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Topics - Subb

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Non-VR Games / FA in SW:TOR
« on: January 21, 2010, 06:05:15 pm »
So, I've been batting some ideas around in my head and decided to put pen to paper (well, y'know what I mean) and want to see what you guys think about FA in SW:TOR.

Your thoughts please!

Ideas for FA structure in SW:TOR[/u]


Tbone has changed the Sect's hierarchy as seen here

Who are the Furious Angels?

Well, I think this is something we all need to chip in for. Are we vengeance incarnate? Are we protectors of peace? Are we those who are sent in when everyone else has failed? Or are we all of these? An idea of mine is that we’re like Dan Brown’s Priory of Sion; where prominent Jedi members are actually part of FA but keep it a secret? That way we can fully integrate ourselves into the SW Universe without technically breaking canon.

Where do the Furious Angels exist?

As soon as SW:TOR was announced, one planet is particular stood out in my mind. In Ep. I The Phantom Menace, Anakin asks Padme if she is an Angel and that the Angels live on one of the Moons of Iego

If not, maybe some remote world in the outer rim territories or in the unknown regions will suffice. Hell, we could even make a planet up. Due to our Order recruiting from all professions, FA’s resources can be limitless (or near to) making it possible for us to infiltrate any organisation, feed lies and deceit amongst our enemies – using their own tactics against them – and have safe houses on every planet.

Entrance into the Furious Angels & who can join?

To this point in time, we have agreed to side with the Republic (unless I am mistaken) so this must be one requirement. Any class can join, but they are ‘knighted’ into our Order, assuming the rank of ‘Brother/Sister’ or whatever we want to call them and then progress to the rank of Knight. Like I said, this is regardless of class – even a space pirate can become a ‘Knight’.

UPDATE: Follow the Signal is in place and launched.

Proposed history of the Furious Angels.

The Furious Angels were established during the First Great Schism from which the Bogan (Dark side) was first discovered. This conflict began roughly 24,500 BBY and resulted in the Dark side users being cast out of the Jedi Order. The Furious Angels believed that to combat the growing tide of darkness, another approach was needed; so a group of Jedi consisting of the most powerful Guardians, Sentinels and Consulars decided to tread a thin line, skirting between the light and dark side but never fully falling. “To serve the light, we fight in the darkness”

After the great schism, the Angels are not heard from again until the Hundred Year Darkness. It was during this time when the Sith Order was established. All through the war, the Furious Angels earned their reputation among the Council by taking on some of the most dangerous missions of the campaign and were, ultimately, one of the key contributing factors for the victory on Corbus, thus ending the war. As quickly as they came, the Angels left.

The next recorded sighting of the Furious Angels is during the Great Hyperspace War. They are the unsung heroes of the final battle on Corusant, leading ground forces on missions into the heart of the invading army before vanishing once again.

The Furious Angels played no major part in the Third Great Schism but did play a part in the capture of Ulic Qel-Droma (with rumours that Master Vodo-Siosk Baas was indeed the Knight Commander at the time) during the Great Sith War by deploying the Wall of Light – the greatest weapon in the Jedi arsenal.

Due to a subtle disturbance in the Force, the Angels decided not to participate in the Mandalorian Warsbut instead adopted a ‘wait and see’ approach on the situation, sensing a hidden threat. After the war, instead of facing Revan’s invasion/the Jedi Civil War head on, the Angels turned their gaze to the unknown regions in an attempt to draw out the darkness hiding amongst the shadows. This darkness, unbeknowest to them was the Sith Emperor.

On 3954 BBY the Furious Angels disappeared, after the First Jedi Purge starting on Katarr, only to reappear at 3652 BBY – 1 year after the Treaty of Corusant - with a new leader and new order...

The Furious Angels and the rest of the Galaxy

Today, the question of how do the rest of the Galaxy view FA crept up on me. Are we totally hidden from the public eye or are we well known, striking fear into any wrong doer but our details are unknown and our existence is either denied or are we hunted by the Republic's law enforcement? I personally think that it'd be cool if the Republic's soldiers call us the White Knights of the Republic, cheered as we appear running to the front lines and then disappearing as quick as we appeared.

What say you?

The Furious Angels and non-Jedi

Whilst many of us will be running as Jedi, I believe that all members should be Force sensitive (since as per SW lore, the Force is present in everyone) and with their extensive training, have become one of the best in their fields of choice. For example, being the top of their class in Havoc Squad training.

Specialities in the Furious Angels

As pioneers of the Force, combat, research etc. I believe that those of us who become leaders in our fields should teach our new recruits or anyone who wishes to expand on their own abilities. I propose that we should give titles out to those who have either a) demonstrated amazing abilities in their field b) done a unique task before anyone else in the Sect or c) it fits them either as a player or in a roleplaying sense (I've always imagined Broin as a Jedi Archaeologist who has delved deeper than most into the Force's secrets and as a result has become an uber Consular).

