The Furious Angels

FA Discussion => General => Topic started by: Anonymous on May 15, 2004, 01:42:05 am

Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on May 15, 2004, 01:42:05 am
I'm a major Role Player. I have the experience co-running an enormous Star Wars RPG known as NSU, which for a good year had over a thousand members in it. I was involved in NSU for over three years, until we shut down as a result of an enormous amount of really, really stupid people joining, or should I say invading? As a result, most of our intelligent player base left, and I lost a lot of interest in running an online RPG of that magnitude. So I took several friends from NSU and I've been hosting much smaller RPG's in the Star Wars universe using the official Star Wars d20 rules published by WOTC. I've been doing this, as the head GM for about two years now, and I'm constantly being complimented by several members at how in depth my RPG sessions are.

At anyrate, I've been thinking about hosting a Matrix RPG for a while. If I do it, it'd run at least up until MxO comes out, and if we're still going strong enough that the players are interested in doing both, or if MxO just turns out to be a major dissapointment, the RPG could continue even after MxO is released.

Several things have to happen for this RPG to get started though. First, I'll have to create the rules. The Core Rulebook for the SWRPG is nearly 400 pages, and they've got about 15 extra books, so all in all there's probably close to 2000 pages of rules and stats and all that crap. Forgive me if I don't get that in depth with mine, but fuck doing that. My RPG will keep things simple, with probably between 15-20 pages of rules, and maybe another 5-25 of stats for equipment and all that.

Rules and heavy-statistics aren't truly important to me. I tend to run heavy on the Role Playing side, so if you want to join, don't expect constant dice rolling in combat situations. Don't get me wrong, in the current RPG I run, there's a shitload of combat. I'd say a good 35% is combat, and sometimes it goes as high as 75%. I've even had more than a couple sessions that were simply all out combat, in small scale war situations.

I'm pretty damn good at multitasking, and not to brag, but as a GM, I'm the shit.

At anyrate, if any of you are interested, you can let me know in this thread. If enough people want to do it, then I'll write the rules for it, tweaking as appropriate, and we could probably get this thing started as early as next week.

If you want to join, there's a few things you need, or need to know:

I host my RPG's on AIM. It isn't perfect, but it's easy to use, most people have it, it's got chat room dice built into it, and it allows for multiple font types and colors without hassel which is good for people expressing themselves (I know it sounds silly, but it's true) and it helps me differenciate between who's saying what quickly, without having to always refer to the screen name, I can just read the text and know who's talking.

So until I find something better--better being something as easy, or easier to use, easily accessable, free, more stable and less hassle--I'm going to be hosting the RPG on AIM. So if you want to join, you'll need that. You can go to to get it, if you don't already have it.

Besides, if MxO is going to incorporate AIM into their game, nobody can bitch at me for using it in mine.

The only other thing you need besides AIM, is time. I'm serious about my role playing. I'm not a dick about it, and it's not like I think my RPG should come before your real life, that's not what I'm saying. What I AM saying though, is if I'm going to spend 3+ hours creating details, NPC's, plotlines and an indepth story for you guys to play in, I'd expect you not to waste my time and not show up for half the damn sessions.

I'm an easy going guy, and I can work with everyone's schedule as much as possible, and if we can only host one session a week due to people's conflicting schedules, that's okay. I'd just hope that the people who tell me that they'll be there on a specific day actually show up, so that I don't plan a particular story session around a specific character, and have that guy not show up. I don't think that's terribly not-understandable.

So that's what you need in order to join. As far as things you need to know...

I'm looking for smart people. If you're incapable of typing out completed sentences, without reverting to retard-speech of "u ppl r 2 kewl 4 wut im sayin" or anything remotely similar, I don't want you to join. I'm not trying to be a dick, but nothing spoils the creativity more than me setting up a beautifully articulated scene for you, putting an image in your head of exactly what you're seeing, what's going on, and then have Player F say "y r there no agent ppl around 2 kill?"

Even using one or two of these words every once in a while can spoil things. "Neo walks toward Smith, the rain pouring upon them only to accentuate the Matrix code breaking down, and falling apart upon their skulls. Neo slips over 2 the side of a manhole, careful to not b caught in any possible trap Smith may b plotting. Slowly, Neo prepares himself for the fight of his life, but deep down he hopes he doesn't have 2 fight every Smith in the Matrix. He glances from side to side, unknowing of how many ppl r trapped behind the shadowy vision of those square black sunglasses."

