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Messages - Da6onet

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General / Its time to reflect...
« on: March 02, 2006, 08:28:31 pm »
It's a weak back story and to me doesn't make much sense. Then again, what the writers have done so far doesn't make sense so I guess we're going to have to suck on LESIG's tits for the duration of the game. In that case, I choose Commander Locke because he's the only person that hasn't waivered or made crappy decisions. We owe our allegiance to the citizens of Zion, that means fighting for them, not our own causes and certainly not for the bluepills still plugged in.

General / Coder Library
« on: March 02, 2006, 05:32:24 pm »
Update 7 Complete (over 1400 clothing items now!)

Off Topic / On Vacation
« on: March 02, 2006, 12:26:51 am »
Las time I was in Maui I got to see two big sea turtles having sex. True story!

Where do you stay in Maui?

General / Re: Huntington
« on: February 28, 2006, 03:46:20 am »
Quote from: "ManicVelocity"
Also be on the lookout for 0Leo0 (those are zeros).  He sent me a /tell a couple days ago asking if he could skip the challenge.  He said he's been stuck for four months.  The thing that I found strange was that he was only level 14.

/ccr'd him for afk-macro'ing in mara central for hours today.

General / Huntington
« on: February 26, 2006, 05:10:59 pm »
This guy keeps sucking up to me and wants in the faction, I think he's at least doing the challenge, but currently he's a member of Immortalis. Not sure what to make of him. Anyone else have input on him?

General / Kevin Balcarcel
« on: February 24, 2006, 03:12:51 pm »
Does anyone else know who this guy is?

He has pm'd me several times stating that Tbone has told him that he is done with the challenge and asks when he can get into the faction. I keep getting the feeling he's like the kid that asks his mom for permission, she says no so then goes to dad and tells him mom gave them permission.

I don't want to pwn this guy until I have my facts straight, so any help would be much appreciated.

Off Topic / randomness
« on: February 20, 2006, 07:21:31 am »
Every man is guilty of all the good he didn't do.

Off Topic / Fair Fights
« on: February 19, 2006, 05:23:38 pm »
Some interesting facts about fair fights in MxO

My loadout: Duelist/VD

The only people that have beaten me with a real pvp loadout (hackers excluded) are
KROG: FM/TeamPatcher/VD Max focus
Liljade: Duelist/VD Max focus
Pirus:  Aikido/VD

Rules: No changing loadouts once fight has started, no boosters/pills/outside buffs

The only people who have beaten other than them have been
Trucidos: Aikido/Patcher (no vd)
Rules: No changing loadouts once fight has started, no boosters/pills/outside buffs, 5 rollouts
Krytical: Duelist/Karate (no vd)
Rules were: unlimited rollouts, no boosters/pills/etc., no free fire, no changing loadouts once fight has started

Trucidos admitted that he cannot beat me with a real pvp loadout.
Krytical told me I was a noob and sore loser when I told him that he did not fight with a real pvp loadout.

I have dueled many others, some with vd, others without it, with about a 90% win rate. What I cannot understand is why people are always so opposed to dueling with a pvp loadout. Are Trucidos and Krytical that insecure? Can't anyone Mervs or Machines fight fairly and win?


Off Topic / Dues Gets QWNED!
« on: February 16, 2006, 12:54:26 pm »
I didn't want to stir up any more trouble, Orien originally found the item like an hour after it was posted, since he didn't post it to the public forums I didn't think it was my call to do so. And yes it was originally a listed item Tbone and got caught, item removed by ebay.

Off Topic / Dues Gets QWNED!
« on: February 16, 2006, 04:15:55 am »
Orien found this earlier, starting bid was $995, just a few hours later... QWNED!

(if you don't know what i'm talking about look at the url)

Off Topic / And We Thought Canada Was Dumb
« on: February 12, 2006, 08:54:55 pm »
i agree, shooting a lawyer is never an accident.

General / Congrats to Olympic Winners and Participants!
« on: February 06, 2006, 07:08:37 pm »
Quote from: "Kosila"
My victory wouldn't have been possible without the help from Broin. He helped me optimize my build, he coded the clothes I needed, he helped me farm, and he even provided the 2 million $info entry fee I needed to participate!!

Thank you Broin for all your help! :)
Members like you is what makes FA so great.

On that note, thanks to anyone who lets me use them as punching bags or more precisely, target practice :-D


Off Topic / SUPERBOWL!!! (Steelers Won 21-10)
« on: February 05, 2006, 03:34:26 pm »
Feel free to post what you think the score will be.
I say 27-19 Steelers.

General / Olympic Team PvP
« on: February 04, 2006, 11:27:36 am »
Manatikluniak's post

You must be visible before the count the count begins, you can activate it, as well as the pacther can start buffing as well.

And as far as the time, we are not making it earlier, but  we are gonna start immediately at 4pm est, as originally planned.
So meet up at 3:30, get your LOs ready, get your teams ready, and be ready to start at 4pm sharp.

General / Team Duel
« on: February 03, 2006, 11:48:06 am »
I finally got the DSL up and running today, on my 23rd bday no less :-D
got a connection speed of over 1600kbps on the last speed test so I will finally be available. If Broin's got UGM/Doc then I'll be loading my duelist build (hopefully without IS regen bugs this time).

Good to be back,

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