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Author Topic: So sad...makes me glad I'm here  (Read 11515 times)


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So sad...makes me glad I'm here
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2004, 07:00:24 am »
I was wondering about that (TBone's organization of the FA) when I read that article.  Excellent foresight.


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« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2004, 07:11:22 am »
Hey, did he mention free t-shirts, I didn't get one of those!!  But yeah, it's also a "social" place, MxO that is, so you can jack in for whatever, I believe.


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« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2004, 07:13:10 am »
I dont think it will get like that. Obviously within the films you logged in and out as fast as possible as they risked there lives. Even if we risk our avatars life, thats not gunno hold me back, but that shouldent be an issue. Its peace now, so I guess free minds are all good to just wander the streets.

"What about the others?"
"what others?"
"the ones who want out"
"obviously, they will be freed"
"do i have your word?"
"what do you think i am, human?"

That conversation (between oracle and architect) implies to me that the humans have a greater freedom now, until the peace is broken. I know an arguement against that is if you got out the matrix the last thing you would probably do is get into broadcast depth and log back in. However, I personally would spend my time hanging out in the matrix if i were in that situation. The real world is a dire mess, I wouldent want to spend all my time there.


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« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2004, 07:14:14 am »
haha,, cephus summed up what I said in 5 words...Its also a "social" place...

Offline likwidtek

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So sad...makes me glad I'm here
« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2004, 07:16:30 am »
Quote from: "Tubias"
lol...I hope the FA's dont decide to take it seriously to the point where we only "jack in" to do what we need to to. Im playing this game for fun over realism to the films (but not blatantly stupid unrealism to the films)

We have no representation of Zion. As someone said its likely to become a forum somewhere, I dont like the idea of us making no difference in the game....we just log on, hack some stuff then once zion is secure log off.....

I'm sorry you misunderstood me.  I just meant that wasting time over petty turf battles as opposed to actually playing the game seems silly.  Why just bicker with other clans over who rules more when you can actually follow the story that is being laid out in front of you.  I'm in no way saying not to enjoy the game.  I, personally, will prolly be hanging out in many a club taking in the scenery.

Hell I remember when I was playing Star Wars Galaxies... I thought the engine was so beautiful... I just walked around in the desert on Tatooine at night taking screenshots to share with friends.  Just kinda exploring and having fun.

To me that's more important then "y00r a n00b!!!  NUH UH!!! YER A N00B!! LOLOLZZ!@!%@$%!  3y3 AM 1337z0r NEO!!!!  My CLAN IS COOLER THEN YOUR CLAN!@!@%^  LOLOLZZ!!@!1 OMG OMG ROFL PWND n00b!!!!  YOU WANNA DUEL????/ YOU SUCK I RULE YOU SUCK MY CLAN RULES LETS FIGHT YOU SUCK"  ......get my point?
"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."


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« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2004, 07:28:12 am »
Quote from: "likwidtek"
To me that's more important then "y00r a n00b!!!  NUH UH!!! YER A N00B!! LOLOLZZ!@!%@$%!  3y3 AM 1337z0r NEO!!!!  My CLAN IS COOLER THEN YOUR CLAN!@!@%^  LOLOLZZ!!@!1 OMG OMG ROFL PWND n00b!!!!  YOU WANNA DUEL????/ YOU SUCK I RULE YOU SUCK MY CLAN RULES LETS FIGHT YOU SUCK"  ......get my point?

hahahahaha, its funny because its true. I used to cruise round tattoine too, just taking in the scenery and being amazed when I bumped into tuskens and jawas scraping it out. Problem with galaxies was the PvP had nothing to fight for.

Yes, I agree, if the streets were up for grabs it would turn into petty street wars. I dident look that through to hard, but personally I think that would be better than the SWG pvp system. GOD DAMMIT THAT PISSED ME OFF SOMETHING CRONIC.

They have to be able to give us something to fight for (other than our own imagenry Zion in our heads and the revenge the SWG always used to entice) I would love for there to be some serious competition and conflict within PvP in MxO...not just fighting because you see an enermy. (although thats always the No. 1 reason to scrap)

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So sad...makes me glad I'm here
« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2004, 09:15:25 am »
I was just about to say, one thing we all need to keep in mind is that we are all in this for FUN! If you're here, though, that means you're interested in being the best and, let's face it, being the best is fun! One cool thing about the Matrix is how they always jacked in as a group and worked together to accomplish their missions. You are obviously here because you want to impact the Matrix story. Let's work hard, but let's not work so hard that we forget that it's all about having fun! Things fall apart when people aren't happy!

Oh, and are there free t-shirts? Where do I sign up? Heh...

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So sad...makes me glad I'm here
« Reply #22 on: May 07, 2004, 09:18:26 am »
I want free stuff!!  Hey to uhm you wanna do a cafe press thing?  Hat's T-shirts, mugs, etc?  :-D
"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."


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So sad...makes me glad I'm here
« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2004, 09:48:27 am »
trying not to sound annoying and petty, but i hate people that constantly t4lK l1k3 th1S n00B 0wN0rZ jo0!  they have ruined so many moorpgs, you cant log onto pretty much any mmorpg without a greeting of "0h 1m S0 mucH m0R3 l33T d4n jo0!" we should maintain dignity and stand above them. Dont stoop to their level or start a fight for no reason we must preserve the respect we have managed to build up this far out of the game.

