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Topics - Broin

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VR Gaming / The Void
« on: May 09, 2015, 05:00:05 pm »

General / DeskTop
« on: December 20, 2014, 10:56:28 pm »
Trying to put together a small desktop gaming package for under 1500.00 .... Any suggestions?

CPU    Intel Core i7-4790k 4.0 GHz Quad Core Processor   
Motherboard ASRock H97M PRO4 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard
Memory Team VUlcan 8GB 2x4GB DDR3-1600 Memory
StorageCrucial MX100 256GB 2.5 Solid State Drive       
Video Card Gigabyte GeoForce GTX 970 4GB Windforce 3x
Case  Assa Toledo 301 ATX Mid Tower Case
Power Supply NZXT HALE82 V2 550W 80 Bronze Cert Fully Modular ATX Power Supply
Optical Drive Lite-On iHAS 124-14 DVD/CD Writer
Monitor LG 23MP55HQ-P 60Hz 23.0 Monitor

General / Cool Apps
« on: June 04, 2014, 12:10:59 pm »
Word Lens

Awesome translation app

General / League of Legends
« on: January 24, 2014, 05:44:07 pm »
Been playing this again.. .Anyone else around and want to do some ranked let me know.

« on: October 03, 2013, 09:49:53 pm »
Alright I think T may be the only one who can help me on this.  But I've running the Plex server for all my TV shows / movies etc.,  Now mind you I pay to basically watch all these shows on the networks, but I really like the capability of having them on my computer on the plex server so I basically consider my PLEX like a DVR.


Two days ago the damn thing stops updating the library.  It basically just acts like it is scanning and scanning and scanning.  I could add things to the different folders but it wouldn't show them.  Same format as before same everything as before but nada. 

Some of the topics I read about it stated you had to have your folders marked by season so I went and put all the shows in by season.  Now tonight it won't let me play anything that still shows up in the library.

I tried removing my movies folder / directory and figured I could just redo the directory but it won't add it.  When I try to add the Movie directory again it just does nada... Well other than sit there and mock me. 

The only thing that I can think happened is one of two things.  I think PLEX had an update and that maybe messed some things up or I updated my Avast program and virus definitions and that may be blocking it.  However I turned off Avast and it still wouldn't update or work.

Thoughts.... Ideas.... Tbone?

« on: September 18, 2013, 12:53:26 pm »
Is there some way we can get a handle on the recent posts mod on the side.  It is always flooded with EVE threads.  I'm not sure how many people are playing eve right now, but it seems like every day we get new forum posts and EVE threads starting.  I mean multiple ones every day which are just swallowing up everything else. 

To look at it you would think that we are an EVE heavy guild, but you really only see 2-3 guys posting on these threads.  Maybe 4 if you count the odd occasional post by Dago, Yotogi, or G

I don't have a problem with EVE people having as many threads as they want.  I just want to be able to see the recent threads and posts that have an interest to me or others. 

Is there a way we can make it so the Sections of the forums we aren't interested in don't show up on the Recent Post mod on the side?

General / Needed sayin....
« on: August 21, 2013, 09:04:47 pm »
I hear him speak and I feel sorrow for you all who didn't know and more than likely will never know the greatness we had, could still have....

What a fall and failing of our own doing to reach where we are.

« on: December 22, 2012, 09:30:48 pm »

Non-VR Games / C.E. Done / Grass isn't greener
« on: July 05, 2012, 02:04:00 am »
Title says it all...  

I don't put this to gloat only to point out the failed mind set of some members who have left.  Those few who left FA and went to C.E. saw their idea of recruitment and other things put into effect over there.  And now you see the results...

These posts by some of their members sum it all up.

