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Topics - Fuse

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 7
Off Topic / 48÷2(9+3) = ????
« on: April 15, 2011, 09:52:03 am »
I know this has been going around, but solve it...
There is one right answer. 2 or 288?

I wouldn't use a calculator.

Off Topic / Kaydara - New Matrix (sort of)
« on: April 09, 2011, 03:14:16 pm »

Some french folks made a film in the matrix world. Coming May.

This story takes place in the universe of the Wachowski brothers' film 'The Matrix'. Kaydara, a bounty hunter who is living separately from the Human Resistance Group, does not believe in the prophecy of the 'chosen one' . He thinks this 'saviour' is a threat to the awakening of Man's self-awareness. He considers the 'chosen one' as his enemy and if they cross paths, will not hesitate to confront him.

Looks really well done for a low budget flick - Looking forward to this.

(Sure did take a lot of money to outdo Broin and Adad)

They also made this cute film a couple years ago.

Off Topic / Random PICTURES!
« on: March 29, 2010, 09:36:10 pm »
Well I know both Manic and I have recently gotten nice dslr's - and I like showing off some cool shots, but think they clog up and slow down the Randomness thread a bit. So, I figured lets have a thread for pics; that is, pics of anything. Amusing/portraits/drawings/photographs. With that said, if the powers that be feel the Randomness thread will suffice for posting multiple images, feel free to lock this. =)

Off Topic / So I broke up with my Haitian girlfriend.....
« on: February 05, 2010, 06:08:44 pm »
she was crushed.

General / APB Beta Screenshots...
« on: October 19, 2009, 11:08:49 am »
Endomorph posted these on mxoforums:

If you find more, post em!

Non-VR Games / SWTOR Signatures...
« on: October 17, 2009, 10:27:50 am »
I know it may be early, but I'm thinking of starting to promote like crazy on forums so would like a good SWTOR signature, and my artistic skills are pretty limited. Use this thread similar to our darkfall one so those with the skills, time, and heart can help the rest of us out? I don't expect this thread to really get moving for a while, but might be pin worthy.

Off Topic / Help! Where should I go this week!
« on: September 14, 2009, 12:57:26 pm »
My wife and I have the rest of the week off. I'm booking a flight somewhere by tomorro. I don't care where - as long as there's something fun to do.

Any suggestions?

General / Matrix Online Memory Book
« on: September 04, 2009, 01:51:09 pm »

The first parts are 'eh' but it gets better... I like the memories quotes from players the most.

General / Star Trek Online Beta
« on: September 04, 2009, 09:51:09 am »
Open apps.

I'm signed up...

Non-VR Games / Star Wars Timeline
« on: August 31, 2009, 10:11:48 am »
I'm trying to catch up with the world of Star Wars outside the movies because I haven't really always followed the Lore, and haven't played the games. This Timeline is extremely detailed and helpful.

SWTOR is when the Cold War begins when the Treaty of Coruscant is signed in 3,653 Before the Battle of Yavin (Destruction of the Death Star)

Off Topic / Politics: Healthcare
« on: August 18, 2009, 09:46:29 am »
There's enough rumblings in the randomness thread, so I figure we'd pull it out and keep it as it's own thread. I'll start it off by just coping a few of my notes from that discussion.

Quote from: "Fuse"
Ask anyone in the healthcare system who works with patient if its a good idea-youll get the same answer. NO! I have a friend who has been an MD for 10 year. He grew up in Canada but moved here right after college and began his residency. He knows better than I what a clusterfuck gov run healthcare is. He ran away from it. Everyone at my wifes hospital is afraid. Its not about fearing change-the HC system needs change, but not this. Look at the DMV, medicare/medicade, social security, amtrak, the postal service, or simply our budget for an example of how great the gov can fuckup a system. Why would you put your trust in them with a record like thiers? Would you invest in someone like that?

Quote from: "Fuse"
Rights vs. Goods
I just ran into an article by Ron Paul about something my wife an I have had a long discussion about... Is health care a right? I don't think so. I beleive healthcare is something we pay for different level of service and because some people decide to become health care professionals, they deserve to be paid the same way that any provider of other goods are. I agree that all children should receive some sort of care, because if their parents are a waste of space it's not the kids fault, but the second they hit 18 they're paying for it like the rest of us. Also forget healthcare for the deadbeat mother of 5 who pops them out to keep receiving free care. (yes, it happens often)

"Political philosopher Richard Weaver famously and correctly stated that ideas have consequences. Take for example ideas about rights versus goods. Natural law states that people have rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A good is something you work for and earn. It might be a need, like food, but more “goods” seem to be becoming “rights” in our culture, and this has troubling consequences. It might seem harmless enough to decide that people have a right to things like education, employment, housing or healthcare. But if we look a little further into the consequences, we can see that the workings of the community and economy are thrown wildly off balance when people accept those ideas."
Healthcare Is a Good, Not a Right. - Ron Paul


I do not think the healthcare and insurance system is perfect - it is vastly flawed and does indeed need an overhaul. But it needs an overhaul that doesn't involve one person paying for another persons healthcare. Healthcare reform should be more focused on lowering costs, while maintaining or improving level of care. Competition does this. Capitalism does this. Socialism and Fascism does not.

