20 pm »
With the Rift getting delayed for everyone, we've been playing The Division to help pass the time! I managed to put together a pretty nice build that reminds me a bit of my Jedi Sentinel crit heal build from SWTOR. I thought I would share some of the strat for others trying to gear up!

The point of this build is to crit as often as possible with as much damage as possible. As a result, you'll heal yourself at the same time, becoming a sort of impromptu tank that doesn't have to rely on taking breaks to heal back up. As long as the bullets are flying, you'll be good to go!

Good for ANY Build

These are about necessary for any build

  • Damage mitigation ~65%. You want to have enough Armor to try to have between 60-65%.
  • Talent: One is None. Headshots have a 50% chance of not consuming the bullet. Every build needs this to essentially extend your clip.
  • Talent: On the Move. Kill a hostile while moving to reduce incoming damage by 30%. Unless your build is based around staying in cover (which it shouldn't be), you'll want this.
  • Talent: Critical Save. Use a medkit during low health to increase damage resistance by 40%.
  • Talent: This last one is situational. I'm going with Triage - heal an ally with a skill to reduce skill cooldowns by 15%. I'm doing this mostly to get my crit pulse up quicker. Obviously it only works in a group, so if you are running solo you may want to switch this out.

Don't ignore Stamina/Health either. I'm currently sitting at 66k health, which I consider to be pretty low. If it wasn't for my healing, I'd want more. The rest should go into Firearms. Also an important note: the DPS stat is a lie. It's hard to tell how much damage you're really going to do from it. I think there's a shooting range that I need to look at for actual testing.

Blocks of the Build

The right talents are key for this build. Because of this, the ability to put together a powerful version of this build requires a bit of luck, since talent rolls are necessary. This will help you know what to look for, however.

  • Weapon: SMG. I'm using the Vector 45 ACP. Talent: Self-preserved. Critical hits with this weapon heal the user for 3% of damage dealt. You MUST have this talent! Secondary talent: Destructive - 18% armor destruction. This works very well for me in PvE. The crit damage talent is another one that would be great and work well with this build.
  • Weapon mods. Extended magazine with crit hit damage. Needed to extend your mag and increase crit damage! Scope - Headshot damage, crit hit chance. Muzzle - Flash Hider - Accuracy, crit hit chance. As you can see, we are stacking crit hit chance and crit hit damage!
  • Chest. Talent - Reckless. Increase damage by 12.5%. Increase incoming damage by 10%. +Armor. We take a hit to incoming damage, but we make up for it because the increase in our damage increases our heals. +Ammo capacity.
  • Mask. Pulse crit hit damage. Two mod slots.
  • Knee pads. +Crit hit damage. +Armor or +Exotic Dmg Resilience
  • Backpack. +Crit hit damage. Mod slot.
  • Gloves. These gloves make a big difference for some reason. Talent: Savage - Crit hit chance is increased 13% against targets out of cover. +Crit hit damage. +SMG Damage. +Crit hit chance or +Damage to elites.
  • Holster. +Armor. +Pulse crit hit damage

The gear isn't perfect, but the general idea is to stack armor to 65%. Take crit hit damage and crit hit chance at any opportunity you can. For minor attributes focus on pulse, as we'll be using the crit from that skill to increase everything. The Reckless and Savage talents compliment this build well and really help it shine. A weakness I have with this build is exotic damage resilience (fire, grenades, etc.). One of my goals is to try to beef this up, because as of now a single flamethrower can take me down if I'm caught off guard.


  • Pulse Tactical Scanner - Increases crit hit chance and crit hit damage on marked enemies. Awesome with this build. use it!
  • First Aid Overheal - Device heals target more efficiently and extends health beyond normal rating. The idea here is to quickly stay on your feet and keep going. This is good for any build, but it's great for those times when you have to reload and are out in the open.
  • Survivor Link. I know it feels like Tactical Link should work well with this build, but we're already doing a lot of damage. Survival Link just has too many uses to not be equipped. I tank Challenging bosses with this.

And that's about it. My crit hit chance sits at 35% but gets a 13% increase from Savage. Add Pulse to that and it's around 70%. Could go higher! Crit hit damage is at 127%. Pulse gets that up to 170% I believe. Enemy armor damage is 27%. Health on kill is at 11% (works well with the heals we are already getting). Lots of ways to get some of these numbers. Focus on the talents first and then see if you can make the numbers work for you!

General / Welcome Sactomori!
« on: April 15, 2016, 01:27:38 pm »
Welcome to the Furious Angels!

...and it ain't pretty. Most orders have now been delayed by close to two months from their original estimated shipping date. I personally was expecting mine early to mid April and am now slated for the last week in May to the first week in June. No explanation yet from Oculus other than the original "component shortage" email.

General / Welcome erikrpm!
« on: April 05, 2016, 04:48:26 pm »
Welcome to the Furious Angels!

News and Announcements / And So It Begins...
« on: April 02, 2016, 03:08:42 pm »

### Incoming Transmission ###

We see that you are on the verge of taking the dive. It's the Wild West all over again - the Final Frontier brought into your home. We are all explorers, fighters, survivors. There are those who will flourish in this new world and there are those who will fall. Which will you be?

We see your potential. We see what the virtual you is capable of. You've known this about yourself your entire life. Like us, you just had to wait for the technology to get there. Your reality is now truly what you make of it. It's time for you to soar like a Furious Angel - to find your place among the best. Are you a pilot? An explorer? A driver? A fighter? Regardless, you are NOT alone.

We are stronger together. The 0's and 1's on a screen that limit and separate us are slowly fading away. There's a lot of work to be done and a lot of fun to be had. Will you be a dinosaur of a dying age or will you transform and evolve to fly with the Angels?

The choice is yours.

### End Transmission ###

VR Gaming / Purchase a VR Game on Steam? Get Your Oculus Home Key!
« on: April 02, 2016, 02:40:16 pm »
Most games are providing Oculus Home keys to those who originally bought VR content via Steam (a lot of us did for the DK2). This is especially important to us for games like Blazerush and Elite: Dangerous. Here's a spreadsheet listing games that are providing keys and how to get them:

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