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Topics - Broin

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General / FA does it again
« on: October 26, 2010, 05:34:34 pm »
Hey guys sorry not around but as some of you know work called.  
I literally have like 10 min of some hijacked Internet and spent
that time looking at our forums for a few.  I am so happy and
pleased that all of hour hard work has paid off and I can't wait
to get back and participate.  

It has not been a fun time for me.  I really wanted to be there.  
This isn't the best place in the world and one of my guys went
down with an injury within the first 48 hours.  

Again great job and hope to see you all soon

« on: June 02, 2010, 06:50:53 pm »
There is a new update to Teamspeak.  Once you download it you will not be able to connect to our teamspeak server.  

Once you download it and try to connect you get the error message

The server version is outdated.
The following features are known to not function properly:
Voice Transmission can be corrupted, this server cannot be used iwth this clietn.  The server should be updated.

So looks like we need to update the server, so until that is done I would suggest not downloading the new versionl.

Off Topic / Broin Needs Help
« on: February 27, 2010, 05:34:53 pm »
Okay so I'm having some issues with my IPOD.  I'm needing to get the photos on there downloaded and saved to the computer before I take it back to factory specs and reinstall everything.  I have some on there that I don't have on the computer anymore and I don't want to lose them.

I found this thing...

And it will let me do it, but the thing is it puts a stupid watermark on them.  Any help would be appreciated.

General / It is Time...
« on: February 11, 2010, 08:14:56 pm »
So I was sitting and thinking the other day.  What was it about us in MXO compared to us outside of MXO.  In MXO we were a power house.  We came in with a large group of committed individuals whose entire goal was focused like a laser beam on specific tasks within the game.

As individuals we all strived for our own perspective best in the roles that we took up in the game... Hacker, Spy, Master Knife Thrower, Sniper, Healer, Martial Artist, Gunman, on and on, etc.,  But each individual was still selfless in their dedication to the group as a whole.  

We had a clear and concise representation of who we were, what we were about, what we did, and how we handled ourselves during all of it.  We all knew it, we strove to perfect it and keep it rolling.... And we did.  

We rolled over anyone who opposed us, despite the odds, despite the trails, despite all the troubles, in the end we were MXO....

I know we all want that back again.  That feeling of a united front, a singular group of unique individuals, able to adapt, able to overcome, able to do what others thought was not even remotely possible.

How though.... We all been asking ourselves that question.  How?  

For me the answer was very easy.  We start where we began.

We have to have a unique and compelling story about who we are, all wrapped around our one of a kind recruitment.  And we have to start it now.  We can't wait.

See the thing about MXO.  The reason why we were so dominate, is because we were able to draw so many people in to our group to begin with.  We had hundreds of people flow in and out of our ranks over the years.  But, before MXO started we had a huge group of people gathering together, hanging out, gaming together, whenever time allowed and in whatever game we could find.

Sure people came and went before the game... Hell some went even after the game, but in the end due to our recruitment we were able to gather a large core group of dedicated individuals that propelled us forward.  WE MUST HAVE THAT AGAIN.  We MUST dedicate ourselves to recruitment.  We MUST dedicate ourselves to hanging out together.  We MUST dedicate ourselves to gaming together.  We MUST dedicate ourselves to our new goals in a new game.  

We need to start recruitment for SWTOR very soon.  We need to build.  Build just like we did in the beginning.  That means lots of new faces.  New faces that need, that MUST,  see the old guard still standing around keeping an eye on things.

We old hard core guys have been officially furious since 2004.  We've grown 6 years older together.  I've seen many of you guys go through high school and college.  Hell, I'm at a place where 6 years ago I didn't think I'd be.  Times change, we change, and we find that we have less time for the things we loved back in those early days, but still WHEN we have the time then we need to be there.

Just as we were a symbol of greatness and good within MXO, and remembered as the top guild.  The one with the best coordinated group of fighters, the most dedicated and top notch individuals at each of their classes, the most unique group of individuals able to produce movies and images that were and are ICONIC within MXO.  SO can we be in SWTOR, or whatever game we choose.

I promise you…  All that we must do is choose, to do it.... I know what I choose.  What is your choice?

Off Topic / Upgrade / PS3 / Xbox
« on: January 23, 2010, 06:04:32 pm »
So I was thinking the other day about upgrading my system, but then thought you know it's going to be about 6-12 months before we really get into any hard core gaming... So then I was thinking should I get a PS3 or Xbox or what...  

I have netflix so I wouldn't mind having either the PS or Xbox to stream the on demand stuff from netflix.  

