The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Ademaro on March 30, 2012, 01:43:40 pm

Title: Goodbye from Ademaro
Post by: Ademaro on March 30, 2012, 01:43:40 pm
First and foremost I want to thank each and every one of you for the opportunity to play with you, it was great while it lasted and I appreciate all of the hours we have enjoyed together. A lot of you I didn't know to well and I apologize for that.

To say the least I have had some personal issues about a few things that have been occurring in the guild. I won't get into the details about it but I will say I brought it to the attention to Sared yesterday in which he told me to talk to either Tbone or Broin that broin would possibly be a better person to discuss it with. I then notified Broin of my concerns with full intentions of talking to Tbone afterwards. I also notified Broin that I had applied to Crimson Elite....

Within minutes I was kicked and privileges were revoked... I am only saying this stuff so everyone knows what happened.

To say the least if you are interested in keeping in contact please feel free to add me on facebook ( or in game.

I don't know at this point whether or not I will find myself in Crimson Elite or if I will just continue to run solo but regardless best of luck and May the Force be With you.
Title: Re: Goodbye from Ademaro
Post by: Broin on March 30, 2012, 01:51:38 pm
Well, I hated to see him go.  However, during my whole conversation with him I tried and tried to get him to talk to Tbone, but he refused the entire time.  Without a question he said he did not want to talk to Tbone and wasn't going to.

The problem is the concerns he metnioned to me I thought really weren't that big of deal, and even by his own admission he should've brought them up but never did.  Something that we talked about in great detail at the last Monday meeting.

I think the long and short is he applied for another guild, before even mentioning anything to anyone about any concerns or any issues or that he was even thinking of leaving.
Title: Re: Goodbye from Ademaro
Post by: Tbone on March 30, 2012, 02:00:43 pm
This one took me by surprise. I considered Ademaro to be a friend, which is why I don't understand why he refused to talk to me about any problems he was having.

Just to clarify the situation, Broin and I were both in Teamspeak and Ademaro requested to speak to Broin privately. After Ademaro talked to Broin, Broin tried to convince him to speak with me, but he said he didn't want to. So Broin informed me himself that Ademaro had applied to Crimson. I wanted to talk to him about it but was told that he didn't want to talk to me, so I had no choice but to take action and just remove him. Applying for another guild is about as cut and dry as you can get.

I talked to him briefly through tells afterward and he told me he didn't talk to me because he didn't want to lose me as a friend. Broin had asked him if he had at least read the meeting notes from our last meeting. He hadn't.

If you refuse to talk to me about your issues or don't even send me a PM saying you are leaving, I consider that disrespectful. Consider it a pet peeve of mine. This is why I removed his account without much consideration. I could have been more tactful about it, I admit, but I at least wanted him to talk to me.

Unfortunately this is becoming a bad pattern of people not bringing up their issues until post-quitting. If something is bothering you, there's nothing we can do if you just sit and let it stew.

As for Ademaro's issues, all I've caught second hand was that he felt not enough people were doing what he wanted to do - and not enough people were hardcore about it. He said he plays 8 hours a day but seems to be the only one. I raided with Ademaro three nights a week for 3 hours each night, so I'm not sure why he felt left out. Unfortunately he never brought it to my attention in order to avoid what he thought might be an awkward discussion, and this was the end result.
Title: Re: Goodbye from Ademaro
Post by: Broin on March 30, 2012, 02:04:49 pm
He did mention that he thought that not participating in the pvp event on Sundays was an issue as well... But then turned right around and said that he had never posted about it, never had done it himself, and never would be able to because it was on Sunday.  

Didnt' see the  logic in that one.
Title: Re: Goodbye from Ademaro
Post by: Tbone on March 30, 2012, 02:12:24 pm
I'm not aware of a Sunday PvP Event. I work doubles on Sunday, so maybe that's why I haven't stumbled upon it. Guild liaison?

We do have a Saturday night PvP event with EV and others.
Title: Re: Goodbye from Ademaro
Post by: Sared on March 30, 2012, 02:13:56 pm
I told him to talk to Broin simply because I thought he might be around and available to talk to before Tbone would be around later in the day.

When he spoke with me, he specifically mentioned personality conflicts with leadership,  lack of commitment to raid progression (how , and lack of organized/dedicated PVP.