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So sad...makes me glad I'm here
« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2004, 05:37:12 pm »

I want to get more people's thought about the earlier posts in this thread.
"To the darkened skies once more and ever onward."


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« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2004, 05:41:50 pm »
The use of n00b as an insult is retarded. Everyone is new to everything at some point, its just complete eejits who start numerous threads which basicly rephrase the question "can I be the one"? Dont even insult these people, its not worth the arthritis you are at risk from getting from typing :P


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« Reply #26 on: May 07, 2004, 08:31:06 pm »
Zion is about honor.

But that really begs the question.  What is honor?  I was always taken with the gypsy code, or the Mafia code, or the thieves code.  Take your pick, there are several.  

Strength in numbers is one thing.  Dedication to a like-minded goal is another.  And style - lets not forget about style.  But above all (and here I am briefly reminded of Moulin Rouge) ... honor.  I am not about to devise what our code should be, and I think since this is a game and many people have different play styles a strict code will bring its own problems, but in any game I have ever played it is the guilds with honor that survive and flourish.

That said, there is nothing wrong with retribution or "pay back."  I may not spit in the face of one who wrongs me and I will not shout petty insults that reflect more poorly on me than on my enemy.  But neither will I stand idly by and permit the insult.

Hm. Where was I going with this?  *wanders off to find the end of her rambling*


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« Reply #27 on: May 07, 2004, 10:35:39 pm »
Yeah more then likely Tubias that isn't going to ahppen. More then liekly what IS goign to happen is that we are going to be able to play what we want, and you know do what we want, but when the time comes and your crew needs you, you're going to have to jack in and do what is needed of you tehn and there.

I'm really glad to be part of this "faction". Wow it's so cool to say that. Alotta thanks to Catylst for helping me figure out the thing you know "...Follow the SOURCE..." and all - took me forever to get it but I'm glad I'm here. FA is going to rock. But guys as always I am new but with new people comes new ideas and hopefully new possibilites and hopefully new changes.

Likwidtek was right about us needing to figure out what we want to do before the game come sout. What we must do is coordinate our attack plan, and organization plan. How will we do this? We can do this by analyzing what each ability guy can do, and seeing the possibile missions that we'll have to encounter, and the general strengths and weaknesses of our staff. What we can do is in the forums ask everyone to give a general idea of what they beleive they should be, and give a lsit of their strengths and weaknesses. This will help Tbone, and hopefully some of the other people that can be put on this project to not only get to know who each and everybody is in this clan, but to get a general idea of who wants to be what, and what role they'd be most effective for. - Just an idea

Now Likwidtek your idea about us shaping MxO by having FA only fight for Peace is a well idealed and commendable plan, but I'm not sure how effective it would be. The reasons for this is let's jsut be relistic for a moment. We can't ever make FULL peace. It's a game that is striving off of the fact that the peace is shaky at best, and soon will come to an end. If we were to become close to causing peace, the game developers would cause some faction of AI machinists to like do something to disrupt it, or like have the machines backstab us or something. But I'm not disagreeing with you on what we should fight for. We SHOULD fight for peace, or atleast first and foremost Zion. Or let's take that and change it to let's fight for the humans. Different definitions right?

To get everybody's definition on what Zionist means to them so we can better identify our mission goals, I'll make a topic in the forums.......God I am way to into this..

Peace ya heard


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« Reply #28 on: May 07, 2004, 11:02:57 pm »
Oh So SORRY guys, I hadn't relized tehre was a page two until AFTER I had posted. THat whole joor a n00b l053r bs sux so much ass it's unimaginable.....When I played starcraft (oldie but goodie) it was all the talke's like the ebonics of online games lol.

What Muse said about honor is correct. Our clan should have amd amounts of honor. Like the samuri....I'm not to sure if they would let someone spit in thier face and jsut get away with it, and you can't deny that these people didn't have honor. They KILLED THEMSELVES over it. Committed suicide. That's pretty deep crap - ya know what I'm talking about. We should fight for honor, but we shouldn't be chumps either.

The turf to be all honest does sound fun lol but I also know that it's wrong and that we should try and prevent this from happening, even though I'm not sure if we can....I think our power is going to come from alliances. We can be a small faction, but ahve a relatively LARGE impact on what happens. We can do this by manuevering out way to the top. I think we're going to have to rely on allinces to do this. The proof of this would be America - forget about all it's political turmoils, but let's look at the facts. It is a relatively small country compared to it's enemies and the such, but look at it's alliances. America isn't great because of itself, but by its alliances. It's allied with the great power of the world - Britain, Canada etc etc. Unfortuantly America has manuevered politcally wrong and is losing some of its allies, but thats besides the point.

I agree with Tbone, that his game is about FUN!! and being the best is fun. To be the best we gotta strategize, but not get so sneaky and evil that we forget wat the GAME is all about....jut a game


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« Reply #29 on: May 07, 2004, 11:38:19 pm »
Good perspective, Eclipse.  Glad to have you with us.  If you decide to help out with the recruiting threads, I think you have enough examples to get the idea of how much info to give.  Subtlety, patience, and mystery...  And make sure you don't put hints all in caps, try to keep it low key.



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