That could be very rich, but the few points of using 'b' instead of 'be' or '2' instead of 'to' or 'ppl' instead of 'people' pulls your brain out of the mood. It just fucks all that up.

So in other words, if you're incapable of talking like a mature, educated person who can take creative writing seriously, don't join.

And really, that's my only rule. As long as you're not a dumbass, or at least you don't sound like a dumbass, and you're willing to use AIM and you've got at least enough free time to stay committed to at least one session a week, I'd love to have you join.

The RPG would take place both inside and outside of the Matrix, though I haven't really thought too heavily on what the storyline would be yet, I have a few directions I know I could take it, that I think would be very enjoyable for everyone who participated.

Also, if enough people from the Angels join up, I could have the storyline of the RPG focus around our Clan. That could, in fact, be a very good thing for us as a whole, as I'd imagine there'd be quite a few people who'd look fondly on our Clan simply for being such supporters of Role Playing that we're actually doing so actively prior to MxO shipping.

Anyway, if any of you want to join, let me know.
Title: ?
Post by: Anonymous on May 15, 2004, 01:48:25 am
im not a big text based but it seems there are alot good luck with it :wink:
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on May 15, 2004, 02:03:32 am
I might be interested.  You'll have to let me know what time you plan on doing this each week (give a timezone too, please)
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on May 15, 2004, 02:10:47 am
I run on Central for time zone. I work a full time job and I have my girlfriend living with me, so I'm not exactly made up of time. Any day between 5-10 PM I can work with, and on Fridays and Saturdays I can go much, much later, maybe 5 PM to 1 AM, and on weekends I can start earlier. As far as the best times and days that work for me, Saturdays through Tuesdays after 5:30 PM work great for me. I'm pretty flexible though. If enough people express interest in doing this, I'll ask people what times would work best for them, and I'll just figure out a time that works good for as many people as possible.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on May 15, 2004, 10:12:40 am
I'm pretty interested, I used to do alot of Online D&D, and GMed quite a few games, I was part of a text based Matrix RPG a while back, but it was depressingly uncreative, and people were getting the same bonuses as me for writing one sentence, when I had written a whole page.

I have school 5 days a week, work 3-4 evenings a week, and due to exams coming up, not a great amount of free time, but in 4 weeks, no more exams or school, so all I will have is free time.

I know what you mean about the abbreivated speak ruining the mood and stuff, I've used IM things too much and have gotten used to simplifying words, but will try not to as much as psible...<that was done on purpose..
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on May 15, 2004, 10:23:43 am
heh turn it into a mud and i'd be interested ;)
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on May 15, 2004, 05:05:29 pm
Making it into a MUD would be probably 50 times more work for me, and about 10% as enjoyable for anyone mildly intelligent. MUD's limit creativity greatly, and honestly I just don't see the benefits.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on May 15, 2004, 08:50:13 pm
Are MUDs the text based things where you have like "North" "fight zombie" and stuff like that as commands, cos those become really boring after like 2 minutes.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on May 15, 2004, 09:00:57 pm
They can have good RP opportunity, but they take some time to set up, and communication between areas could become a problem too.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Tbone on May 18, 2004, 02:23:38 am
I work until 9 p.m. every night (Central timezone), so I HIGHLY doubt I'll have the time. I do encourage all who are interested, however, to take part. The Furious Angels would be willing to sponsor the event - making announcements, etc. Best of luck with it! If I have the time, I will try to at least sit in on a few sessions!
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on May 18, 2004, 04:30:17 pm
I don't have a lot of RP experience, but I would definitely be interested.  Contact me when you have it all set up.  Maybe it can be put in the newsletter.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on May 18, 2004, 09:05:31 pm
I am interested, sounds like a plan!
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on May 19, 2004, 07:19:41 pm
I'd love to join!  This sounds like a lot of fun...

The only thing I'm concerned about is when I'd be able to find time to RP.

Still, count me in!
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on May 19, 2004, 07:25:49 pm
Heh sounds cool. Ive always wanted to join a matrix rp. never could find a good one though.

As i just got fired from my job at Pizza hut, I should havetime to RP. Contact me if you need some help setting the rp up, ive hosted a couple over the years.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: ArchNemesis on May 31, 2004, 05:04:52 pm
sure ill join in... im starting out in the RP business so im still a bit new on it and the terms (MUD?? sesssions??)  i should be able to find some time as well to join in. Also a quick question do i HAVE to have  AIM or can i use another client that works with aim (in ex. Trillian)
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on May 31, 2004, 07:48:07 pm
MUD = Multi User Dungeon
or something like that.
You know those things where you type North...Attack Zombie...Die Of Boredom.
That's a MUD.