He also did not seem to care for our recruitment process, specifically stating that he thought we should drop the challenge process altogether. Not going to happen.
Title: Re: Goodbye from Ademaro
Post by: Paitryn on March 30, 2012, 02:19:44 pm
apparently there is a weelky sunday pvp event (sort of tournatment) that goes on. Im busy on sundays and cant make it. didnt even know about it till tuesday when he told me. I did tell him that there is a good chance that no one knows about this event and he should bring it up several times. he never did.

Im not sure why he felt the way he did. he would not discuss it with me either. we pvp'd together almost every moment he wasnt raiding or was offline.

It sucks because he was good. we had huttball matches down to an almost sure fire win every time. and he had excellent communication skills. we stamped out a lot of premade tactica together looking at what works and what doesnt. Now hes taking that playbook elsewhere. Which aggrivates the hell out of me.
Title: ???
Post by: Saint on March 30, 2012, 02:22:48 pm
WTF Over,

 I'm really getting tired of loosing good people for stupid reasons.  Im alittle confused per Ademaro's own post he said that he had intended on talking to Tbone after Broin.  I'm not sure why he felt the need to apply to CE that is odd however.  It may be that he felt that our pvp has been somewhat lackluster of a priority I dont know.  I know during the day theres not alot of Angel pvpers and as Im not on much at night so I cant comment on whether pvp is a priority or not.  During the day when I usually play however 3-4 Angel pvpers is a large turnout.  I sense through the force that certain people are feeling like the guild advertised itself as a highly pvp guild and often it seems to get put on the back burner.  Imo

Anyway just my thoughts, sorry to see you go Ademaro, I really enjoyed pvping with you.
Title: Re: Goodbye from Ademaro
Post by: Tbone on March 30, 2012, 02:32:42 pm
I thought Ademaro and I got along great. We exchanged phone numbers. Hell, I'm the one who kept bugging him to get in game once it went live. If he had problems with some of the other leadership, I don't know why he didn't feel comfortable talking with me about it. I don't believe he had any problems with me.

Ademaro was in our raid group. We put off doing Nightmare mode so that we could gear him up. How he could claim lack of commitment to raid progression is beyond me. Part of the reason we're combining raid groups is to hopefully have at least one DEDICATED raid group instead of spreading ourselves to thin and get stuck with setbacks.

His issue with lack of PvP seems to contradict his issue with lack of raiding. It's very difficult to fit hardcore PvP and hardcore raiding into the same schedule. I think our new schedule is pretty close, though may need fine tuning. We've got three teams of dedicated PvPers ready to start rated warzones, so I'm not sure why he feels this way.

We're one of the largest Republic guilds on our server, if not the largest. Recruitment isn't an issue.

Maybe he had valid points somewhere in there, but I don't know, because he never brought it up to me. Instead he just went ahead and applied to a different guild. The little bit he told me was that our times never worked out for him. Even our 10 p.m. slot was pushing it for him (it was 8:00 his time). I pointed out that he's on an east coast server, so I don't know how much luck he's expecting to have with a different guild, but oh well.
Title: Re: ???
Post by: Faiden on March 30, 2012, 02:36:09 pm
Let's not put Ademaro in a negative light, he is friends with a lot of us and he had his reasons. One of them to clarify is that because of his work schedule and commitment to spend time with the gf and as I say "gain some rl levels." Was rendering him unable to raid or participate in the new schedule that is going to be put into effect soon. The times conflicted perfectly with his out of game schedule. My main point in saying all of this is don't be so quick to demonize him. He had no ill intentions nor any intentions of having any hard feelings left behind. Losing another good member sucks but it does not mean we have to lose a friend.
Title: Re: ???
Post by: Tbone on March 30, 2012, 02:39:58 pm
Quote from: "Saint"
 I sense through the force that certain people are feeling like the guild advertised itself as a highly pvp guild and often it seems to get put on the back burner.  Imo

No question that the guild naturally goes through phases of content. We have a large dedicated PvP base that burned through PvP content and got full Battlemaster. Ilum proved to be almost a non-PvP area. With the PvP content done, a lot of us began to look at other endgame content, mostly due to the fact that other endgame content could benefit us in PvP.

With 1.2 coming out, however, the new PvP phase is beginning. Next week we're hitting the ground with three Ranked Warzone practices a week. When 1.2 hits, it'll be four. And that's just the official events. That's not including when people just get together in the afternoon or whatever.

We also plan on starting the PvP Patrol event each week, where we divide up planets looking for PvP just for fun.