Trying to figure out all the plus and minus for each system, but I'm not all that up on them all I know for sure is that the PS has the blue ray player

Anyway throw your two cents in on the pros and cons of each and help me decide whether to


« on: November 21, 2009, 09:10:22 am »

General / New Sig
« on: October 28, 2009, 04:56:24 pm »
Yup it's that time.. I still have that crazy darkfall sig attached to me.  

Time for someone to step up and make me a SWTOR and APB sig...

Off Topic / IGN Contest / Champions
« on: September 16, 2009, 04:29:14 pm »

« on: July 27, 2009, 03:11:40 pm »
I sent a PM to 9mmfu today...

Not sure if you can help or not, but I have two requests if possible.   I am trying to finish up the filming of our last movie, and it requires a run sequence through Stamos and Mannsen however, everytime we get over there we get those *CENSORED* Zombie spawns....  Is there a way to get us unflagged for that or temporarily shut them down.  We tried to get them to spawn on us on places where they can't follow, but there is a very limited time before they despawn and then spawn at our location we are filming.

Secondly again not sure if this is possible but the run sequence basically has us running from Historic District to Stamos District which of course is across a bridge.  I've been able to get my camera view to look way out over the bridge and I can see that it has structure and eventually ends.  Not sure but is it possible for us to get over to that side of the bridge and run on it?  I'm sure you know the ones I'm talking and I know there is no access to them but was wondering if we were "able" to get access to them if you could actually run on them?

Thanks old man...


Turning off the sequences is possible time it would be the question

The bridge is more problematic since it would depend on where exactly you want to be. some of it has walk meshes that allow you to stand on other may not. And timing would be an issue.


Brother you give me a date and time and I'll make sure we are there and ready to go...

And anywhere on those bridges will work... Even if we can only run a half dozen steps forward.

As soon as I get a response form him I'll post it on the boards but we will need our operatives running Tbone, Broin, Adad, Anamodiel, Bellthazor...  As well as at a minimum two agents to follow though we have the video cut for three.  Which I can manage making two look like three... Anyways you are all on high alert.  

Be ready

General / I JUST CAN'T DO IT....
« on: June 17, 2009, 02:43:32 pm »
I just can't do it... I can't leave MXO this way.... I've had the end of our story rolling around in my mind for years and I just can't let it go without at least attempting to get it down....

With the Bayamos hacks several of the things I want to do are now possible, and I'm willing to risk my system to do it....

It means a very tight schedule and quite a few sleepless night for me but I just can't let it go...

Whose up for one last video?

General / I made a post...
« on: June 09, 2009, 07:26:08 pm »

Does this go towards the old count that we were suppoused to have?  :p

General / Patch Notes June 3
« on: June 03, 2009, 10:13:21 am »
The main focus for this patch were the optimizations. This is the most work we've done to date in this area.


The audio system has been completely revamped and this will result in significantly higher performance, mostly noticeable during large sieges.
A large number of server side optimizations regarding sieges and large battle performance have been applied.
Miscellaneous client problems have been addressed

New Items added for Skinning:

Dragon Bone
Ork Darktaint
Northman Blood
Gold crafting costs for all armor exceeding 25 gold have been reduced
Gold crafting costs for all shields exceeding 25 gold have been reduced
Gold crafting costs for all weapons exceeding 25 gold have been reduced
Gold crafting costs for all bows exceeding 25 gold have been reduced
Gold crafting costs for all mage staffs exceeding 25 gold have been reduced
Enchanted and transmuted item names in player journal will now be displayed correctly
Baneful enchantments can now be used on bows
Visual Updates

Player animations updated
Visual updates to various Orkish architecture
Visual updates to various floating islands
Visual updates to various nature elements
Visual updates to various bridges
Visual update to Ithwen Ruins in Yssam
Visual updates to various Goblin architecture
Visual update to all Kobolds
Visual update to Stone Golems
Visual updates to various props

The following changes only apply to newly crafted armor:

Bone Armor: will have increased slashing/bludgeoning/piercing/holy/unholy protection and decreased encumbrance
Plate Armor: will have increased durability
Full Plate Armor: will have increased durability
Infernal Armor: will have increased durability
Dragon Armor: will have increased durability

All transmuted weapons will have increased durability. These changes apply only to newly crafted weapons

Weapon Rank has been corrected for:

Feral Edge (now rank 20)
Slavemaster (now rank 80)
Legbreaker (now rank 40)
There are now new Animations for Axe and Club power attacks
All Power attacks now do additional (secondary) damage:
Axes/Greataxes: Melee protection debuffing
Clubs/Greatclubs: Extra stamina drain
Knives: Poison damage
Polearms: Intelligence and Dexterity penalty
Swords/Greatswords: Bleeding damage