Session = most games are too long to do in one sitting, so you have sessions. Splitting it up. I can't think of a way to simplify it more.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: ArchNemesis on June 02, 2004, 10:01:21 am
well i kinda knew what sessions were but the MUDs i had no idea what they were... well like i said ill be using trillian and i just wanna know if that wil have any affect which i still dont think so.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 02, 2004, 10:11:40 am
I already said in your other thread that I would like to join but I'll say it again, I'll join.  I love RPing, its great fun and it sounds like you can walk the walk sooth to say.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 02, 2004, 07:36:14 pm
If you have the full version of trillian, as in, the version you pay for, then it'll work just fine. If you have the free version, it works much less better, as you won't be able to see the dice rolls, which can be a pain.

Anyway though, you can buddy list me on my AIM name, it's "Blade X Tyshalle." I'm still juggling my fairly hectic schedule, as I work a full time job, have a girlfriend who I live with (and she tends to take up most of my non-work time). My computer time has been much more sporatic since she moved in with me, and sometimes I'm able to get on for 5 hours a day, other times it's maybe an hour, sometimes not at all, which for a big nerd like me, is kind of a big deal.

At anyrate, my online time is spent in a lot of ways. I look around at some gamer websites, including this one obviously, check out the new and upcoming MMO's, then occasionally (rarely is more precise) I play SWG, and then I host two Star Wars RPG's, and am a part of a third one. And now I'm kind of hooked on America's Army, and to top it all off I'm a writer, working on my novel as much as I can.

So yeah, my time is pretty hectic.

I still want to do this Matrix RPG, and I'm glad a lot of you want to do it as well, I'm just going to need a little bit of time to work out the rules. I'm trying to make the combat system more than just ::attack:: ::roll dice:: ::get results::. I'd like for it to be a bit more fluid, and allowing for some improvisation. There's two ways I can go about this, the first way is the strict way, where I write down extremely detailed rules, so that there'll always be a rule/statistic/bonus/penalty for very specific moves. The bonus to this is that it's always fair. There's a lot of penaltys though, like for one, I won't be able to write down every single possible move, so you'd have to end up picking them out from a list, which'd have specific stats, and all that crap.

The other way is not very strict. I'd have general bonuses and penalties for real general moves, and I'd end up making up the stats on the spot during the game session. The good things about this is that you'll be able to do whatever your little minds can think of, so there won't be any restriction at all. The downside is, I'd be making up the statistics on the spot, so you may want to do a super cool triple scissors kick off of a 10 story building onto an Agent's head, assuming the bonuses for it will be extremely high, but then the realism and martial arts knowledge that I have will come into play, and the bonuses may not end up being as great as you'd have hoped. If you can trust me, the second option is definitely the way to go.

If you prefer things to be strapped down, locked in place, and very rigid and number based, the first one is for you.

Let me know what you guys'd prefer, and I can organize it like that.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 02, 2004, 09:38:13 pm
Well, the second one is definitly the Rp'ers choice. Id rather have it like that, as I have a pretty good knowledge of martial arts, so i can come up with a plethora of things t write....
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 03, 2004, 12:39:00 am
Same here.  Blue belt in Shaolin Kenpo, working on green for sometime during the summer.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 03, 2004, 12:15:50 pm
I have a purple belt in Karate and a measly Yellow belt in Judo but I know lots of moves, used to be quite a sparer when I was in full swing.  I also have quite an imaginitive mind, you can check how so by looking at the RPs because I'm in all of them.  I would quite happily go for the latter of the two.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 03, 2004, 06:54:57 pm
I also have a blue belt in Shaolin Kenpo, and a green in Tae Kwon Do. My mind kinda wanders into dangerous territory, which kind of got me in trouble with not in either anymore. Im hoping to study ninjitsu in the coming years. If I can juggle that and football now.

