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Author Topic: I Am Phienyx  (Read 5780 times)


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I Am Phienyx
« on: March 20, 2005, 05:14:24 pm »
I am Phienyx, once known as Zannder Kane, but that was a long time ago and in another life.  Things have been a little…weird for me lately and its gonna take me a little time to wrap my head around this whole red pill experience, but I am a quick study.

I am…or was a cop; a vice detective to be more specific and though I tended to bend the rules quite a bit, I was damned good at what I did.  I never hurt anyone that didn’t deserve it and those that did, rarely ever hurt anyone else again.  In my world, I wanted to make a difference.  This is why I became a cop.  As I see it, there are 3 types of people in the world: those that don’t care about making a difference, those that waste their time trying to change what cannot ever be changed and those that actually fight to change what can be changed.  I was in that last category…. or so I thought.  I hated my world, but what I hated most about my world…. well…the Matrix was observing the frivolously, wasteful and meaningless existence that we were conditioned to accept as normal.  People did little more than to float through their lives, reveling in an inflated sense of self-worth (or lack thereof), a false sense of accomplishment and measured the worth of others based on bullshit like money, possessions, and how much fun one could cram into one lifetime.  But I guess that is exactly what THEY wanted.  Put the “kids” in a room with a bunch of “toys” and distractions and hope they stay preoccupied long enough to stay out of trouble....and serve their purpose.  Well, staying out of trouble wasn’t quite my thing.

I never really fit into that world.  I despised the fact that most people had a very shallow sense of our existence and didn’t want more out of life or to give more of themselves to improve their world.  Don’t get it twisted.  I was no tree hugger..  I just couldn’t really put my finger on the source or the reason for why I felt that there was more to our existence than we realized.  I wouldn’t resign myself to the belief that we existed simply to engage in a life long pursuit of self-indulgence and nothing more.  I believed that everyone had some significant purpose.  I thought that as a cop, I had found my significant purpose, but there were still pieces missing from the puzzle. There was something more there that seemed just beyond my ability to perceive.

When I was about 9 years old, I began to notice things. I began to notice subtle things that most people either didn’t notice or their mind just subconsciously deleted.  I’ve seen people do things that are not humanly possible, I’ve seen fleeting glimpses of the surrounding environment changing subtly, right before my eyes.  Several times, I’ve seen a person morph into another, but at that age, everyone just laughed ii off as me having a wild imagination.  As I got older, I simply stopped trying to tell people about what I saw and began to keep record of the things I saw or occurrences/situations that were unexplainable or had no logical answers.  I kept this part of myself hidden from everyone else.

When I joined the police department at the age of 20, it became even more clear to me that there was a whole other world that existed above, beneath and within the one in which most of us lived…. whether we wanted to see it or not.  I never had a clue as to how many unsolved missing persons/suspicious death files there actually were.  The files containing unresolved cases of mysterious occurrences and strange events were just as numerous. There were thousands, but no one wants anyone to know that.  Especially those guys in the black suits, wearing expensive shades and shoes. There were many times that they would come in and take over a situation, then demand that no one say a word to anyone about what happened.  Government agents, I thought at first, but now I know better.

My awakening experience began the night of a joint agency raid on a suspected rave location.  It had been reported that Tbone, one of the top people on the FBI’s Most Wanted list, was going to be present with a few of his associates.  They were wanted on multiple accounts of engaging in terrorist acts, drug trafficking, murder and were wanted in connection to several missing persons cases.   We were warned that this crew was known to be heavily armed and very dangerous.  The army of police and FBI SWAT overseen by the suit guys emphasized this point.  My undercover team was to go in ahead and get a positive ID on the primary target and recon the situation prior to entry.

We circulated the gyrating mass of ravers who were all in various states of intoxication and drug influence.  The pulsating beat of Dread Rock by Okenfold rocked the entire warehouse as I scanned the crowd.  I spotted him sitting at a secluded table, dressed in an all white suit, tie, hat and trench coat.  There were 5 others near him similarly dressed.  Given the setting, they fit right into their surroundings.  None of them looked particularly threatening. However, in my profession, I’d learned quickly that looks could be very deceiving but I wasn’t getting any alerts from my “6th sense”…. at least not from this crew.  I radioed in the info. And….

