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Author Topic: Politics  (Read 133461 times)


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« on: August 18, 2004, 07:10:02 pm »
Yes, I have made this thread. Yes, knowing the members of our clan, it will be locked after ten posts. Yes, I know nearly all the arguments will turn into personal attacks. But I'm hoping we can get at least one good conversation going on here without disintegrating to that.

First Topic: How does the U.S. look to other countrys now?

Yes, the forums do not allow for U....thanks Tbone.


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« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2004, 07:20:08 pm »
No way U....

Well, I'll be darned sure doesn't.  I would imagine we aren't viewed as highly as one would think.


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« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2004, 07:21:00 pm »
How does the US look to other countrys now?

Are you referring to the US in general, or are you talking about Bush or the Republican party or what?


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« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2004, 07:26:44 pm »
The United States in general.....


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« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2004, 08:26:43 pm »
I've said this once before, and I'll say it again. If Ignorance is bliss, I want to be the most apathetic person on earth. Who cares about what other countries think of us, we don't live there, we live here.


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« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2004, 03:32:56 am »
Hey all, before I begin my post (or rant, whatever) I just want to say that I am an open minded person and I judge people as individuals, not as a nation or type, IE: If you're French I don't nessasarilly <sp?> think that you were against the US going into the middle east. Got it? Good :)

                    Now fo the meat and potato(e)s of my post. I'm not a very political person, never have been but recently I've been paying more and more attention after learning a few things in history that have been slipped past the American people with or without their consent.. In the mid part of the 20th century the government of this great country, in it's infinte wisdom, decided to ban a past time that many Americans love, even to this day. Drinking. It was called prohabition and it caused alot more trouble then it was worth. Now I'll admit to being lazy and not looking up all the facts on the subject but I find it very hard to believe that the majority in the US held this law in high regard. I would evn hazard to say that many people did not support it, hence the reason the mayor of New York eventually started it's downfall by repealling it in his state.

          Now that being just an example how many people in AMerica do you think honestly have a say in the way our country is run anymore? Now I like to think of myself as an intelligent person though I have made some horrid choices in my life and am now stuck in retail jobs until I can save money and get my fat buttocks back to school so I know where I stand in the job market but bear with me for  a moment. I once heard a politician say (his name escapes me at the moment) that America is the consumer for the world, we didn't need to worry about manufacturing anything the rest of the world would want or need because we buy it and thereby stabilize global economy. The repoter then asked him exactly how the majority of Americans, being of working class, were supposed to fund this wonderful idea at wich the politician had no answer. Now there's something you don't see every day, a speechless polotician and it sort of struck me as funny how out of touch with the people they rule that our government really is.

           They expect us to be good little consumers and buy buy buy but never really alow us to make enough money to do so. There's credit, sure, and if you know how to use it properly it's a great thing, but where were my mandatory finance classes in the mid 90's so I knew exactly how to handle my credit? I know I know, I dug my own hole now I have to lie in it, and I'm clawing my way out, slowly but surely.

                What's this got to do with the price of tea in China, you might ask, well I'll tell you. See to be completely honest the US is basicly the most powerfull nation on the planet, that's not a brag, because I'm not proud of it, it's simple fact. If the US were to go under the global economy would be ruined. There's honestly not another nation that could ever invade the US and terrorist action, though in the news almost daily, is actually quie low when compared to other contries.  This brings us to the things that will eventually bring us down. It's the ruling class of the nation.

               Ever read history? It's quite interesting actually, especially if you look at the line of Presidents we've had through time, it all started with Washington, who was a wealthy land owner and I would like to believe had the best intrests of the nation at heart. On through great men like Jefferson, Lincoln, JFK, Carter and even Reagan did -SOME- good things for this nation. But why has it changed from anyone being able to run to only the wealthy being able to run? Oh sure I understand it takes money to run a campaign but why can't Joe Blow down the street one day wake up and decide he'd like to have a say in the way this nation is run instead of allowing it to tread all over his back? I mean Joes a good guy, he's a family man, never had a run in with the "law", maybe did a little hell raising as a teen but nothing that would ever be consdered serious and he truely wants to keep this nation great.

                    Votes you say, voting is how we make our voices heard, sure, worked great in Florida didn't it? I mean the fact that Jeb Bush is in charge over there had nothing to do with his brother being elected did it, that would be underhanded wouldn't it? Anyhow, I digress. Voteing isn't all people think it's cracked up to be, ever hear of the Electorial College? It's representatives from every state that are supposed to vote in favor of the majoritie's of their said state and thereby make counting the votes a bit easier in the end but there's no law that says they can't vote for whoever they like, at least not to my knowledge, if I'm wrong please educate me :)  Now that basicly means if this person doesn't agree with my choice he can say whatever he feels. Yep, my vote counts..... yea right.

                 I'm also former military for anyone interested, and I tell you it's simply a playground for political hopefulls. I was a mechanic in a M.I. (Military Intelligence) unit and it was rife with problems that could have been fixed if not for red tape and politics. I won't go into the problems becasue my post is already long and I'm sure you guys don't realy want to hear it  but suffice it to say it was a day to day thing that simply kept pilling up because of politics and palm greasing. That doesn't mean a natural amount of politics is bad, there should be opposing views, there should be debate. It's what keeps fresh ideas alive and helps people see anothers point of view, something that hasn't happened in national politics I think in the last 20 years or so. Look at the two canidates whe have coming up for Presidant, Bush and Kerry. What's the differance between them? I wouldn't give you a nickle for it, I mean except for their voices and physical appearance I can't tell them apart. So how does my vote count now? I mean I vote for one and I'm still basicly voting for the same thing if I vote for the other.