Loot from monsters has been updated in these monsters:

Bone exarch
Gray ork assassin
Gray ork chieftain
Gray ork warrior
Kobold raider
Kobold scrapper
Kobold scrounger
Kobold shaman
Kobold strongman
Sun exarch
Varangian runewielder
Varangian skjalgsblood
Varangian warthane
Fire Dragons

Focus can now be bought from Mages
Endurance can now be bought from Fighters
Fitness can now be bought from Fighters
The skill progression rate for all Magic Schools has been increased
The skill progression rate of complementary archery skills have been increased

All whirlwind skills allow player movement now
Revive is now a proper skill and will skill up with use resulting in increased health of the player you are reviving.
Jump has been added to the visual skill tree.
Bindstone recall has been added the skill tree. Skills->Magic Skills->Bindstone Recall

User Interface

Issue where quest items left over in a player's backpacks cannot be deleted has been fixed
Backpack weight indicator will properly update
The quest window has been updated
All tooltips have been enhanced with more information
Some bugs regarding the hotbar have been fixed
Tabs have been added to the Input Bindings window to easier navigate between input options
Options to display Ping and FPS are now located in Options->GUI Options
Enchantment window has been updated

Players using the alternative use key to access banks etc. will now lose their invulnerability shield
Using of the alternative use key will now follow the same rules as the primary use key
All debug yield commands have been removed
Jumping and crouching cool down has been slightly increased
Journal will now display correct item names
Dwarven beard will now have the same color as his hair
A successful shield block will now block all effects of the attack
The time available to forgive a killer has been increased


The Challenger in a no asset holding clan vs City Conquest will not be able to use Binstone Recall, Portals or Rune Stones In case of an emergency server shutdown before a siege is over all gold paid as a siege wager by the attacking clan will be returned to the clan.


NOW.... Who wants some bane weapons... Come on you know you want them  :D   Come to the bank of Broin...

General / This is how it starts...
« on: May 03, 2009, 10:52:37 am »
The events over the past few weeks for all of us have been crazy... But in the end we have come out on the otherside looking better.  

We have shown that we have integrity and honor in a game where that is a very rare thing.  

Our members have started befriending other like minded guilds, which will be crucial for our next step / plans in the game.  

We have done things in game against our enemies that they can not figure out how we are doing. The raid on the Vindicator City  where our members snuck in killed several of them and got out undetected is case in point.  Being called exploiters because this other, suppousedly more experienced guild can't figure out how we did it, is confirmation of that.

We have people, both friends and foe, wanting to know more about us.  Wandering who we are, what we are all about, what we are capable of.  

This my friends is how it starts....

Another case in ponit.... the Sinister DarkFall Political Map.

This is the description of us in that map.  

Alliance: None
Clan: Furious Angels
Description: Very few clan members but seem to have agreements with unknown clans.  Not to be underestimated.
Updated by: Coalition Chillin

That was what a major enemy in the game considers us to be... Not to be underestimated.  

Let's keep it up folks... Keep talking to those like minded guilds.  Keep up recruitment of new players in the cities.  Keep helping out when and where you can to those who need it.   Keep going out in your groups and hitting the enemey where it hurts.

Keep being honorable, do not gank, do not kill, do not steal from our own people.  

Keep protecting those who need protecting.

Keep being FURIOUS...

General / Group Outing RECRUITMENT
« on: April 10, 2009, 12:27:43 pm »
Alright guys there has been enough talk and what not about getting together and doing stuff.  

It is now decision time.

We need to pick specific dates and times and do some of this.

What I would like to see us do first is a group outing for recruitment.  
What we'll do is gear up and head over to a starting city and then simply defend the goblin area or what not from gankers and pk's so that people can gather in peace.  

My vision for this is we roll into the area in mass (MASS MEANS EVERYONE) and declare that the area/city/whatever is currently under the protection of the Furious Angels and that any wishing to cause harm or trouble for the new citizens of the town will face our fury.  

We'll talk to the new players in the area help them complete a quest or two, maybe throw them a few rank 10 or 20 weapons (which will be good because staring weapons no longer let you level up), and provide whatever kind of help we can.  

AND direct them to the challenge website...

Please post here a day of the week or time that best works for you.

« on: April 01, 2009, 03:30:20 pm »
04/04/09 We are going to get everyone together and do some exploring and raiding...   I'm thinking for the time to be around 4 or 5 ish FA time.  

Let's say it's MANDATORY and see how many people we can get in game.  It'd be nice to get two full groups which are 10 people per group....

Most of us are around the Oromea city so let's plan on meeting up there.[/b]

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