* Jedi Watchman - Do you feel an attachment to a planet and spend most of your time there? Maybe become a Watchman of that planet is possible; just like Kai Justiss, Watchman of Kashyyyk.
*Jedi Weapon Master - Do you possess the ability to go toe to toe with the most powerful of foes? Do you strive to hone your Lightsaber technique? As you advance, maybe you'll wish to teach others and become a Battle Master?
*Jedi Shadow - Do you actively search for the symptoms of the Dark Side restlessly? Do you strike first and ask questions later?

Just an idea...

Support / Laptop Problems!
« on: January 17, 2010, 11:20:18 am »
I think my laptop may be on it's last legs :'(

I was streaming/buffering house and heroes (in seperate tabs on Mozilla) and my Laptop's screen started to, what I can only describe as, flicker and pixellate (sp?) before crashing.

Now, when I boot it up - it refuses to boot into safe mode and there are three and a half minature screens, literally 6cm in width and go about 3/4 across the screen. The resolution is ridiculous and the colour is wank. I'm currently defragmenting the HDD and I will run an anti-virus after, since to me it does sound like virus.

Any ideas??


General / Anyone know of...
« on: November 05, 2009, 12:43:43 pm »
An amature graphic artist? Or a good website to put up a wanted advert?


Non-VR Games / Star Wars: The Old Republic - Official Thread
« on: June 07, 2009, 07:02:59 am »
As many of you know, SW:TOR is an MMO being created by Bioware (need I say more?). The game takes place in the Star Wars galaxy approximately three hundred years after the events of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

Why am I so excited about this game? Well I wasn't until I read this - 'Traditionally MMOs are built on three pillars; Exploration, Combat, and Progression. BioWare and LucasArts believe there is a fourth pillar: Story. Our mission is to create the best story-driven games in the world. We believe that the compelling, interactive storylines in Star Wars: The Old Republic are a significant innovation to MMOs and will offer an entertainment experience unlike any other'. Sounds good, eh? Your character will effect the environment around you and the character following you (I guess via a similar system like KOTOR2's Influence system).

Will I be able to play on the Light or Dark side of the Force?

Yes, during character selection you will align with the Republic or the Sith Empire. In addition, throughout the game you will also be faced with many decisions which can change your path down the Light or Dark side of the Force.

When does SW:TOR happen, in relation to the Movies?

It takes place more than 3,500 years before the rise of Darth Vader. So, there's a shit load of room to play around in with this vastly un-explored era.

Sooo.... how does this relate to SW:KOTOR??

At the conclusion of the Jedi Civil War in KOTOR, Revan disappeared into unknown space in search of a great threat to the Republic, an expanding Sith Empire led by a mysterious Emperor who planned vengeance for his ancient Jedi enemies. Revan never returned from unknown space, but the Sith Empire did, kicking off a war with the Republic that lasted for decades. Now, despite the uneasy truce created by the Treaty of Coruscant, the tension among the divided star systems is threatening to once again tear the galaxy apart.

I am saddened about this - I would've loved it if there was a KOTOR 3 to finish the storyline and THEN they could've done this MMO.

Will any KOTOR Characters be in the Game?

Well, it is 300 years AFTER the series, so most probably no. However, many of their descendants will be part of SW:TOR. Some droids can last a long time as well, meatbag.

What classes are there in SW:TOR?

They're being revealed one by one, so details are short. But, we can assume that there's definately going to be Jedi and Sith archetypes. Trooper and Bounty Hunter have been confirmed.

More Info please, KthxBye

.... fine. Here's a timeline narration... pretty cool (there are 2 stories at the moment), story telling trailer, webcomic

Anything else that's truely awesome?

Oh, shit. Yeah << I swear that's better than the entire saga.

Discuss.... anyone else thinking of playing this?

There's no release date as of yet but it's ETA is 2010.

Off Topic / Star Trek
« on: May 07, 2009, 04:53:17 pm »
Go and watch it, you slaaaaaaags.


Off Topic / Batman: Arkham Asylum
« on: May 01, 2009, 01:25:34 pm »
Has anyone else been keeping tabs on this game? It's actually gotten me quite excited. So excited infact that I may purchase the Collectors Edition for £60 which comes with [/geekmode]a lifesize replica of the batarang[/endgeekmode] and some other goodies.

Anyone else excited about the game?

For Brits and other curious about the collectors edition: clicky

Off Topic / You're going to see less of me for a while...
« on: April 18, 2009, 10:29:02 am »
I have Anatomy, Physiology, Neuroscience, Technique and patient care finals until mid may. Just a heads up if I go away for a while.

General / The Darkfall 'Help and Request' Thread
« on: April 16, 2009, 03:25:29 pm »
I would like to open this thread as a 'Help and Request' hub for all things Darkfall. We're all most newbies here (including me) and we all need to help each other out.