Seriously, if an rp relied on stats, it wouldnt really be an rp would it?
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 04, 2004, 06:26:45 pm
Thats generally the prime idea of role plays, stats.  Sorry to be blunt but what we do in the Forums isn't really role playing it's making an awesome story using everyones imagination.  Even though it's called an RP it solely isn't one.  It just uses the same way of going through events.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 04, 2004, 09:05:54 pm
Stats are needed in an RP, yes. But Stats should only be a very loose factor. Come on, if in an RP youre fighting someone, and youre a much better RPer than the other person, and if you lose because they have slightly better stats because the rpg is based solely on stats, how much fun could that really be?
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 04, 2004, 09:15:04 pm
Ill join
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 04, 2004, 10:31:52 pm
Basically, what I've got going on in my mind right now is a system similar to the SWRPG rules, combat wise anyhow. You'd have a Defense Statistic, and in order for your opponent to hit you, they'd have to roll an attack that must beat your defense score. So say your defense is 10, your opponent has to roll an 11 or higher to hit you.

My idea with statistics is that depending on what kind of move you're doing, there'd be bonuses and penalties to the moves you choose. So say Trinity's famous lift off in the air in bullet time and kick you in the chest move. That attack would probably force you to expend some kind of focus point, which'd be similar to Force Points in SWRPG, and you'd get say, +4 to your attack roll, and an extra dice for your damage roll. But as a result of your lifting off of the ground, you take a -4 hit to your defense until your following turn.

Then take Trinity's scorpion kick. That's a flashy kick that honestly doesn't have a whole lot of substence in the real world, but it'd probably give you a high bonus to your damage roll, but you'd take a -2 to your attack roll, since you have to look down and kick over your head from behind... which is kind of ridiculous, but anyway, and for the same reason, you'd take maybe a -4 penalty to your defense until your following turn.

So there'd be major bonuses and penalties depending on what moves you're doing, what the circumstances are, and all that stuff.

Make no mistake, Statistics will play a heavy roll in this game. It's the only way to make sure nobody makes their character ultra-powerful to a retarded degree. I've played RPG's where there were NO STATS AT ALL, and these were just plain dumb. People'd dodge point blank shots to the face while chained up. Or hell, they'd take 3 bullets to the chest and keep on going like they hadn't been hit at all. This sort of unrealism is just boring to me.

In my opinion, being the greatest most unstoppable person in the whole universe is not interesting. What's interesting to me is when you take on overwhelming odds, and completely get your ass kicked. So your beaten down, and you get back up, and face your opponent again, and they just beat the shit out of you again, and every single time you get your ass kicked, or you fail a mission, or you cause a teammate to lose their lives, a little piece of you dies with them. And every time you get hit, a little piece of the glass that is your existance cracks. And eventually, your mirror shatters, and you fall helpless to the ground completely shattered. Living in an utterly hopeless existence, where a happy ending, or even remote success is so far off in the foggy night that you can't even IMAGINE what it could look like.

What choice you make when this happens to you. That's the interesting part.

Most people quit, because I'm too hard on their characters. And I will be very hard on your characters. Nobody joins one of my RP's and signs up for the easy life. You sign up for hell, and you'll be put through it, of that I can assure you.

Every once in a while though, someone who's had their mirror shattered, and the shards of glass stomped on until mere slivers remain will come along. Every once in a while, I'll get a person who learns from all this, and can actually use these experiences for real, to make them think. Every once in a while, I get a person who even though they've failed a hundred times, and each time they failed, the consequences got a little bit worse, until their whole lives were completely ruined, but every once in a while, I get a person who gets back up, and tries to glue these slivers of glass back together. I get a person who will hopelessly try to remake the slab of glass, in hopes that someday they'll be able to see their reflection once again.

Unfortunately, when you put shards of a mirror back together, the image you see is distorted. When your mirror breaks, you change with it. Even remade whole, you're a different person.

These things are interesting to me. These things make a good story, and are enjoyable to play.

A guy who runs around in the Matrix taking on 10 agents at once and blowing shit up all the time for no real good reason.... That's stupid for one, it doesn't make sense for two, it's no way feasable, and lastly, it's boring.

A girl who succeeds every mission with flying colors. Someone who never knows defeat, and is the baddest ass mother fucker out there, who is just too kewl to lose.... Someone who seriously gets pissed off at me, the GM, when they fuck up and their character gets into a bind.

These types of people bore me.