While I will admit that PvP content has been lacking and, therefore, wasn't as focused on in the past month, all indicators point to a strong surge in PvP as early as next week, and leaving right before all of that begins seems a bit hasty.
Title: Re: ???
Post by: Fuse on March 30, 2012, 02:44:49 pm
No demonizing, but he knew that Sared and I were working on things, he knew we wanted him to be part of it, and he knew that things specifically with PvP would have to be flexible until 1.2 actually comes out and we find our groove. I still look forward to playing with him - he's a good guy and good player.

More importantly...
For anyone else having similar thoughts, open your mouths please. That's far better than being disappointed and eventually leaving without even trying to get things moving in the right direction.
Title: Re: ???
Post by: likwidtek on March 30, 2012, 07:03:03 pm
He specifically brought up the PvP event tournament fight club type things thing to me (which I had only heard of here and there) and that he wishes we would participate.  This happened Tuesday or Wednesday I think.  I straight up told him, "Hey man, if that's something you're interested in, start a post of the forums and let's see if we can get a group of people interested.  Rally some people to your cause and let's do it!"  He dismissed it and did nothing.  So...

I mean, if you want to do something, let's do it.  But show some dedication and interest.  At least make a forum post or bring it up at the meetings.  He did none of these things.  Now, after the fact, and now we're comparing notes, it seems he did communicate to a bunch of people, but it was more or less complaining or spreading negative thoughts.  That could have been focused into forming up a group of people to compete in the specific tournaments he wanted.

I'd like to point out also how the master's ears are open.  Let's talk about stuff and let's make changes where they need to be.  But 1) you MUST communicate.  If you don't, sorry man we aren't mind readers.  and 2) Be prepared to roll up your sleeves and pitch in.  Meaning, if you just fold your arms and say "I WANT ROLE PLAY EVENTS!!!  MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!" and put in no effort yourself, don't be mad if things don't happen.  

If you have a passion project that you'd like to see happen, this guild is your sandbox.  We're creating an environment full of resources, people and tools to help make this game/server/community/allies whatever you want it to be.  But you gotta get your hands dirty sometimes and help shape things.  Creation is part of the fun.  

I'd like to see more people be passionate about things PLUS help lead and execute these sorts of things.  :)

To focus on some positive, there've been great things happening lately.

* Last Friday's FA Friday fun night was an insane drunken success. (we shall be repeating this!)
* There's another PvP Server event tonight (check the forums)
* We have a TF2 event tomorrow for Manic's birthday!
* Next Saturday Sared organized a credit payout PvP tournament (check the forums)
* We have an improved schedule!
* Tbone and lots of the other masters are making a HUGE effort to mix it up in other PvP and Raid groups and be awesome social butterflys to get to know more of the members
* Sared became a master! (oh god what have we done)
* We're getting to know other guilds better and building some alliances!  Look forward to joint TS drunken adventures soon with Alpha Company!

Guys let's just have fun.  Good things are happening and I'm proud to be in this guild.  If you have awesome ideas for things that will be awesome, SPEAK UP!  Let's do it!
Title: Re: ???
Post by: ExternalError on March 30, 2012, 08:44:45 pm
Good fucking riddance a leech on the guild sorry to you all who thought this guy was a good guy but from my interactions with him he was a selfish fucktard who I won't miss as he exhibited all of the traits I don't expect from an FA member so I'm glad he's gone
Title: Re: ???
Post by: ZephixLeer (Zephic) on March 30, 2012, 08:46:06 pm
This stuff is getting old so fast.
Title: Re: ???
Post by: Fuse on March 30, 2012, 10:34:59 pm
Quote from: "ExternalError"
Good fucking riddance a leech on the guild sorry to you all who thought this guy was a good guy but from my interactions with him he was a selfish fucktard who I won't miss as he exhibited all of the traits I don't expect from an FA member so I'm glad he's gone

...Things Ex says about Fuse when he signs off for $400.
Title: Re: ???
Post by: Paitryn on March 31, 2012, 04:03:12 am
Quote from: "ExternalError"
Good fucking riddance a leech on the guild sorry to you all who thought this guy was a good guy but from my interactions with him he was a selfish fucktard who I won't miss as he exhibited all of the traits I don't expect from an FA member so I'm glad he's gone

and comments made this way are not what i expect from someone who was a master at one point.

thought we were supposed to show some professionalism around here.

after speaking with him at length about it, im not entirely convinced either side of this case handled this well at all. and im definately not happy about either side of the fence.

speaking my mind about matters in general. When you go through the FA challenge, you have an expectation that this guild conducts its matters with a key focus. This has been FAR from the case. We raid half assed. we pvp half assed. and its not because we cant do both. its because NO ONE chooses to do either one with any real degree of more than just a passing interest around here.