              Now I'll finish, or try to at least. The reason I posted this is simple, the next time someone wants to attack me because of the natioan I happened to be born in, please remember I really didn't have a choice, like most of the people you'll run across in America I'm simply a drone, worried about the nation like everyone else but impotent to do anything about it unless I somehow come into a windfall of a few billion dollars (and I am taking donations ;-) ) I don't blame you for your countries politics, don't blame me for mine, it's not what I chose, it's what I got handed to me.

           Thanks for your time, have a great day and I'll see you online :-)

(Please excuse any spelling errors as it's about 2am and I'm barely awake, feel free t flame me, I don't mind it......much)


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« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2004, 04:58:23 am »
I am generally scared by America, or at least by George Dubblya.  He scares the living shit out of me, because yes he has done some nice things.. maybe, I don't actually know but so far he is the reason for over 10,000 or whatever the number of people it was that died in 9/11 (please don't take that offensively).  Not only did he cause those deaths, he decided "Heck, let's cause some more violence by invading Iraq for no apparent reason! That should be fun.  And while I am at it I will bully England Spain and the rest of Europe into fighting with me, just to proove how powerful I am."

What exactly is a war on terrorism?  Surely by doing a full on assault on some random country and declaring "WAR ON TERRORISM" everywhere, some of the terrorists might think "Wait a second, we are terrorists.  He's going to try and kill us!  Let's run and hide somewhere he can never find us."
To be that sounds more like Statement of Idiocy than War on Terrorism.

If that imbecil stays in power we are all in deep Shia' ite, he will continue to make stupid mistakes and people will die in stupid ways when they didn't need to.  We can expect another 10,000 people to be killed by him, or worse.


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« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2004, 05:19:37 am »

Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.


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« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2004, 02:24:12 am »
oh I wasn't platforming for Georgie boy :) Just give some general random thoughts on american polotics by your typical American :)


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« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2004, 01:01:11 pm »
Personally, I think it has gotten to the point where voting for George Bush in the next election is now a character flaw.  I mean, the administration LIED to us, and in a huge way.  Sure Bill Clintion lied about his sexual relations, but that didn't have anywhere near the impact that this administrations lies have had.  I don't see how people can still support this guy after all of that.  Granted I haven't seen very many good things coming from Kerry either, so I think Nader is gonna be gettin my vote.

I really need to figure out this sig thing and stop looking like a jackass


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« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2004, 01:26:26 pm »
a simple, yet effective way to get rid of terrorism, even though its crazy and was shown in a movie "swordfish" if you can recall so many years ago. i believe this would be a good idea, i mean heck were already killing iraqi's left and right, not just the men but the women and children. so we might as well pull out of "army" and nuke em, it'd get the same job done, just a hell of a lot faster.


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« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2004, 02:15:13 pm »
That takes unethical to a new level.


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« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2004, 04:00:53 pm »
Nice taking of Janine Garofalos words wolf.

Offline Ketamininja

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« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2004, 05:21:22 pm »
Aint gonna rant coz its time for bed, but I could easily...

I'm from Scotland. We feel loved from those that want to have "alliances" - stereotypically, Americans always have a scottish uncle or cousin. We feel repressed because of what the English did in the past (really not relevant now) and coz when some think of the UK, they call her England.

Anyway, that sorta gives you a wholly uncomplete conception of my outlook here as another country viewing the US. It was also the type of conversation at the local curry house tonight. Dinner included that with a friend in the Scots guards, who were about to go to Iraq (Firemen are going on strike in Edinburgh - maybe - so this regiment has had its plans changed as they might be needed to fight fires now... his reg is really really pissed off).


When you ask that question in a "politics" thread, you scream BUSH!!!!
Right now, we think Iraq.... with a hint of 9/11.

If you question 9/11, I think you question Iraq.. there are other issues, of course, but this is just me... in a quick type going to bed fashion.

I've seen footage of the second tower being hit from a few angles. in this footage, slowed down, there is a UFO (I mean unindentifed - not alien). It's small enough, fast enough to be a missile. It would intercept roughly at the 2nd tower. The plane hit, it goes by and off shot.

It could be fake... hell it IS fake, right?

Ok, whats my point with this? If I have ANY doubts about 9/11, I have doubts about any action as its consequence.
Bush has done many silly things. He has done good things as well, but the bad things stick.

So many mini topics here.... one more quick one:
Iraq: NO WMD, let the world do its job on that, UN said no weapons. You said yes. Well, it was a good thing to overthrow saddam right? Yes.... but let the Iraqis do it. Other nations have, and defined themselves in the process - if most Iraqi people had to die in their own struggle for independance, then that is their choice..... not ours.

Every subject is a dodgey subject....

I'm a total frickin rock star from mars.
C'mon bro, I got tiger blood.


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« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2004, 10:38:37 pm »
My instinctive response when prompted about politics, especially American politics right now, is something that would likely get me booted from this board and which would violate most every decency law ever conceived.

Suffice it to say that I find nothing redeeming about our current King, er, President and will be voting for the Democratic candidate this fall.

Our country looks like a steaming pile, and it is all our own fault.  The USA is fine, but, this has to be voted out.  How did 1939 happen?  Vote Bush again and find out.

Talk about a President  disgracing the office,  George W is THE most un-American ....

Sorry. If I get started, I will have to get another set of rabies shots.  

Please, those who are of age, vote Democrat  this November.



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