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Messages - Avzeke (Khr0n1k)

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 102
General / Get Your New FA SWTOR Release Coin!
« on: November 10, 2011, 06:38:10 pm »
I will at least get the special edition one.

General / Final Check-In Before Launch! Please check in!
« on: November 07, 2011, 05:25:51 pm » Name: Chris_Tehtopher
In-game Name: Good question, still thinking
Order: Ad Astra
ETA to Play: December 15th

Off Topic / Re: Blizzcon Stuffs
« on: October 25, 2011, 01:20:30 am »
Quote from: "Milhouse"
I played WoW at launch and it was a great game.  I did the casual thing, the hardcore PvP thing, and the end-game raiding thing.  It all was very good, but I've moved on.

It's good to see that they're still adding to it, tweaking it, and people are still having fun with it.

I could never understand the hate against WoW.  Like any other MMO, it was really what you made of it.  Then again I'm the type that think both PS3 and the Xbox are nice, Android and iPhones are cool, etc.  Pick what ya like and have fun with it...  except Counter Strike.  Fuck that game.

I think for most people they have a hipster like attitude against it, so even if they do play it they already have their mind set they won't like it because it is too mainstream.

Off Topic / Blizzcon Stuffs
« on: October 21, 2011, 10:53:48 pm »
I'm not gonna lie, Pokemon in WoW sounds really lame but I bet it is really addicting. I also found it interesting where they added the 12 month "contract" to lock people in.

General / New FA Coin for release
« on: October 18, 2011, 11:44:17 pm »
I dislike the coloring on all the last ones.

General / New FA Coin for release
« on: October 18, 2011, 01:22:03 pm »
We could just put December 2011 to avoid the date format, that and most of us will be playing pre-release anyway.

Non-VR Games / Beta and your PC specs
« on: October 18, 2011, 12:17:55 am »
I ran everything maxed out with

Windows 7 64bit
Geforce GTX 460 768mb
Intel Core i3 3.0Ghz
4GB of RAM

I was getting around 100 FPS at times with it not going below 40 unless there was a ton of people around.

General / New FA Coin for release
« on: October 16, 2011, 08:59:20 pm »
I am for the old logo on one side and new on the other. Using the same reasoning people are going for the republic logo. It should be symbolic of the time and it shows our transition from the old to SWTOR. If it just had a republic logo it could be from anytime we play this game launch day or 5 years from now. The republic logo on the coin would only be significant if we switched to empire. Which we won't. Also that avoids any legal issues that could possibly happen. I can see in the future the use of a logo or symbol related to expansion packs again relating to the mission at hand.

Quote from: "ManicVelocity"
Quote from: "Fuse"
I give it one year until they release a way for non-CE buyers to get in.

MxO Beta gear!  Get your MxO Beta gear, right here!  

Didn't pre-order?  Weren't in Beta?  Not to worry, folks!  We're handing out free Beta gear!  Get your free MxO Beta gear!

I remember when I earned the whole set by actually being in beta, jacket included.

General / New FA Coin for release
« on: October 16, 2011, 06:51:24 pm »
Quote from: "Arawn"
Umm... How about... Coins for each Order?

That may not be realistic financially.

Quote from: "Revalis"
I just got an invite for next weekend

START: October 13th @ 5:00 PM CDT
END: October 18th @ 7:59:00 AM CDT

Whoa, that is even longer than our weekend.

Non-VR Games / Testing Weekend Impressions
« on: October 11, 2011, 12:54:55 pm »
Quote from: "Broin"
T was that from some type of Survey you got in an email... Because I  never got one and wanted to give some more specific feedback like that.

The first part is from a thread in the feedback forum on the testing board.

Non-VR Games / Re: Testing Weekend Impressions
« on: October 11, 2011, 03:20:08 am »
I have a few more points that I thought of the rest of the weekend.

All tool tips when you hover over an icon show in the bottom right of the screen. WoW does the same thing, the difference is all of the buttons on wow are on the bottom by default and TOR has a big bar on the top, the icons didn't really explain what they did just by looking at them to me so I had to hover over the icon at the top of the screen and then look at the bottom right to see what the icon was. It may not sound like that big of a deal but it super bugged me and will continue to until I have the icons memorized.

I didn't feel like the game held my hand enough to introduce me to some things in the game. The game has a feature where on the right hand side it will pop up topics about things you can do in the game. Some times they come up right when that feature happens for the first time to explain, but most of the time the topics will seemingly randomly pop up and I just dismiss them thinking oh I don't have to worry about that for several levels. I don't think I would have known about crew skills at all because I didn't get an intro to it. I came across the trainers because I went exploring a ramp that went down, which was actually a place I didn't have a quest to go to. (Related to a concern in my previous post) I had no quest to take me there, no pop up to inform me about them. Not only that ever vendor in this place was not out in the open, this place is huge and took a good amount of time just seeing all the vendors and trainers. On top of that when I went to the trainer it just makes a little window in the middle of the screen that says "Are you sure you want to train this?" and didn't tell me what it did. That would have been a perfect time for one of those tut pop ups. You also have to go to each individual trainer, talk to them, cancel the train this question, open your codex and find the entry it unlocked to see what that trainer trains past the name of the skill. I just kinda felt like the intro to crew skills is a missed opportunity and several people may skip over them all together without knowing it.

I don't really consider this a complaint. You walk a lot in this game. The areas are pretty massive, especially the senate tower.