If you can accept that your character will never be perfect, then come take a look at my game. You might experience a storyline you'll never get in MxO. Because mine will be specific, and personalized toward you. That's something MxO can never do.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 04, 2004, 10:57:23 pm
I'm into joining
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 04, 2004, 11:15:14 pm
im still into joining
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 05, 2004, 11:02:39 am
After reading that I'm kinda scared, I may have wet myself. But you know I'll join.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 05, 2004, 04:22:24 pm
Good call.  I can't stand "invincible" characters.  On the other hand, I feel that characters who can't do anything at all, who continually fail without any trace of any kind of victory (unless the situation is really that bad) are nearly equally boring to play.

I prefer a nice mix, myself, something more realistic.  You win some, you lose some.  Maybe you'll do quite well, one mission.  Maybe the next, you're somehow betrayed and everything you've worked for is pulled out from under you.  Just keeping to one extreme or another for the entire scenario/campaign/whatever isn't very interesting.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 06, 2004, 09:45:18 am
What's realistic about "you win some, you lose some?"

And besides, I don't think I made myself very clear. But I don't rig the game so that it is for or against your favor. I give you some challenges, and it's up to you to turn them into victories. But I don't reward people making stupid decisions, nor do I give people "a break" should they make a mistake. Whether it's a stupid mistake, or a very calculated decision that just didn't work out for you, I don't lighten up about it. In my RPG's, you have to live with your mistakes.

In fact, you have to live with your victories.

Time tells the difference between victories and defeats. You may successfully assassinate a Hitler-esque leader of a country, and that you can count as a victory. But maybe within a year, that country turns their leader into a martyr, and they come back after you full force. That could be a defeat.

In my RPG's, yes, things might be extreme, but they're never black and white. There's so much gray you might even have trouble figuring out what you're fighting for.

My RPG's are not for anyone's self gratification of believing that they are the shit. They're for your mind. They make you think, and if you don't think, it's a pretty good way of getting yourself dead.

Anyone who comes into my RPG's thinking in terms of black and white get themselves into a lot of trouble very early on. They tend to think that just because someone is your enemy, that means that they're evil. This is not the case. Sometimes you'll have to kill very good people in order to get the desired results. And sometimes making an enemy out of good people and cause very bad results. Sometimes making friends out of terrible people can be a good thing.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 06, 2004, 11:21:10 am
so when does it come out?
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 06, 2004, 06:25:11 pm
I'm writing the rules right now. Currently I've got 10 pages written. I'm aiming for about 20 pages of rules, which is still like 280 less than SWRPG, and about 780 less than AD&D, so it's light reading, and a lot of it is just reference stuff.

Although, the rules are based on the assumption that everyone is somewhat familiar with d20 rules. If you're not, it's not truly a big deal, so don't worry. We'll probably have a practice session so everyone can understand how the game works.

Anyway, don't expect it to be a couple of days, aim for more like a couple of weeks. I'm going to be going out of town for about five days come Wednesday, and I'll have no access to a computer. Ideally, we could possibly start on the 19th. Not too terribly far away, and we might be able to fit in a practice session with some of you prior to that.

Look out for a future post where I'll be asking for everyone's information, and giving some more information soon.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 06, 2004, 07:27:12 pm
Wow, AD&D is 800 pages? I remember my reference books only being 150-300, and there was only like three...But anyway, twenty pages for an online rpg sounds like a good amount.

And Zink, wheres your bouncing boobies? I demand the bouncing boobies!!!!/jk!!!!!
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 06, 2004, 09:35:39 pm
what u mean....their there :)
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 06, 2004, 09:53:06 pm
i guess all the avatars went down for a second...or my 56k couldnt handle that and downloading photoshop at the same time. Damn crappy wiring.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 07, 2004, 05:09:09 am
Well, the Player's Hand Book for DnD is 322 pages, and so the the Dungeon Master's Guide, coincidentally...
I have the pdf of about 15 different books downloaded so my DnD library is more among the 2500 mark.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 07, 2004, 08:34:53 pm
Heh, i have a lot more for the dragonlance setting. Most of them on pdf also, as its impossible to find them were I live. And if im dming, there are thousands of pages you have to look through to make a good, not great adventure that not just a really cool idea.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 07, 2004, 09:37:52 pm
On the "win some lose some" comment, you described it well yourself.  You accomplish a "victory," a successful assassination.  Yet, later it turns out such an action comes back to haunt you a thousand fold.  

In other words, some days everything seems to be going according to plan, everyone's hitting on all cylinders...then others (or maybe later on the same day) everything breaks down and falls apart in the worst possible way.

