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FA in DC? by NoCry
[July 20, 2024, 02:02:57 pm]

Fifth Matrix Film Announced! by Lithium
[April 07, 2024, 09:49:37 pm]

2024: New PC for VR! by Tbone
[April 06, 2024, 12:22:30 pm]

MOVED: Fifth Matrix Film Announced! by Tbone
[April 06, 2024, 12:18:27 pm]

Holiday Fun by Tbone
[March 01, 2024, 09:09:44 pm]

Quest 2 Link Best Settings (Finally Better Than Rift S) by Tbone
[November 27, 2023, 04:57:46 pm]

randomness by Jeyk
[November 27, 2023, 09:42:30 am]

New PC for Oculus Rift (Purchased!) by Tbone
[December 01, 2022, 12:02:55 pm]

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Topics - Ash

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Off Topic / FA in DC?
« on: June 26, 2024, 08:33:01 am »
Hey 'ol timers! Any ya'll still in DC?  I'll be up that way next week and thought it would be neat to touch base.

General / FA appears in new article about Matrix Resurrections
« on: December 26, 2021, 06:55:16 pm »
It's a site devoted to comics and it's characters and it's just a screengrab but still, it showed up on my Google News feed, that's gotta count for something.

General / The Matrix: Resurrections
« on: September 07, 2021, 03:52:33 pm »
I guess someone had to start this thread... Enjoy!

Of course I checked the source code of the page....

"The Matrix is everywhere; it’s here and now. Make your choice to experience a new reality. It’s time to wake up."

Non-VR Games / Our SWTOR challenge
« on: April 16, 2015, 09:37:07 am »
Is our old SWTOR challenge still online somewhere, I can't remember the URL.  Was there a cheat sheet somewhere on this site too, was wanting to show it to a colleague who says he used to play the game.

Off Topic / Yotogi-joji (baby girl)
« on: October 15, 2014, 08:10:29 pm »
Had a recent addition to the family, and seeing as my first two were announced here, I couldn't let it pass without announcing this one as well.

This time it was a girl! My first! Born 5:52am 10-11-14.  7lbs 9oz and 19 1/2" long.  Both baby and mom are healthy and doing fine. 

I'll post pics soon!

I guess now I have to buy this...

General / Everything That Has a Beginning...
« on: April 18, 2012, 08:01:00 am »
...Has an Ending.

And so my time in Washington DC comes to a close.  Come May, I and my family will be pulling up stakes and moving to North Carolina for greeener pastures.  

I will miss the area greatly but it was time for something different and I'm looking forward to the new adventure.

Obviously this explains some of why I haven't been around lately but once things get settled I should return full force.  

(and for shame on anyone who thought this was an "I'm leaving FA" thread)

Non-VR Games / Staying in Game
« on: December 17, 2011, 02:18:25 pm »
Does anyone know what the time limit is on being AFK while in-game before the system boots you out?  I've had almost no opportunity to get in-game this week because of my busy schedule and the damn 60 minute queues just to play.  I'm looking for a way to get around it by just staying logged in.  Any suggestions or am I just gonna but out-of-luck until they either remove the PopCap or I find more free time?

Off Topic / New Rig
« on: December 06, 2011, 10:13:17 pm »
As some of you know I've been debating for about six months now on whether to buy a new PC or to build one outright.  After listening to the advice of others and taking in all the information I decided to build it myself.  I had looked at all the major specialized PC makers including and almost purchased something a couple of times but I held out and waited.  I knew I wanted the new Sandy Bridge-E CPU and I wanted something that would handle gaming over three monitors.  I also wanted to make damn sure that this new machine would be as future proof as a computer could be because I don't plan on making this type of purchase again for at least 5-7 years.  

I scoured each and every custom PC site for the right build at the right price but never was satisfied, I think I even spec'd out this exact build from and the total came close to $4,000.  OUCH!  

Anyway I bit the bullet and started buying components back in October and took advantage of the recent Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals and so the last piece arrived this evening.  

The picture below is just the first of several to come.  I've decided to document the build process in case anyone is interested and because this will be my first computer build in over a decade so there's sure to be issues.

I will eventually be adding a water cooling system for the 2 video cards if I see that it is necessary.  I will also be installing a OCZ RevoDrive at some point to use for certain applications and games.

Here is a link to the full-size photo

Here is the parts list for the the picture above:
1)Case:  SilverStone FT02 (Motherboard rotated 90 degrees to allow for natural vertical heat dissipation)
2)Motherboard:  Asus Rampage IV Extreme LGA2011
3)CPU:  Intel I7-3930K LGA2011
4)GPU:  PowerColor Radeon HD 6970 (Qty. = 2)
5)RAM:  Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1866 Mhz (Qty. = 32GB)
6)PSU:  Corsair Gold Series AX1200
7)CPU Cooler:  Corsair H80
8)HDD:  Corsair Force GT SATA3 120GB SSD
9)NIC:  VisionTek Killer 2100 Gaming Network Card (I'll admit this was a frivolous purchase but it was on sale)

Sorry for the long read, hope you stick around for the final product.

FA Artwork / Furious Angels Merchandise
« on: August 18, 2011, 10:51:44 pm »
The FA Store is now officially open.

Take a look at all the items Zazzle offers and post here with one's you want to see created for FA.

If you want to try your hand at designing something for the store post here and I'll send you a link to download our Graphics.  We've got some new policies and guidelines in place for our FA Brand so be sure to touch base with me in TeamSpeak to go over the details.

Here is a link to help you when designing for their products.

Here is a general link to ensure that your designs turn out the best they can.