The Esseles flashpoint was my first group and it was with two other random people standing outside the instance. I was 10, another 10 and the other 9. Two jedi and myself as a smuggler. I don't know what the level range of this was but I felt like the flashpoint was too easy. We didn't have a challenge at all and there was only 3 of us. I did get tons of gear andit seemed only medium armor dropped. It was also really long, way longer than I thought. I am used to doing a dungeon in wow and you can get in and out in a decent amount of tim and I thought it was about to be over several times just to realize we had a whole nother leg in a quest to do. They for sure require a bit of a time commitment to do.

I was being dumb and not gearing my companion for quite awhile. I realized this and started picking my quest rewards to gear him as well. Then I got further along in the game and found that the game starts giving you gear for your companion as quest rewards that only that specific companion can use and not yourself so it has its own way of reminding you to do that. I liked that a lot even though all the gear he had was better then all that was offered.

Datacrons, I liked getting my first and only one. The process of seeing it to getting it felt like a totally different game, it went from running on mostly flat ground all the time to a platformer. I had to find barrels to climb up on and jump from several ledges and across pipes, I really really enjoyed this because it took a bit to figure out.

Graphics, I know the game wouldn't allow us to turn on AA in the build we were in and I am kinda hoping that most of the textures were not final as well. I had everything available set to the highest possible setting. I wouldn't doubt it and I am really hoping that they intentionally gimped the graphics in this build. Most of the gear I was wearing had really low res blurry textures on them. I also felt that the graphics were missing something, maybe some sort of post processing effects. Overall I was kinda bummed by the graphics for as new of a game it is. FPS was good to amazing. It seemed to be a day to day thing with how well my fps was doing. Most of the time it was around 40 and then sometimes I would be over 100. A lot of time I played on Saturday I was rocking really high frame rates and I don't know what was different from the rest of the time. The water is terrible terrible terrible. Speaking of water, you don't swim, not even an option. You just walk in water and all of it is really shallow and the water in no way reflect you being in it. There was a few quests in the origin world that mentioned you had to swim to some places to complete them. When I got there instead I had a strip of land leading me across once I got the other side certain characters couldn't come with me because they were too weak to swim..... So it sounded like they may have planned on it at one point but didn't for whatever reason.

Conclusion: Overall I really enjoyed the game. I haven't really played games for very long at one time for several years like I did when I was in high school. This weekend I played a few long multi hours sessions and wanted to keep playing but had other things to do or sleep. I missed a whole day plus most of another out of the 3 and half we had so I was only able to get to level 14, tied for lowest level in the guild :( I got to experience about 1 3/4 planets in that time and I liked what I saw.I had at least 30 bug reports and all but a couple of them were to report art/display bugs. Things like "NPC at these cords is leaning against the wall but he is three feet away" or "Entered dialog in the quest and companions customization reset to default for duration of convo" Things like that. I didn't have anything show stopping, no crashes, no freezes. I didn't have any problems with quests, or instances/phases, connecting, patching, loading and I only got stuck twice. I had only one real instance of lag and it lasted for about 30 seconds and was gone for good. The only two things I really want to see in this game is increased graphics and graphic options and that has nothing to do with taste for the art style which I actually really like. And then a lot more hand holding. In its current state I would not feel comfortable handing this game to someone who has never played an MMO or an RPG. I just figured out most of the game and saw what TOR had and matched it up to things I have seen in other games and then sought out features I knew existed in the game but the game never told me existed. So taking into account my experience with the game with what I realistically assume they will have for launch I give SWTOR an A-

Non-VR Games / Re: Testing Weekend Impressions
« on: October 08, 2011, 03:35:27 pm »
I'm going to try to type this in paragraph format but I think it will end up being more bullet points. Also, possible SPOILERS!

I decided to play as a smuggler since I didn't want to experience the story for a class that I wanted to play at launch. I ended up starting about 3 hours behind everyone else so I was doing solo quests the whole time.

One thing that really stuck out to me was how long it takes to level. I played maybe 9 hours and only got to level 10. In comparison to other MMOs that I recall playing the first 10 level are easy to blow through.

Playing solo I can tell sucks until you get a companion. I got mine at lvl 6. At around the time I was at level 6 I started getting heroic quests and all my regular quests seemed too difficult for me, I couldn't even get to most of my regular quest objectives without fighting through dense areas of mobs that were about 3 levels higher than me. This changed as soon as I turned in a quest I had already completed and I unlocked my first companion. Then everything changed I decided to actually fight every mob and instead of just running through until I lose agro and I was lvling way faster at that point and everything went from frustrating to about normal difficulty. I think companions may be a little OP as well. It is a decent alternative if you don't have a group though.

This may be the result of it being a testing weekend but I thought for a solo player the mobs were way too dense with way too short of a respawn timer.

As far as how it looks and controls it seems to be very much a WOW clone but when you start doing the quests, it doesn't feel like wow at all. The voice overs and cut scenes are great and do a good job at separating itself from the competition.

One thing that I really want to see is more stuff in the world that is off the beaten path for me to discover. On the origin world all my quests ended up taking me to every spot on the planet. I seriously went everywhere on the map. This may change once I get on other planets but I would like there to be areas that I have to seek out if I ever want to see them instead of expecting a quest to take me there. Also not being able to sit on chairs feels weird when I went into the cantina.

"We want to hear your thoughts on everything in the game, from Crew Skills to and Advanced Classes to Missions and PvP, and even Space Combat." Thats what this weekends test says it is about.

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