I dont like raiding. (my cup was filled over in wow and watching the tutorial videos on the raids here tell me we have an expansion before i want to do more than walk through it once) So i dont. I give that open slot to someone who would actually want to raid with interest.

PVP wise its the same coin though. He and I and a select few people pvp day in and day out. we beg borrow and plead anyone to join up and on a good day we may have to tell someone the group was full. for a pvp guild that should have been an everyday thing.

And I dont blame the masters for this. They bend over backwards to try and get things to work the best they can. Tbone has even given up his chance to raid to try to make things work.

The problem lies with my fellow guildmates. none of you will shit or get off the pot when comes to doing anything with any core focus to what you want to do.

So back to some of us coming in from the challenge. we saw a hardcore guild with a core focus. what we have right now is a very casual guild that has a lot of separate interests and it pisses them off. Trash him all you want, but he was a harcore player with a focus. we didnt meet his needs and he started looking elsewhere for other guilds to fulfill that role.

cant really call him a selfish fucktard when the man almost always bent over backwards to help me out when i needed it.
Title: Re: ???
Post by: ExternalError on March 31, 2012, 06:20:52 am
I speak my mind my interactions with him were basically if it didnt suit him or if he didnt get anything out of it he couldnt be bothered, maybe he helped a few of you out as paitryn stated but from where I stand and my point of view his attitude was basically all me me me and that is something I don't want see in any guild member.  My opinions aside there is something to be noted from all this If you have a problem with anything we do in the guild then please raise it with a master they are all cool guys and if possible will work through your issue and try and adjust activities to suit were possible.
Title: Re: ???
Post by: ExternalError on March 31, 2012, 06:42:35 am
Quote from: "Fuse"
Quote from: "ExternalError"
Good fucking riddance a leech on the guild sorry to you all who thought this guy was a good guy but from my interactions with him he was a selfish fucktard who I won't miss as he exhibited all of the traits I don't expect from an FA member so I'm glad he's gone

...Things Ex says about Fuse when he signs off for $400.

Nah fuse although.. there would be alot more expletives but usually followed by the phrases "love that guy" and "awesome"
Title: Re: ???
Post by: JazzyC on March 31, 2012, 08:53:53 am
Quote from: "Paitryn"

The problem lies with my fellow guildmates. none of you will shit or get off the pot when comes to doing anything with any core focus to what you want to do.

Please don't tar us all with the same brush.  We didn't all come into this guild expecting the same as you.  Nor do we all expect the same things from a guild as yourself (or indeed Ademaro).
Title: Re: ???
Post by: likwidtek on March 31, 2012, 12:51:41 pm
Let's keep it positive folks! :)
Title: Re: ???
Post by: jessercas on March 31, 2012, 01:07:03 pm
Quote from: "Paitryn"
The problem lies with my fellow guildmates. none of you will shit or get off the pot when comes to doing anything with any core focus to what you want to do.

So back to some of us coming in from the challenge. we saw a hardcore guild with a core focus. what we have right now is a very casual guild that has a lot of separate interests and it pisses them off. Trash him all you want, but he was a harcore player with a focus. we didn't meet his needs and he started looking elsewhere for other guilds to fulfill that role.

I just want to say in response that I have heard lots of talk that many of the guild burned through PVP content very early on in the game.  Because of this they started spending time getting involved with other end game content.  This is especially true with all the dramatic changes coming down the pipe in 1.2. A lot of members really don't want to start focusing on PVP and spending time on tremendous efforts only to have to reconfigure things after the patch. Unfortunately, I feel like we are in a holding pattern with lots of people spinning their wheels just waiting for the patch so we can get super serious again; this requires patience.  That's what I think we as a group need to be focusing on, our patience while we wait for the patch and the dust to settle a little more in the game.
Title: Re: ???
Post by: Saint on March 31, 2012, 01:12:03 pm
The problem with us not being serious about pvp for so long is that alot of the imperials have not been taking a break and they now pawn ass because they are a well oiled machine now. We now have our work cut out for us to catch up in both gear, communication and tactics.
Title: Re: ???
Post by: likwidtek on March 31, 2012, 01:30:25 pm
Quote from: "Saint"
The problem with us not being serious about pvp for so long is that alot of the imperials have not been taking a break and they now pawn ass because they are a well oiled machine now. We now have our work cut out for us to catch up in both gear, communication and tactics.