I'll get this thing rolling;

*I have very poor combat skills - both roughly level 7.7 :( - I need help to increase them, be it pointers or a volunteer to parry my blows for ten minutes or so.
*I can't mind metal mines - anyone know of any good sites?
*I have no armour on me besides the three pieces of cloth armour (chest, greeves and legs) that NoCry gave me; I need more and I'm willing to pay since I'd like leather for archery and banded for close combat. Or for the equipment to begin leveling my armour smithing.


Off Topic / Bad News...
« on: April 07, 2009, 09:03:22 am »
'Thank you for your purchase and we ll see you in Darkfall!

The Darkfall Team'


Downloading now :p

[Thanks for the heads up NoCry *dap*]

Off Topic / DVD-ROM issues
« on: April 04, 2009, 03:29:17 pm »
My DVD-ROM won't work; it makes a 'buzz-buzz' noise in a rhythmical order with a couple of the normal CD 'whirls' but nothing happens... is it fluggered or is there a simple fix?

« on: December 25, 2008, 04:28:47 am »
Remember to eat and drink lots and lots - it's a proven fact that you can't gain weight over crimbo (so Nocry, you can rejoice as your little 'un won't shout at you more).

I havent opened my christmas presents yet and it's 10:28 but have started on the tia maria and coffee which is splendid - do try it!

Again, merry christmas my Angels. :)

Off Topic / Laptop sexeh timeh
« on: August 18, 2008, 12:50:33 pm »
University timeh = Laptopeh neededeh!!

I do not want to lug around my desktop so I need a decent laptop (which dad said he would pay for as a passing my exams treat! woop! He'll die once he finds out how much a 'decent' one is). I can get some kind of discount with Dell 'cause I'm a student (roughly 3%)

I've done two saved laptops, can you review 'em and tell me which one I should choose? Or recommend a totally different one, I'm not fusseh.

LAPTOP 1: Inspiron 1720 £549.01

Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor T5750 (2.0 GHz, 667 MHz FSB, 2 MB L2 cache)   

Genuine Windows Vista® Home Premium SP1 - English   

1 Year Base Warranty

Alpine White with Gloss Finish & Int. 2.0 mp web camera

17.0" Widescreen WXGA+ (1440x900) TFT Display with TrueLife™   

3072MB 667MHz Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM [1x2048+1x1024]   

120GB (5400rpm) SATA Hard Drive   

nVidia® GeForce™ Go 8600M GT with 256MB DDR2 dedicated graphic memory   

Fixed Internal 8X DVD+/-RW Drive including Software      

Primary 6-cell Lithium-Ion Battery (56 WHr)

LAPTOP 2: £669.02

Same, except:

2.0 mega pixel Camera & Tuxedo Black for CCFL Display

15.4" Widescreen™ WXGA (1280x800) TFT Display (220nits) with TrueLife™

Biometric Fingerprint Reader with BLACK accent

160GB (5400RPM) SATA Hard Drive

Fixed 8x DVD+/-RW Slim Slot Load drive, including SW   

Cheers, Subbeh!

Off Topic / DC Universe Online
« on: August 01, 2008, 12:20:01 pm »
I don't know about you lot, but I am very excited about this game. I 'spose there is a superhero game already (City of Heroes/Villains) but this game is DC Comics :D :D :D :D The Joker anyone? Nightwing, The Batman, Robin (Tim Drake era), Superman, The Green Lantern (both versions I think are included) etc. etc. are there and so are most of the villains.

The environment is highly interactive - you can throw buses at the enemy if you wish.

I want this game. and I want it like a child at christmas. I know I'll also be creating a character with no powers (like batman) - I wonder if we can have batmobile esque vehicles, since you can fly and run up the side of skyscrapers if you have superpowers.

You also have to conceal your identity. Yes, you have to walk around as your alter ego e.g. Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson etc. Needless to say - this sounds like a fun game!

Anyone interested in this new MMO?

Dear Santa, please let this game be a non-subscription MMO :D

Off Topic / Metal Gear Online
« on: June 30, 2008, 07:53:06 am »
"War has changed...."

Metal Gear Solid 4 - most of you would agree (I hope) that it's the best game on the PS3 so far.

Metal Gear Online has me hooked - I was wondering if anyone is interested in making a Furious Angels Clan?

PSNetwork name - FuriousAngel01
MGO character name - Subb

Off Topic / Crysis
« on: May 26, 2008, 12:00:48 pm »

Je suis looking to upgrade my PC's GFX card and maybe Processor so I can then have an excuse to buy crysis. I've played the demo (on low settings :() and want to get it about medium/high settings.

My max budget is about £60 on a GFX card and £40 on the processor (Socket 939).

Can anyone recommend anything (I'm an AMD + Nvidia fan)?

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