Essentially, I was suggesting that I like RP sessions that don't tend to one extreme or another when it comes to difficulty and the situation at the time.  Getting your face dragged in the pavement every single session is as unappetizing to me as being the perfect kick-ass paragon every single session.

Your revised description sounds much more appetizing, if you want my opinion.  I love games which play with your mind, create alignment vertigo, and put you in a place where you're not sure what you should be fighting for, and who is actually in the "right," if such a thing can be defined and applied.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 07, 2004, 11:44:31 pm
I'll give you a good example of how my sessions turn out.

Currently, in my SWRPG, I've got about half a dozen or more people playing. A Dark-sided Force Adept, a Music Star, a Wanderer with the heart of a warrior, a deadly Mercenary, a Rebel Operative, and a Smuggler.

The Singer tends to be all right, but she's a coward, so it's rare she sticks her head into a situation that'll get her over her head.

The Rebel Operative was given a mission to kill the Wanderer. Yes, I put players against each other in my sessions. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes it just happens. I don't discourage it, though. The Rebel found out that the Wanderer wasn't such a bad guy, so he went against orders and didn't kill him. He then mouthed off to his superior officer, and got the shit kicked out of him, and thrown in the brig. Currently he's on Alderaan, and in the storyline we're about 12 hours prior to when the planet gets blown up. He's currently all alone in the jail cell, as everyone else vacated. I don't think he's going to make it.

The Dark-Sider spent most of his time trying to repair a broken ship, to get his ass off of Alderaan. It took him two weeks in-game time, but he successfully did so. He spent all of his earnings on spare parts and an Astromech droid. A Rebel Operative then conned him into giving it over to him. The ship ended up getting destroyed, along with his R2 unit. He went crazy and decided to try to kill every single other player-character in the game. He got a bullet in his skull. He survived, but the bullet's still there. It's slowly tunneling into his cerebellum like that wacko from THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH. I don't think he's going to make it either.

The Mercenary has no affiliation. He does what he's told by whoever is giving him the money. So far, he's been very successful.

The Smuggler killed a Stormtrooper, and took his utility belt since he was short on supplies. When a Rebel Intelligence Officer spotted the gear, he thought the Smuggler was an Imperial. Foolishly, the Smuggler lashed out at him before even trying to figure out if the Rebel was going to try to hurt him or just talk to him. The Smuggler's mistake ended up getting him a blaster bolt to his heart. His heart's been replaced by a bionic heart, meaning, robotic and artificial. He got his ass seriously kicked by the Dark-Sider when that guy went crazy. He did end up getting off the shot that pierced the Dark-Sider's skull though.

The Wanderer is the hopeless hero of the story. He started out by getting caught on Alderaan with a shit load of illegal weaponry. He cooperated, until he found out that they were going to place him under arrest. He escaped custody, with the help of a Rebel Operative, however the Rebel killed one of the Alderaan Police Officers, and the police believed the Wanderer was the one who killed him. It was the first murder on Alderaan in a hundred years, so the whole damn planet's looking for him. The Wanderer went back to the police station later to retreive a weapon he held dear, a katana he had taken from a not-quite defeated foe. He wasn't successful in sneaking inside the police headquarters, and was arrested. One of the police officers went off the deep end from all the stress, and shot the Wanderer. He had to be rushed to a medical center to be saved.

The Alderaan Government decided to hand him over to the Empire. Kyle temporarily escaped from Alderaan Custody, but the Empire was hot on his trail. His reckless little speeder chase cost about a dozen Alderaan citizens their lives, and the Empire caught him anyway. The Wanderer was manipulated by the head of Imperial Intelligence, and was turned against his own friends, to the ways of the Empire. The Wanderer did this because he felt that the Empire was in the right, but it was only because his character has a limited knowledge base of the Empire, and he was easily manipulated by a guy who is very, very good at manipulating people.

Every mission the Empire sent the Wanderer on was failed. Every mission, the Wanderer found out new information, and turned against the Empire, only to learn more information and side back with them. His indecisiveness eventually caused him to lose his left hand in a sword fight. The Empire replaced it with a bionic limb, like Luke Skywalker's.

The Wanderer was sent on a mission to destroy the Rebel Base, but he failed again, and once again turned against the Empire. He was aboard the Dark-Sider's ship while it was being attacked, and half way through the attack by the Empire, the Dark-Sider went crazy and tried to kill everyone. The Wanderer ended up losing his right arm, right up to the shoulder. He hasn't gotten it replaced, and he's currently in custody by the Empire.