One of the cooler things Zazzle allows is the ability to embroider clothing (hats, jackets, sweaters, etc), here is a link to a PDF file that goes into all the specifics.

Steps for submitting designs:

When you have created your design send a copy of the master design file (.psd, .ai, etc.) as well as a copy in image format (.jpg, .png, or .gif) to me,  The design file you send will be uloaded to our secure graphics repository and be available for future use.

Be sure to include which product it is for and I will upload it to the FA Store.  

If you have specific criteria for your design (needs to be on a specific type shirt or specific size, or the customer should not be able to customize it in any way) please let me know in your e-mail.

I will update this post as new products are created.

FA Artwork / Poll: New FA Gear Vendor
« on: August 16, 2011, 09:48:48 pm »
Attention All,

We are currently looking at new vendors to host/sell our user created FA Gear and we need everyone in the faction to vote on which vendor would best suit our needs.  I've narrowed it down to three vendors, listed below, and I've included a very brief Pro and Con with each one.  

We need each and every one of you to take some time and check out each site and then vote on a vendor based on the information you have gleaned.  Also feel free to post any additional Pro's and Con's that I have not listed and I will make sure they get added to this original post.  

The goal is to have one store we can use to make all of our merchandise.  Once a vendor has been decided then I will make another post regarding what merchandise we need designs for, what the design requirements would be and the policies/guidelines when using the FA Brand.  

We plan on rolling out a ton of products so it is imperative that we find a really good company that we can use for many years into the future.

Vendor 1:
            Higher quality products, imprinting and embroidery
       Most items to design for
       FA Store capable
       Can have multiple designs sold on same product

            Always charges royalty (minimum 10%)
            Royalty charged even when sold to owner (~8%)
            Image conversion fee for converting image to embroidery
            //We could bank the royalty money from purchases to pay for future image conversion fees or for future FA awards
    Vendor 2:
              Current Vendor (no learning curve)
         Can remove royalty completely
         FA Store capable

              Fewer items to design for
         Quality is sub-par
         Can not have multiple designs for same product[/list]
      Vendor 3:
                 Private labeling and branding, no mention of Printfection on Storefront or materials
                 Can sale items at cost, no royalty
                 FA Store capable

                 Fewest number of items to design for
                 Quality unknown[/list]

        Off Topic / PS3 Reflow
        « on: May 01, 2011, 07:59:27 pm »
        I have a 1st generation PS3 which finally gave up the ghost on Friday with a Red Light of Death (RLOD), it would not boot up.  After discovering what options I had, I realized that I neither wanted to pay Sony another $150 to fix it (because it was out of warranty) or spend another $300 to buy a new one.  

        So what is a guy to do but fix it myself.  I spent a few hours scouring tons of sites, videos, instructions on how I could fix the problem and came across the PS3 Reflow fix.  Basically after completely disassembling the PS3 to get to the heart of the machine, the motherboard, I took a heat gun (purchased from Lowes for $24) and melted the solder connections for both  the CPU, GPU and surrounding chips, allowing the solder to "reflow" into a their proper connections. I then applied new Arctic Silver Thermal Compound ($10 at Radio Shack) to the GPU and CPU before reassembly. Now I can get into the reason why this is the needed fix if anyone is interested in a secondary post but suffice to say after a half hour of cooling I put the whole thing back together and she works like new.  

        Now I'm positive this isn't a permanent fix (all the videos I've seen say as much) but I rarely use the PS3 for games these days so it might last me quite a while.  

        If anyone is interested in the instructions I used, let me know and I'll post them.  I just wrote this up in case this situation happened/ or might happen to a fellow PS3 owner.

        Off Topic / Yotogi III
        « on: February 07, 2011, 02:12:49 pm »
        Just thought I'd share a quick birth announcement, Yotogi III, (another boy), born 2:19am 2-7-2011.  7lbs 4oz and 20 inches long.  Details and pics soon!

        Off Topic / Portal 2 (and Steam)
        « on: January 18, 2011, 09:23:34 am »
        Interesting article about Portal 2 for PS3 and how you'll be able to link your PSN account to your Steam account.   Who knows maybe one day soon you'll be able to buy a game just one time and play it on whatever medium you wish.

        Off Topic / MxO forums officially removed from SOE
        « on: August 07, 2010, 11:25:46 pm »
        Title says it all...sad day indeed.

        Off Topic / Graphics / Monitor Question
        « on: March 03, 2009, 03:11:27 pm »
        Okay so I'm planning on expanding my system to support 3 monitors (3rd should arrive in the next day or so) but I'm still not sure how the best way to set them up would be.

        Here's the list of related equipment:

        a) Nvidia GeForce 256MB 6800 (w/ one DVI & one VGA output)
        b) Sony 19" SDM-HS94P Monitor (quantity = 1, main monitor)
        c) Dell 19" UltraSharp 1908FP (quantity = 2)

          *If you need to know about any other components just say so and I'll let you know what they are*

        So I guess my main questions are:

        1) Would it be best to upgrade my Graphics card and if so are there any that natively support 3 DVI outputs?
        2) Do I need to buy 2 new Graphics cards (one with 2 DVI outputs and another w/ one DVI output?
        3) Do I just upgrade my Graphics card with a single DVI output and then use the Matrox "TripleHead2Go" device to span all 3 monitors?
        4) Finally, any recommendations on specific cards?  (I'd like to stay with Nvidia)

        I'm going with the 3 monitor setup for mainly for productivity but would love to be able to span all 3 monitors while gaming without worry about stretching the display.  I'm not worried about budget for now because I want to first see what all of my options are;  later I'll start to narrow down the field.

        Thanks in advance Angels, your help is greatly appreciated.

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