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Topics - Arawn

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General / Albion Online
« on: November 03, 2014, 05:15:05 am »
Has anyone been following this?

Seems like classless is a thing now.. Camelot Unchained is taking forever, so might as well bet on this to see how it goes.

The Multiplatform part seems interesting.

Non-VR Games / State of SWTOR
« on: March 28, 2014, 10:04:31 pm »
So.. Does anyone play this anymore?

Off Topic / Bored to death
« on: December 03, 2011, 04:07:16 pm »
Sigh... Im extremely bored! I need a rpg just to keep myself from suiciding!

Been thinking of playing KOTOR but I dunno... Hell I even thought about downloading Baldurs Gate 2 and give that a go again.


Non-VR Games / Last Beta Weekend?
« on: December 02, 2011, 07:20:11 am »
So there is another Beta Weekend start up soon? Or did I miss read some post on the forum? I havent got any emails yet...

If its true, when does it start?

Non-VR Games / FA Groups in TOR
« on: September 25, 2011, 12:21:20 pm »
We already know group capacity is 4, and that companions take one slot also.

My concern is that if we start Leveling/Grinding in full groups, companions gonna be left out all the time...

I dunno about you guys, but I would like to progress my relations with my companions, get to know em and what not.

So maybe we could play in groups of 2 to be able to include companions or some of you that don't care could really go into a full group.

So how are we going to make it work? To the Beta testers, what do you recommend? Is there always a way to progress the companion story?

Non-VR Games / Can you run it?
« on: July 27, 2011, 10:04:32 pm »
So I went to

And im wondering... Can I really trust that website when it says I can run it?

Note: I always use that website for games first and it never failed to tell me the truth (lol) but im worried because SWTOR is kinda new so im not that confident this time.

Off Topic / Alice!
« on: June 01, 2011, 11:29:52 am »
O M G ! Cant wait for it!!

Non-VR Games / Decisions Decisions!
« on: April 20, 2011, 08:34:47 pm »
Just found this other bit:

"Will there be any tangible benefits for playing/accumulating Dark side points if I’m a Galactic Republic player, or Light side points if I’m a Sith Empire player?

Absolutely. Content paths, gear paths and some surprises we’re holding back. There are also rewards for the disciplined grey players who can hold to the middle."

This one is VERY interesting... they obvioulsy want to praise everyone, but I cant help but think, since our decisions opens up "gear paths", i wonder if any path is gonna end up better than the other... stats-wise i mean...

And lets not start about them little surprises! All this is gonna make me go mad thinking about how Arawn will behave and such! :P

Non-VR Games / Character Titles!
« on: April 19, 2011, 02:21:38 am »
So I found this:

"Will Darth and Lord be player-achieveable titles and if so how rare will they be? Daniel Erickson enlightens us with some background on the titles in terms of the lore and time period, he also hints that not every Sith player will receive the title just from playing.
Hey Folks,
Darth and Lord are ranks in the Old Republic time period and while they represent an increasingly smaller percentage of overall Sith, they are clearly not at as rare as only having one or two running around in the galaxy. There are already numerous Darths (Baras, Malgus) we’ve seen who are not on the Dark Council.
It will likely not come as a surprise to most people that the titles of Darth and Lord are story-based rewards (one does not become a Darth by grinding frog-dogs) as are Master, etc. What may come as a surprise is that not everyone who completes a Sith or Jedi story will achieve them. There are always choices and those choices matter in many ways, including your notoriety and the rewards or reputation you earn. Darth will absolutely be off-limits when creating names.
Hope that helps!
Daniel Erickson"

Now... That opens up a lot of dilema for me... Personally I am going for the Master Title (or any other title for Jedis??) but the fact that my decisions are that much important for it... it will limit me when the time comes that a person really piss me off and I don't wanna go Light side option...

Now, I am willing to run through the story atleast twice to be able to maximize my character... but it would be nice if I get the title and all the good stuff from the first run :P

On a side note... I love that not everyone will have Darth, Lord, Master as it goes against the lore? i guess... i mean there really werent over 280k (counts of likes of SWTOR in Facebook) jedis and sith engaged in a battle...

Off Topic / Ragnarok Online
« on: January 17, 2011, 06:25:11 am »
So I was reading on whats new with it... And I really feel like trying out the Third Classes... So Im gonna download it and trying it out, anyone wanna join? PvP is godly in this game :D

Btw has anyone even played this game?

Non-VR Games / Crew Skill Planification
« on: December 24, 2010, 12:49:26 am »
I was just wondering how we are going to Set-Up Crew Skill.

Like if anyone is gonna specialize in one Crew Skill and others in another one.

Because I heard that Dagonet is like FA's Hardcore Crafter so I thought I would focus myself in gathering instead.... So I get the mats, he makes the stuff.

What you guys think?

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