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Topics - Subb

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Off Topic / Discrimination? You decide.
« on: April 28, 2007, 03:03:46 pm »
I had an episode in school the otherday where Subb came out as the "Bad boy" according to a few teachers. A teacher was asking us what subjects people took for their A levels (senior year) and someone said that they took second language Welsh, I sniggered at this and the teacher said what I found funny. I replied simply:

"I can't take second language English, so why do they have the option of doing second language Welsh?"

The teacher started having a go at me saying that English is the core language. Subb's reply:

"That's aload of crap, I learnt how to speak Welsh before I learnt how to speak English. Welsh is my first language,". I went on with the usual "Subb rant" and was kicked out of the lesson. I mean, did I go to far? I was mighty pissed and my DT teacher even pulled me to one side and said that he was proud about what I did.


Off Topic / Subb is rushed to Hospital.
« on: April 15, 2007, 12:38:54 pm »
You all know of my norman problem, well it seems that norman took a turn for the worse last night. I had started to have pains on thursday while I was at a university doing a CAD course, I thought I had stretched a muscle. By saturday the pain was so bad that I had to go to the hospital. The doctor said that it was a miracle that I did not fit, I was shaking like a bitch and it was the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life.

I now have multiple norman (normletts) that have blocked my epididimus (Spell check? :P) I am now so drugged up I find it hard to talk.



Off Topic / I'm free! Free as a birdie!
« on: April 05, 2007, 02:41:35 pm »
As some of you may know; I went to the doctors because of a cancer scare a few weeks ago. Today, I went for an ultra-sound and they told me that they dunno what it is but it's not tumourous or cancerous (spelling?).

I'm sorry if some of you didnt know, I have been trying to contact people via PM's and tell's etc. I didnt want to post something on the boards, dunno why.
So here it is: found a lump on my... left testicle doctor said it was a cyst, radio-thingy guy doesnt know what it is but it aint bad so I dont have to worry about it.

PS my girlfriend calls it norman :/



Off Topic / So then she threw her knickers at me...
« on: March 26, 2007, 02:41:32 pm »
Hehehe, last friday I had a gig and it was taped... sorry it's all in welsh folks. I play the drums and I received the musician of the day award at the end (I'll upload that vid, even though it's in welsh too). I got my fair share of Wooo's from the ladies Mwhahahaha, too bad the missus wasnt there :(

P.S It was abattle of the bands and we're through to the final stage :D

Off Topic / A personal thank you
« on: March 18, 2007, 10:26:13 am »
Today is Mothers day and my 1 year in FA day :) sorry this is short, so I'll keep it sweet. Thank you, each and every one of you, Thanks.

Off Topic / 300
« on: March 03, 2007, 02:24:46 pm »
I want to see this film.... my jaw dropped when I saw the teaser trailer in the cinema. Anyone else intrested in watching it?

It's by the guy who wrote sin city (frank miller).

Off Topic / An Angel Falls....
« on: February 28, 2007, 03:58:09 pm »
Subb staggered around the courtyard among the bodies of Cypherites looking for something. He kept on muttering 'the cure.... must find the cure...' to himself franticly. Sweat and blood trickled down his dirty, but at the same time white, face.

He picked up his cure, the gun. A womans voice came from his side. "What are you doing Subb?!" It was Lits.

"Insanity or a Cure? You decide," Subb muttered.

"SUBB! NO!" Dagonet dashed from the other side of the courtyard.




So you're wondering "WTF is he talking about?!" well, the point is; I've quit MxO, I've cancelled my subscription....

I would like to stay on FA if you guys do not mind though, although 'retired' makes me sound old :P

You can't kill a spectre, no one can.....

Off Topic / Oooo, great! ::Roll eyes::
« on: February 23, 2007, 12:33:24 pm »
My GFX card came, and as far as I know; it is working perfectly. Now I cannot stay online for more than 30 mins at a time. I'm on a router and as far as I know I have set it up properly.

Could it be that the connection is too weak, cause I only have a 1.1 mbps connection.



Off Topic / GFX card shopping!
« on: February 12, 2007, 10:14:50 am »
Okay, I need sites for cheaper priced GFX cards.... I'm looking at PC world and Amazon priced ones ATM they're not bad, but meh :p

Also I rather ATI products, since I've always had an ATI GFX card; but I may go for Nvidia if the prices are cheap :D

So far:

*ATI Radeon Sapphire X1650 Pro PCI-E 256 MB

-    ATI Radeon 1650 Pro Chipset
-    256MB GDDR3 Memory
-    PCI-E x16 Interface
-    Dual DVI-I / HDTV-Out
-    Microsoft DirectX 9.0 Support
-    OpenGL 2.0 Support
-    Windows Vista Ready
-    ATI Crossfire Ready

From PC world. £79.99

Off Topic / Valentine present ideas
« on: January 31, 2007, 12:23:34 pm »
Grrr, it's nearing that time again. My girlfriend wants to be a vet and 'cause she loves animals I thought this would be a nice idea.... yes or no?

Valentine  present idea

Off Topic / Ka-boom!
« on: January 26, 2007, 10:21:16 am »
My computer decided to go bang on me :( all I heard was a kind of "Deeeeoommm" sound (like a TV  going off) and it didn't start.

I can't smell anything and I didn't see any dust so I'm guessing this is a power pack problem, or is it? :'(

Subbeh :'(

General / Trucidos let it slip again?
« on: January 25, 2007, 01:54:40 pm »

is it just me or is hios post suspicious? :/

Off Topic / Subby's Panto
« on: January 21, 2007, 01:12:19 pm »

Okay here's one of me as a pirate... can't see much of me; these pics are from saturday which was the last night so we're all pretty tipsy.

(I'm the one in the red bandana) :p

Me as a Cheeky girl!

ME + my friend Tom as cheeky girls...

Even Lembit Opik came....

Don't I look hawt? :p


General / Is it just me?
« on: January 17, 2007, 03:18:16 pm »
Or does behaviour like this make you sick too?

Who would say that they want all zion to die in RL?! Me thinks he/she needs to go to a mental hospital.....

BTW, he/she was complaining 'bout numbers, I called for help when he was 4 v 1ing me and then he started to bitch and whine after I said all Orgs zerg :/


Off Topic / I told myself this day would never happen....
« on: January 10, 2007, 01:05:41 pm »
But I was wrong; my love for MxO is nearly dead.... life is shit at the moment; I have A level exams which are making me physically and mentally sick because of long revision periods and stress, I've lost my fuckin' phone which has so many photos and memories on there and to top it all fuckin' up my mother has suspected breast cancer and has got to go to screening on Wednesday.

As of now, I declare my life one of the shitest around.

Sorry, I had to get it off my chest.


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