There are a good number of guys that PvP boot camp every single time I'm on.  Fuse and Sared are leading the way on this pretty well I think.  I mean, not every member of the guild is a part of this but that's ok!

To say a good number of FA isn't taking PvP very serious isn't being realistic, IMO.  Also to expect that every member should put PvP over everything else isn't realistic either.  

Again, if you guys want something more or different, roll up your sleeves.  Get a conversation going on the forums, bring it up in the meeting, talk about it in TS, get people excited about doing what you want and let's get done what you want to do!
Title: Re: ???
Post by: ExternalError on March 31, 2012, 01:34:35 pm
i want a box of funfetti cake can you sort that out for me ;)
Title: Re: ???
Post by: Tbone on March 31, 2012, 01:38:05 pm
We're getting a bit off topic here, but to address the PvP concerns, starting next week we're having at least three organized PvP practices a week. Even without actually PvPing, most of what we're doing is in preparation to PvP.

Until the details of the new patch were announced, BiS PvP gear was actually a combination of Battlemaster AND Rakata gear AND crit crafted gear. So, to take me for example, after I finished getting Battlemaster, I started focusing on getting Rakata pieces while simultaneously grinding up through crafting professions to get the crit crafted stuff. I also started an alt so that, one, we would have another tank for flashpoints (at the time we were low on tanks) and also to have my own Biochem crafting so that I could send my main medpacs, stims, and adrenals.

All of this was to make sure I'm as geared as possible for PvP, but it all takes time and energy spent elsewhere. My alt is still only level 30 and, in order for me to produce enough mats to maintain my PvP, I need him to be able to comfortably get around a planet that has grade 5 nodes.

I've also been focusing on things to benefit the guild, of course. Even after I got Rakata gear, I kept raiding so that the raid group wouldn't drop off. I've been focusing on Synthweaving so that we'll be able to hit the ground running with augmented gear come 1.2. Granted, as leader, I have a lot of side stuff to do, but even a regular member will have goals for their progression that may have them doing different things as they accomplish these goals.

So just because less people have been PvPing doesn't mean it isn't still a main priority for a lot of people. As pointed out earlier, it can temporarily get moved aside to focus on other things that ultimately benefit PvP (I can see the legacy system become this type of distraction as well - all class buffs?!).

We've got a lot of organized weekly PvP on the horizon, though. We'll hit it hard and be back in shape and ready for the ranked stuff in no time!

And now for something completely different: Please avoid using negative personal attacks, even in the person you are attacking is no longer in guild. Thanks.
Title: Re: ???
Post by: Tecknik on March 31, 2012, 02:05:02 pm
Quote from: "Paitryn"
speaking my mind about matters in general. When you go through the FA challenge, you have an expectation that this guild conducts its matters with a key focus. This has been FAR from the case. We raid half assed. we pvp half assed. and its not because we can't do both. its because NO ONE chooses to do either one with any real degree of more than just a passing interest around here.

I don't like raiding. (my cup was filled over in wow and watching the tutorial videos on the raids here tell me we have an expansion before I want to do more than walk through it once) So I don't. I give that open slot to someone who would actually want to raid with interest.

What raid group have you run with that did things "half assed"?

I'm a normal DPS in Group 1, a fill-in for Group 2 and a normal Tank in Group 3.  I leveled my Commando to 50 and joined Group 1, and then when I saw that we were lacking tanks, I leveled a Shadow to be a tank strictly for raid/flashpoint content.  As far as I know, you've never run with Group 1 and I don't think you've ever run with Group 3.

I can tell you for a fact that Group 1 works it's fucking ass off to clear raid content.  We do the best with what we've got, and only recently have had problems because a few of our members have left the guild or can no longer raid during the week.  In our current situation, we've pulled other members into the group who have just hit 50 and want to raid.  We make sure to run the content as many times as we need to get them geared enough to continue raiding.  Our core Group 1 members are mostly in Rakata gear at this point, with a mix of Columi.  Our newer Group 1 members are geared in Columi, with some Rakata thrown in.

I can also assure you that Group 2, being Tbone and Broin's group, work their ass off as well.  Probably even more so than Group 1.  They ran into the problem that Group 1 has long before we did, so they have also been trying to gear new 50s up for content.  Group 2 is also mostly Rakata, if not all Rakata at this point.