I was walking past Tbone and his crew, being sure not to look at them directly, when I heard the first shot followed closely by the faint sound of breaking glass from the entry team hitting the windows and skylights.  I heard a slug zip by me so close; I thought the shot was meant for me.  I ducked and looked in the direction I’d heard the shot come from.  Three Agents were pushing their way through the crowd and firing on Tbone and his crew.. Something was not right. We were supposed to arrest the suspect, not kill them, but the Agents had clearly fired the first shots.  Everything that happened after that seemed to happen so fast, yet happen in slow motion. I threw off my jacket and shirt, under which I was wearing a ballistic vest announcing I was with the police.  I drew both of my side arms and scanned the immediate area for threats. Tbone and his crew were nowhere to be seen.  Continuing my scan, I noticed a larger commotion near the center of the dance floor.  What I saw there was one of the craziest, yet most amazing things I’d ever seen in my life. Tbone and another of his crew were surrounded by a multitude of black clad SWAT officers, their movements a fluid blur of white as they engaged their would be assailants in lethal ballet of hand to hand combat.  The sheer speed with which they moved was inhuman.  Though they were greatly outnumbered, they could not be touched.  Cops were being dropped and flung though the air with quick and brutal efficiency.  A couple of officers were able to get a round or two off, but somehow the two suspects were able to dodge them without much more effort than they would expend swatting a fly.  

I was finally jolted into action as I realized that fellow officers were dying.  I was unable to get a clear shot at either amidst the chaotic close quarters battle.  Securing my weapons, I pushed my way through the remainder of the fleeing ravers, vaulted a table and jumped into the fight.  A couple of officers were able to catch Tbone off guard together and knock him to one knee. Before he was able to recover and react, I barreled into the trio, knocking them all into a pile on the floor.  I drew my weapon and jammed it under Tbone’s chin, preparing for a painfully rapid deathblow of some sort, but it never came.  I yelled for Tbone’s buddy in white to surrender or I’d put one into Tbone’s skull and I was fully prepared to do so if he hadn’t complied.  The two other officers picked themselves up and backed up a couple of steps.  There was something about this situation that was making me very uneasy.  I’d just seen Tbone and his partner kill or seriously maim nearly 20, armed SWAT officers, yet he allowed me to hold him at gunpoint.  I pulled Tbone to his feet by the collar of his trench, keeping my weapon lodged firmly beneath his chin.  I looked into Tbone’s shades and saw nothing but my reflection amid the reflections of the flashing lights of the dance floor.  It was in the reflection of his shades that I saw 3 of the Agents appear out of the darkness.  A smirk formed on Tbone’s face. I could tell he was staring right back at me through those dark shades.  Thinking what?  I didn’t know.

Most of the commotion had died down. The warehouse was nearly empty and the music, while still playing at full volume, had faded to a dull throb in my consciousness.  The remaining SWAT officers had their weapons trained on Tbone’s partner who stood in a half-assed surrender stance with his hands raised only to chest level.  Every one of my senses was on edge and alert.  The Agents, standing only a few yards away, drew their hand cannons in unison and took aim at Tbone.  What they said, threw me way off.  They ordered me to back away because this one was targeted for elimination.  WTF?!  That was not how we did things, so I didn’t move.  Our orders were to arrest as many of the crew as possible, not kill them and I told them so.  Bad idea, I guess.  The Agents shot the two SWAT officers nearest me then told me that I was not slotted for termination and that I should step aside and surrender Tbone to them or I would be next.  At this point, I knew something was really, really funked up, big time.  Why would Federal Agents murder law enforcement officers over a jurisdiction dispute?  …. Or was it not a jurisdiction dispute.  Did someone use us to fulfill a hit contract on Tbone and his crew? I’d been in some shitty situations before, but nothing like this.  My hope of coming out of this alive was beginning to waver more and more by the minute.  Ok, it was time to act or dying was a distinct possibility today.  As quickly as my muscles would allow, I reached back, drew my second weapon with my off hand, pointed at the left most Agent, fired two rounds as quickly as I could, moving down the line until I had fired two rounds at the right most Agent.  Even as it was happening, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing with my eyes. They didn’t even move their feet when they dodged my bullets.  I was frozen in both fear and for lack of knowing what to do next.  Even at this point, soiling myself was below my dignity.  

