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Messages - AstralFire

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General / Re: A Fond Farewell
« on: January 08, 2012, 09:29:34 am »
I don't... really feel like that is a very accurate portrayal of the events that occurred, nor do I really feel that my actions have ever shown me to be in favor of causing grief in unfair fights. I was told that we ultimately pulled out of Voss because we did not want to 'elevate hostilities,' which was a bit of a shocking response to me, especially after I had gone back during our initial withdrawal to keep Anamodiel from being ganked by superior numbers. (I would also like to point out that by the time we attempted our first pull away, we already seemed like gankers to a few people; I spent a while arguing with a few members of Reign who tried to stop the other Sith from ganking me over that. Some misunderstanding will always be inevitable, I think.)

On reflection, it was a response that made sense from a certain point of view; but it is not the attitude that I was hoping to see. At my core, while I enjoy PvP, I do not particularly enjoy World PvP; however, I was very proud of my Furious Angels tag, we had made a very big show of insisting that the planet was now safe for the other Republic there, and I felt that the end result was it looked like us running and not putting a good acquittal of ourselves as relentless defenders when the potential broke out for a guild-versus-guild thing with Reign.

I certainly got to eat a lot of insults from the Imperials who camped me stating exactly those things, especially with regards to the IC comments we had made about how we were defending Republic players there.

I want to emphasize that I understand Anamodiel's point of view (I am sorry for shouting at you that night, by the way, Ana; I sent you my apologies separately. Heat of the moment, pardon), but it is not the response which I was hoping for. You all are some amazing PvPers - Fuse, you in particular have stood out to me in our few matches as having a particular gift at coordinated asskicking - and some great people, and I would also like to take a moment to commend Longboard for having returned and stayed with me in contravention to the rest of the operation that had been assembled, but that night sort of cemented for me general concerns I'd been having about my place in the guild.

I gave it a few days to think it over so that I would not do anything particularly rash, and then I still felt the way I did.

So you see, it's not about the amount of level 50s we have, or about how many warzones we run (because I often did run those alone, Trushott's quite right), or that I wanted to sit there and camp lower level Sith. Please don't insist that it is any of those things.

General / A Fond Farewell
« on: January 07, 2012, 09:12:06 pm »
Hey guys,

I was just going to leave quietly, but Manic asked me to put a post up on the forums to explain my decision, so I am.

First of all, I want to say that I have been very privileged to play with you all, because you have all been wonderful people to spend time with. There is not a person in FA that I know, who I would be unhappy to see in my warzone, operation, or flashpoint. You have - at least to me - acquitted yourselves very well as people and friends.

However, I do not feel that this is the guild for me.

I made the decision to go RP-PvP with some trepidation, but my essential reasoning was that while I had always been able to spark roleplay, I had not often been able to get a group of dedicated PvPers which I could learn from and play with. Judging from the website and initial impressions, I felt that Furious Angels would be the fit for me.

Despite that, what I have seen since launch is a general friendly atmosphere which nevertheless lacks the particular sense of fire which I had been hoping to find. Having spent years on an outnumbered and undermotivated faction which often had to make tactical retreat, I thought that FA would instead be the group in this game which would rarely start fights, but could sure as hell end them. You can take our lives, but you can never take our honor! You can make us respawn, but you can't make us retreat! That sort of thing.

And, I don't know, I'm just not seeing that in practice, and I kinda realized that after what happened the other night on Voss.

I don't think that that is particularly a bad thing, since it seems everyone in guild has a very healthy perspective on game versus life and all that, and I don't necessarily possess that. But it's not what I was looking to find.

I do wish all of you the best, you are welcome to friend me as Phoebe and I will very frequently be willing and cheerful to help, but I think it is time I flew with a different flock.

Non-VR Games / Re: SWTOR server list from - Ask a Jedi serv
« on: December 12, 2011, 04:10:05 pm »
Well, I'll do my best on that front. It's what I do. Once we're all settled in, I'm going to start working on RP stuffs straightaway.

Non-VR Games / Re: SWTOR server list from - Ask a Jedi server list
« on: December 12, 2011, 01:46:38 pm »
I'm actually more concerned about the RP than the PvP. We might be outnumbered, but we can take 'em. I just don't want to end up with a weak RP population with all the RPers running to Emp-side. Will have to hit the ground with best foot forward.

Non-VR Games / Re: SWTOR server list from - Ask a Jedi server list
« on: December 12, 2011, 01:39:38 pm »
The forum polls I saw largely had a slight Republic tilt until recently, but the guild census was always showing a 3:1 Empire:Republic bias. Just weird to see it actually in effect.

Non-VR Games / Re: SWTOR server list from - Ask a Jedi server list compilat
« on: December 12, 2011, 01:25:58 pm »
So... anyone seen a server the Empire doesn't have a large population advantage on? At least we're not going to be hurting for a lack of targets, eesh!

Non-VR Games / Jedi Consulars - Choose your BUILDS
« on: December 12, 2011, 04:08:38 am »
Kinetic/Balance Tanking Hybrid.

General / Re: Welcome Bohlareon, Dakota Faith, Ratio, and Trushott!
« on: December 08, 2011, 05:53:14 am »
Hallo hallo.

General / Re: Welcome Motrec, Zipperqueen, and Zuki!
« on: December 06, 2011, 01:29:01 am »
Welcome to the three of you. Especially my most lovely counterpart. :)

General / Final Check-In Before Launch! Please check in!
« on: November 07, 2011, 03:19:28 pm » name: AstralFire
In-game name: Phoenix or Novahawk; undecided.
Order: Veritas
ETA: December 15

General / Re: Recent Absences
« on: September 27, 2011, 08:32:40 am »
I'm finally back... been crazy. had a conference this weekend, got sick, have a deadline for my other job...

General / Recent Absences
« on: September 12, 2011, 05:46:00 pm »
I apologize for not making it to last week's meeting and tonight isn't looking good either. I've been very, very sick for the last two weeks, missed an entire week of work. Now struggling to catch up before a deadline.

Off Topic / Vote for my story! - ROUND 2!
« on: September 09, 2011, 11:49:38 am »
I'm not sure. He actually cut about half of my comments. I guess he only picked the responses he thought made for the best reads. (I did come off like an advertisement on the guild questions...)

Off Topic / Vote for my story! - ROUND 2!
« on: September 09, 2011, 07:32:47 am »
The interview is up and posted, though he cut out the part where I talked about FA. :(

Non-VR Games / Re: Complete Talent Calc for all classes
« on: September 02, 2011, 03:09:42 pm »
Quote from: "Oomm"
It worked in Chrome for me, Don.

Fuse - best solo honestly would be Sage since you can heal yourself, however your 1st companion can tank which makes Shadow viable as well for soloing.

Better than a Tank Shadow? It's like all the advantages of paladin + rogue leveling....

Balance reminded me more of an Aff. Lock from looking at the talents.

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