Both Group 1 and Group 2 were filled with hardcore raid members, and I can't believe I'm the first one chiming in about your errant comment.

Group 3 has always been the raid for casual raiders.  External has stated that from the very beginning.  That being said, Group 3 still doesn't do things "half assed", and blazes through raid content.  We're currently working on getting everyone geared in Columi to start doing Hard Mode raids for Rakata Gear.

So please, kindly give me some insight as to how we are doing things "half assed"?
Title: Re: ???
Post by: Deathsboon on March 31, 2012, 04:54:11 pm
Quote from: "Paitryn"
We raid half assed. we pvp half assed. and its not because we can't do both. its because NO ONE chooses to do either one with any real degree of more than just a passing interest around here.

ummmm ive never ONCE seen where any of your fellow angels go half assed I can count every time ive pvped we all give it our best until 0s is left on the clock and in raiding when it gets to boss fights ,pull ect we are focused and serious
Title: Re: ???
Post by: Broin on March 31, 2012, 06:42:39 pm
Quote from: "jessercas"
I just want to say in response that I have heard lots of talk that many of the guild burned through PVP content very early on in the game.  Because of this they started spending time getting involved with other end game content.  This is especially true with all the dramatic changes coming down the pipe in 1.2. A lot of members really don't want to start focusing on PVP and spending time on tremendous efforts only to have to reconfigure things after the patch. Unfortunately, I feel like we are in a holding pattern with lots of people spinning their wheels just waiting for the patch so we can get super serious again; this requires patience.  That's what I think we as a group need to be focusing on, our patience while we wait for the patch and the dust to settle a little more in the game.

What Jess said...

I'll break it down like this...  

If you don't have the patience to persevere through the ebbs and flow then it's time to go.

When the new build comes out your gonna see me pvp'n like nobodies business.  I've slacked off on it the bast 2-3 weeks, to focus on raiding and gear and crafting, and even with that the people who are moanin' about it and claiming to be PVP'n non stop have yet to catch up to my Valor rank level.  And most of my Valor was through Warzones not the Illum debacle.  

So don't be tellin me I don't pvp or am not hard core at it.
Title: Re: ???
Post by: Paitryn on April 01, 2012, 12:39:04 am
I guess my point was missed entirely and the ones feeling the need to defend themselves werent the ones it was directed at.

Raid groups need 10 sign ups to confirm 8. we barely get that out of our regular members. you need about 20 to do 16. its just the way it is. but we arent getting a lot of commitment out of our regular base to fill those numbers. what i mean by half assed is that we dont get enough of a commitment to do anything out of a 100 members to do anything other than events like pvp patrols or drinking nights where we have a good turnout.

"Please don't tar us all with the same brush. We didn't all come into this guild expecting the same as you. Nor do we all expect the same things from a guild as yourself (or indeed Ademaro)." you missed the line that said some of us in my statement. I didnt tar anyone with the same brush. but it isnt really about what i expect the guild to do for me. When i was interviewed a lot of it was about what I could do for the guild instead.

And T, Broin, this has nothing to do with the masters. I stated that you guys bend over backwards for us. I want my fellow guildmates that are not commiting to something to contribute in some way to the guild for it to be successful.

I feel the ones talking on this thread are the ones I thought did the most for the guild thus far (as well as a lot of others). My problem is a lof of you suffer in your chosen content because we either have a big lack of interest in doing it (being short on raid content) or we arent committing to it when we want to.

I actually feel bad about not doing raids when i could be doing them with you. but its something me and linlinn talked about before the game even released that we didnt want the kids to be ignored or ourselves for raiding. (their real father does it enough it seems). work also throws a monkey wrench in that too. while ive voiced my disfavor of raids, they arent compeletely out of the question so much as making the full commitment I feel necessary for you guys to be as far in progression as you could be right now.

I dont think people should feel im taking Ademaro's side on things. If felt he was right in doing what he did and disliked everything going on, I would be gone too. but i think FA is one of (if not the) best guilds on the server. I just want the rest of the server to see what i see.
Title: Re: ???
Post by: Anamodiel on April 01, 2012, 02:26:51 am
Love you, Paitryn. :)
Title: Re: ???
Post by: Longboard on April 01, 2012, 02:50:46 am
I am getting tired of people "jumping ship" You get to know someone and they leave. I'm just saying it is getting on my nerves, no matter what the reason may be.
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