In fact, they're all in custody by the Empire, except the Rebel, who's actually in custody by the Rebellion, on a planet that's about to explode.

You look at all of their track records, and what they've lost, and the prices they've all paid to gain absolutely nothing. These are all defeats.

Yet, they are still alive. Sometimes victories are small, and sometimes you have to look for them. They might just be a small silver lining in a dark cloud, but it is up to you to choose to focus on the bright, or on the dark.

Good or evil, right and right, victory and defeat. It's all a matter of perspective.

The only character's I consider to be complete failures are the two character's who died. One died because he was a complete moron. The other died simply because she didn't take cover during a fire-fight, and she got caught in the cross-fire.

Yes, you might die for simple reasons. Reasons that are anything but heroic.

Such is life.

Life is Good.

But that's just my perspective....
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2004, 12:25:36 am

Reminds me of the one game of SWRPG I played in eighth grade.  I was playing a young force user, no lightsaber, no money, only a bit of telekinetic ability.  We came across a massacre in the docking bay of some planet (forget it's name).  A rancor had been set loose and slaughtered a ton of people.  So I, being the opportunist, begin looting the bodies.  Lo and behold, I fail the roll to resist the dark side.  Note that my character is very naive and good natured.  "Hey!  Look guys!  I found ten thousand <instant change to scary evil voice> CREDITS!!"  The GM took control of me for awhile, made me a complete ass.  I remotely activated a friend's lightsaber while it was still on his belt.  Fun times.

Back on topic, this is going to kick ass once you get it running.  I'm looking forward to the curve balls you'll throw at us.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2004, 03:55:00 am
Hahaha, I loved being evil in KOTOR.  It was so much fun, walking up to a random wookie and calling him the scum of the earth then killing him because he was irritating.  Good times...
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2004, 04:15:44 am
So when the hel does this Rp start?
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2004, 04:19:35 am
Quote from: "Tyshalle"

Anyone who comes into my RPG's thinking in terms of black and white get themselves into a lot of trouble very early on. They tend to think that just because someone is your enemy, that means that they're evil. This is not the case. Sometimes you'll have to kill very good people in order to get the desired results. And sometimes making an enemy out of good people and cause very bad results. Sometimes making friends out of terrible people can be a good thing.

It is not always those who see shades of grey who get through. Someone who fights for an ideal-what they see as white- by fighting agains tall that threatens thier way of life-what they see as Black- can act as a rock in a world of swirling sands.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2004, 07:54:02 am
I think he's relying on that.  It doesn't take much to either shift someone's perception slightly, or create the perfect appearance of something to goad a person into doing something he or she didn't intend.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2004, 05:47:51 pm
People who can act as a rock in a world of swirling sands will take very little damage in a world of swirling sands. But the world is not all sand. Put a rock against a body of water, and the water will give way, without breaking or straying from its own course. And the rock, the rock will sink. And when you put a rock against another rock, the only possible outcome is breaking rocks.

Perhaps that's how your world turned to sand. Too many rocks clashing against one another. And you drop sand in water, and much like the rock, it sinks.

No matter what you put against water, water is flexible enough to bend, absorb and take in an infinate amount of foreign objects without breaking or destroying itself.

And when everything you drop in water sinks to the bottom, the water stays on top.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2004, 06:19:05 pm
Oil floats...oil floats....
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2004, 08:22:37 pm
Yeah, but it also screws up seagulls, penguins, and otters.  I'm sure there's a meaningful metaphor in there somewhere.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2004, 08:46:45 pm
Fire burns oil. Water puts out fire. Heat from fire evaporates water, but water is flexible enough to rain back upon you.

And hell, if you piss water off enough, it's heart will go cold, and the water will freeze, hard as a rock, and that, sometimes can even rival stone.

And if you give straight water enough time, it can break down stone. Look at the Grand Canyon.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2004, 09:15:50 pm
Tyshalle, you are an extremely intelligent individual. You make we want to reform my posting spelling. And to increase my metaphorical knowledge to put into perspective these things your saying, that are almost profound, but yet it just doesnt make it there. Its this close though. -.-

Edit:To conform with my policy of trying to space posts(like I actually do it, but anyways), Your welcome. When I write for fictionpress or for my local Books A Million(for writers contests, which I actually have), I spend a day trying to think of a new way to convey an idea, and as I usually like to speed type, I have to go over it anyway and I find that sometimes, I add shit that that goes like way over my own head. Then sometimes I find that I add, well, shit.