Quote from: "Fuse"
I agree. What we seem to disagree on is how we should help. I don't think people should be FORCED into helping. I.e.taxes. Here in Illinois we already give free healthcare to people with low income all the time, and it's sad because those people for the most part abuse the system. The local hospital also offers complete bill writeoffs if an application is completed and it is deemed appropriate that they really can not afford the care. That's just one example of a private organization helping. Keep government, and more importantly, my money, out of "your" medical bill.
EDIT: Another item of interest. A private org giving free healthcare in Chicago:

I have a quote of my own too.
“I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I travelled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.” – Ben Franklin

From my observation, the opinions on many new policies seems to be split by age. So many younger people think this is a great idea. That Canadian doctor I mentioned earlier says unless you've payed into the system enough to see where the money goes, you have no sense of loss or responsibility. Maybe it's just the egotistical, "I deserve this", selfish mentality that has been being plauging our youth for the last few decades. Here's a note: You don't deserve shit. You are not owed anything. You earn it. You work for it. Hard work is so hard to come by these days by people in my own generation and younger. Corners are always being cut, and it's embarassing.

Going back to the Rights vs. Good notes I made, my opinion is that if you can not afford great HC, then that means you earn too little. That sucks - get a better job and work towards it. That goes back to the Ben Franklin quote I mentioned earlier. If you make people comfortable in poverty by, say, giving them free healthcare, then why should they even WANT to work harder? (Read the last part of my "Let's say" post for some elaboration on that)

My healthcare is pretty good, but I pay for it and would never ask any of you for a penny. My wife and I have gone through broken bones, pnumonia, and other issues which have caused us to cut back and have to extend thousands and thousands of dollars over a period of time and it sucks, but at least our health services, doctors, and plans were my choice.

You get what you pay for. If you're not able or willing to pay, you don't get it. Simple concept. Sucks for some people, but I can't pay for the "best" healthcare either, but that's because I can't afford it and I won't ask for any handouts.

Everyone also avoids discussing the complicated concept of how this will affect businesses. Most (about 70%) of businesses are small companies. I beleive about 37% of companies in this country have less than 100 people in them. When they can't afford to pay the healthcare of members and new taxes it will have two devastating effects. 1)Unemployment will go up. 2)It will cause reliance on this new "free" government healthcare.

I really hate talking political parties, because I beleive the concept has lost it's meaning over the last century, but this was an amusing joke:

General / XBox Live Names?
« on: August 07, 2009, 03:28:21 pm »
I know theres a thread here on it:

but it's a bit dated, so I figured I'd start a new one for current members. Post yours here and I'll update the first post.


Adad (Nettastuf13)

Dagonet (DA6ONET)

Anamodiel (Chrollin)

Bellthazar (XbelthazarX)

likwidtek (likwidtek)

Jeyk (Codex Hammurabi)

The Sorrows (Salvent)

Sared (Sared)

Er0z (Eroz)

Khr0n1ck (Khr0n1ck)

TecknikAJ (Tecknik)

Orphaeus (Orphaeus)

Off Topic / Central Illinois Get Together 2009 - July 31st
« on: May 30, 2009, 10:14:47 am »
Spawned from this thread...

This is not meant to take away from Ana's party, but if you're in the midwest and can't cover airfare or can't make it to DC for other reasons, I am offering up my home for the final day in MxO.

Bloomington, IL
Airport Code: BMI

I'll copy most of this from the LAN party I tried to throw a couple years back...

-July 31st-Aug 2nd. I'm taking the 31stoff work, and can provide rides to/from the airport if needed (it's a 5 min ride round trip). Everyone MUST be gone by 9pmish on Aug 2nd. I work for a living on Monday (plus I need a lot of beauty sleep).
-This is my home - If you disrespect my family, me, or the property, you're out regardless of your travel situation. (usually doesn't need to be said, but is a point to be made considering the next bullet...)
-BYOB. If you are 21+, bring drinks, enjoy them in moderation. Also needless to say, if your drinking, you're not driving.
-Smoking is ONLY allowed in the backyard... I might have some cigars for the finale.
-I respect my neighbors, so will you.
-I do have a guestroom. First person who comes will have dibs, UNLESS I have a friend of family member visit. For now all I can promise is that you can have a floor to sleep on. So if you want a warm bed, better bring one as you will not sleep with me, or my wife.

-The main focus will be PC games (MxO), but XBox360 will also be there.
-I will offer up my computer as the main server for the night, but this also means we play what I have/want/can install.
-I have a 24 port router, but BRING YOUR OWN CAT5!
-I can supply at LEAST one xbox360.

Equipment needed:
-Bring your computer if you can! If you are flying and unable, I may be able to accomodate.
-Extra router. I have not used this managed router yet, so am not completely sure if it works.
-Games (PC/360)
-360 controllers. I have 2.
-Extra folding table. Plastic/wood/whatever. If you have one, we might need it.
-PC Games (supply more ideas):
-XB360 Games (supply more ideas):

PM with the info below
-Phone number
-Location (city, I don't need your address)
-Do you plan to bring anything

After I get that information I can get back to you with my address and my contact information.

Off Topic / PG Porn
« on: February 04, 2009, 01:55:39 pm »

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