Faster than my eye could follow, Tbone made a move that happened too fast to follow, but it resulted in me staring down the barrels of both of my weapons.  In the second and a half that it took for the Agents to glance at eachother and respond, Tbone said one phrase to me. “The Angels will come for you”.  It sounded like thunder when the Agents opened fire on Tbone.  He ducked, crouched and launched himself into a leap that took him 30ft up and through the skylight in the roof of the warehouse.  He disappeared onto the roof in an explosion of glass and gunfire and was gone. All three Agents followed with effortless leaps that carried them through the same skylight.  Glancing around, I noticed that Tbone’s partner had also disappeared.

I vacated the area before anyone could make sense of what happened…or that I’d left.  I jumped in my car and simply got as far away from there as I could.  I guess deep in my gut, I knew that was the last I’d seen of my life, as I’d known it.  I couldn’t go home because I knew I would eventually be tracked down and killed or arrested by whoever those Agents were.  And Tbone had told me that “The Angels will come for me”, which didn’t sound too good for my health either.  With the extraordinary abilities I’d seen from both the Agents and Tbone’s crew, I believed that no matter where I went, I would be found and dealt with.  For the first time in my life, I was terrified; for myself and for my girl, Nyah, the love of my life.  She is one of the few people who understands me….or humors me….or both.  I was terrified that we’d never have the future together as we’d hoped and planned for.  Going to her then meant possibly endangering her also, so I forced myself not to even call her until I could see how things were going to play out.

They caught up with me, the next day, 50 miles away in an old sleezy motel call the Sleep EZ Motel.  It was Tbone, himself who came with some chick he called Kitty and another he called Keta, who I recognized as the other guy from the warehouse.  Tbone told me that unless I listened to what he had to say, that my life was over both literally and figuratively, but it wasn’t them that I had to fear.  He then proceeded to tell me The Truth.  As much as it blew my mind, everything I knew and suspected pointed to this being the truth.  I just didn’t expect that the hole went as deep as it did.  I took their Red Pill and now, here I am…. an Angel, terrorist, guardian, criminal; it all depends on whom you ask, but my mind is free and I have found my significant purpose.

My only regret has been leaving my girl behind, hopefully only for now.  I’ve been warned against contacting her and this hurts more than anything else ever could.  Her name showed up in the database of an organization run by Machinists who promise that they can find missing loved ones.  I guess as the news report went, I was reported missing after a “Bloody and Violent Raid On a Cell of Known Terrorists”.    The last time I saw her was about a week ago.  I know I cannot make contact, but I went to her apartment and watched her through the window for a while.  She is not happy.  She needs me and I need her, but I cannot go back to that life.  My only hope is that one day, she’ll be free and join me in this world.

Offline Avzeke (Khr0n1k)

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I Am Phienyx
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2005, 06:12:19 pm »
well im to lazy to read all that and i all i got to say is...Daaammmmnnnn!!!!!

Topherous Jedi Sentinel
Artifice, Archaeology, Treasure Hunting


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I Am Phienyx
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2005, 06:47:24 pm »
Nice! You've got good writing potential (take it from an English major) ;)


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I Am Phienyx
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2005, 08:02:59 pm »
Very nicley written. Great job Phienyx!


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I Am Phienyx
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2005, 08:46:36 pm »
Thank you.


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I Am Phienyx
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2005, 04:43:31 pm »
Should this have been in the RP section?


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I Am Phienyx
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2005, 05:26:43 pm »
Very nice man, I agree with Grim. Your story was well written and very creative, I look forward to more! (Also from an english major ;p)


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I Am Phienyx
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2005, 06:04:40 pm »
Eh, RP section or Biographies, I don't think it really matters. If you want, if you are able to move it to RP, then make a real-life short bio for us here, that would work, too. :)

Offline Phienyx

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I Am Phienyx
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2007, 09:16:09 pm »
Shall I revive this one time?

We're Angels, not saints.


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I Am Phienyx
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2007, 10:46:17 pm »
Friggin nice!


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I Am Phienyx
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2007, 12:49:33 am »
Good stuff!

Offline Heironymus

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I Am Phienyx
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2007, 02:07:08 am »
Its good to have some old Carpe Diem members back...

Offline Adad

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I Am Phienyx
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2007, 12:53:16 am »
Wow, that was really well done Phienyx.... one problem, TBone doesn't wear a hat. Haha, but great work man.

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Re: I Am Phienyx
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2013, 06:38:45 pm »
And this one.


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