My point being that if that is you shit, my freaking plateu of insight is your "im doing okay" kind of day.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 08, 2004, 09:43:10 pm
Catch me sometime when I'm actually thinking. This is just me bullshitting. But thanks for the compliment all the same. It comes from me taking up creative writing in the 5th grade, by 9th grade everyone knew I was a serious writer, by my senior year in high school I was told by everyone who had read anything of mine that I was the best writer in our school... then in college I was told by two seperate teachers that my writing was on a much higher level than the rest of the class, and one of them admitted that I was the best she had ever taught.

I take writing very seriously, which is why I get very bitchy around people who talk like "ur kewl n stuff b cuz and do u no wut 2 do 4 me plz ppl."

As for my intelligence itself... I'm probably not as smart as I can occasionally make myself out to be. I think my vocabulary is extremely sub par for a writer of my tallents, and I spend so much of my time gaming and living in a world of science fiction and fantasy that I have no idea what's going on in the world, or how real shit works. I do however, spend a lot, and I do mean a lot, of time thinking.

I think about everything. People often complain to me about how I over analyze everything, and how I always go into way too much detail when I'm verbally telling a story.

It's all true I guess, and it's not like I'm a stupid man. I'm just a bit hard on myself because I'm not as smart as I'd like to be. That's just the perfectionist in me though. I make an effort to learn at least three new things a day, no matter how useless they may seem. Hell, I still can occasionally use the "allegators have a second eyelid flap over their eyes to keep out the water" that I learned in first grade. It's useless information, but it's funny how often useless information actually comes up.

But yeah though, if you think my bullshitting water metaphore is pretty good, you should seriously join my RPG when I finally open it. It's going to be the proverbial shit.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: ArchNemesis on June 10, 2004, 09:27:21 am
hm im willing to join... altough i may fuck up on purpose to test out everything since this is my first RP and all... so i wanna see whats the goods and bads on this suker, lets just hope i catch on quick
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 13, 2004, 10:01:55 pm
"Fuck up on purpose..."

What in the hell is that supposed to mean?
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 13, 2004, 10:15:36 pm
it means to do everything wrong, to make wrong disicions which most people would make right, just to test the boundries, like if u were in beta for mxo u'd do things that might mess up the game so the mxo ppl can fix it :) beta testing for a textbased thingy!!!

Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 13, 2004, 10:26:07 pm
Wow, zink, the boobies still make me almost not read your posts....

And you know beta testing for a text rp makes absolutely no sense right?

I think fucking up on purpose is just saying "I will annoy the frekin hell out of you"
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 14, 2004, 06:29:25 pm
That's what it sounds like to me.

There's no test phase for my RPG. If the rules don't work, it'll be obvious from normal gameplay. You don't have to purposely do shit just to test the rules.

And playing the game based on the rules is metagame thinking, as in, cheating. When the game starts, just play your character, the rules will come into play by my hand.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 14, 2004, 10:31:32 pm
sweeet D&D :)
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: ArchNemesis on June 17, 2004, 05:33:20 pm
umm i wasn't refering to testing but more of a ... well practice... see what i could really do with it.. like i said  i have never RPed in my life so i dont know the first step. thats the reason why i said that ill fuck up on purpose... see how things turn out... kinda like if theres a game with a good and bad outcome... u try em both out to see what they are... kinda like that. Just keep in mind i have never done muchless heard ANYTHING dealing with RPing before.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 17, 2004, 05:48:43 pm
Then you are in for a treat, I think.  Roleplaying d&d style is always a blast, especially if you have a good group of people with an experienced DM.  And hey! sounds like we have both.  Plus, it's gonna be set in the matrix universe?  Oh God yes....

Once again, I can't wait for this to come around!
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 17, 2004, 06:59:21 pm
yah tyshelle when we going to be able to sample this stuff :) b cuz i m Vber 1337 5aVc3!!! w00t w00t!
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 17, 2004, 08:30:01 pm
My sister's are leaving Chicago Saturday night, so I'll probably get on it Sunday. It's about 35% complete so far.
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Tbone on June 18, 2004, 12:14:14 am
Very cool
Title: I'm contemplating hosting my own text-based Matrix RPG.
Post by: Anonymous on June 22, 2004, 11:57:29 pm
Ok, im just bumping this to keep the RP hopes alive. Any progress yet Tyshalle?
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