I think the main problem was that all the sudden the application process took like 2 minutes. Yes we were bleeding people and many were not online as much as before (me), but we should not have panicked. A long slow methodical app process would have meant when 1.3 hit we would field one very active very coordinated ranked team.
It really is too bad to see what I considered the strongest guild in the game go poof. I'd like to stay and rebuild rather than abandon ship. We should pair down to the core group of fellas that know and like each other and then go back to a slow application process.
I hope the new guys don't think I'm dumping on them because I really don't mean to, the guild had lost key members and we were in trouble we just took the wrong approach and there was no cohesive sense among the remaining folks and the new people. It was more a function of fast growth rather than smart slow growth. I don't doubt that the new faces were fun and good players and were given the guild tag for a reason, but quick apps means we don't get to know each other before we are suddenly guildies. I've been out of it for a while but I want to return in August after some personal shit and really reclaim the CE name as the elite guild we once were

Hey Guys,
I'll try to keep it short.
This isn't really something I thought I'd ever do but I am going to be leaving CE. CE was probably one of the top guilds I have been in only equaling my Vanilla WoW guild.
However, I am a competitive PVP'er and our guild really isn't there on that. We rarely have enough people to run rated games and when we do I feel like half the team isn't as into it as I am. Which is fine - I actually envy the people who are more casual. But the driving force in me playing is being at the top. If I am investing my time in a video game I might as well make it worth something.

As my Grandfather use to say... The grass may look greener over there but it rarley is and most the times if it turns out to be that's just because they put shit down on the yard.... And shit don't last past a hard rain.

General / USER ERROR / Zoran & Babievicious
« on: June 08, 2012, 10:22:52 pm »
So now we all know why they try to keep me away from the big shiny toys...   I accidently removed Zoran and Babievisious from the guild.  So next time you guys are on whisper me or T and I'll get you back in guild....

My apologies but I'm old and have dementia

Non-VR Games / Guild Recruitment Thread
« on: April 05, 2012, 11:50:59 pm »
Let's get back on top of this.....

Don't go crazy on it, but let's not let it fall off like we have been.

« on: February 21, 2012, 08:09:27 am »
You can find information about this here....

But please only post about it here on this thread

I say we do this... I'm down.  If anyone else is please sign up here for it.  I think it'd be awesome for us to show some force on our server here.

**Hacked by likwidtek**

On February 25 Imperial and Republic Players will clash forces on the snowy planet of Hoth. This event will take place at 11:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. 10:00pm FA Time


1. Broin
2. Strod
3. Sared
4. Tecknik
5. likwidtek
6. Deathsboon
7. Zephix
8. Maglorious
9. Erathaol
10. victoriah
11. Tbone (maybe)
12. ExternalError
13. Setun
14. Anamodiel
15. Longboard

Raid Calendar sign ups here if you want:

General / Broin's RIG
« on: February 17, 2012, 04:27:43 pm »
So looks  like the motherboard in my computer is shot.  Or so they say.  Though they also said they had it fixed and it was working...

Originally they told me the first memory slot was bad but it all seemed to be working for them other than that.  They did suggest I get a new board sometime soon but thought it would work till I got a new one.

Brought it home and plugged it in and the thing just cycles on and off.... Called them back and they said looks like the board decided to die sooner rather than later.  

Guess I need to get a new board then.  Any suggestions?  Definatley need one that has 6 mem slots, since I have 6 sticks of 2 gigs of ram each.

This is my current system.

Paladin Dr.I
Thermaltake V9 Gaming Case (Black)
Intel� Core� i7 950 Processor (4x 3.06GHz/8MB L3 Cache)
Liquid CPU Cooling System [SOCKET-1366] with Enermax Dual Silent High Performance Fan Upgrade (Push-Pull Airflow)
12 GB [2 GB X6] DDR3-1600 Corsair
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 - 2GB
[SLI] MSI X58 PRO-E Motherboard with [Free] Internal USB 3.0 PCI-E 2.0 x1 Expansion Card
Primary HD: 128 GB Kingston SSDNow V Series MLC SSD
Data HD: 1TB SATA-III 64M Cache Single Drive
Blu-Ray Reader/ DVDRW Combo
3D Premium Surround Sound Onboard
Onboard LAN Network (Gb or 10/100)
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium + Office Starter 2010 (Includes basic versions of Word and Excel) 64-Bit
Standard Warranty Service Standard 3-Year Limited Warranty + Lifetime Technical Support

General / FA MEETING / Sunday 8:30FA time
« on: December 09, 2011, 01:56:09 pm »
Last full meeting before the pre launch access... Lot's of things to discuss.

Please attend if you can.

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