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Author Topic: Formal Apology...  (Read 1221 times)


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Formal Apology...
« on: April 13, 2005, 11:09:19 pm »
By now many of you know about the actions I took on the enumerator forums. Some of you have shown disagreement and some of you have shown support. However I have come to realize that the actions I took were rash and uncalled for. I would like to take this oppurtunity now to make a formal apology to the entire faction for misrepresenting you and causing such a unnecessary headache for our leaders. I also realize that because of my actions I would of been expelled from the faction. If that was the case I wish to state now that I would have gone gracefuly and agreed with the decision. Finally I would also like to offer some kind of explaination for my actions. I realize excuses do not make my actions right, but purhaps it would shed some light on my current situation.

By making a post on the enumerator forums I disobeyed a direct order and it was entirly uncalled for. The repercussions from my actions led to damaging our factions reputation as well as creating a difficult situation for our leaders. At this point I cannot take back my actions or take any action to remedy the situation. All I can offer is this apology, and a promise that I will not put the faction in this kind of situation again. I know one's word can only go so far but it is all I have to offer.

In all honesty, If I were in TBone's position I would not of hesitated to expell a member in my situation. My actions were unexcusable and uncalled for. What I did cannot be tollerated by a faction of such high standing. Although I must confess I am relieved that I was not expelled from FA I do understand how it could be deemed necessary. If at any time the leadership of FA decides to reverse this decision I will understand completely. I understand that when a member of a faction such as FA steps out of line an example must be made to the other members to prevent such situations from occuring again.

As it stands right now my current situation is... complex. Real life issues have put a lot of stress on me for the time. Recently I was forced to withdraw from two of my courses at my college. I did so to avoid my GPA from being damaged. This has put a bit of stress on my family and I both mentally and financially. I have also been dealing with various personal and social issues which I feel are a bit too privite to discuss here. The most serious of the issues I have been dealing with lately is my grandmother. My grandmother recently suffered a mild heartattack and has been hospitalized. She is currently in rehab at Boston Medical. The doctors in charge of her care have given her a fifty-fifty shot at recovery. They are doubtful that she can recover from the stress that has been put on her heart from both the heart attack and the surgery she underwent. These issues have been putting a tremendous ammount of stress on both me and my family. The situation on the enumerator forums became a flash point. I snapped mental and took actions that were both irrational and irresponsible.

I have only been with the Furious Angels for a few months, but my time here so far has been incredible. I have never experianced such unity and professionalism in a group of players for any game. When I took the actions I did not only did I disobey orders but I tarnished that unity and professionalism. I can only hope that I can redeem myself in the eyes of my peers here in the Furious Angels and in time regain your respect. I have learned so much from my experiances with this faction yet I still have many lessons to learn. With time I hope the situations plaguing the faction can be resolved and our reputation regained. When I joined this faction I dedicated myself to the wellbeing of it and in the future I hope to continue to dedicate myself to such a wonderful faction and group of friends.


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Formal Apology...
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2005, 11:15:51 pm »
How do you stay mad at a person who pours their heart out like that? :) and I'm sorry to here about your grandmother, hope she gets better....


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Formal Apology...
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2005, 11:26:53 pm »
Thank you. Takes alot of guts to admit when you are wrong. I am impressed with your honesty and willingness to take responsibility. Truth be told, I originally wanted you gone. I feel it's necessary for me to be open with you about that. Otherwise I would feel ackward when speaking to you....kinda like I stabbed you in the back. If you would like to discuss my reasons with you at a later time, I am more than willing. I also want to point out that I feel I was reacting out of anger at what you had done. Wasn't fair, but it was justified. It was a very tough decision to make for everyone involved. I honestly now feel we made the right one. As far as I am concerned, apology accepted.


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Formal Apology...
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2005, 01:16:08 am »
I'd like to thank everyone who's shown their support so far both in this thread and privatly... I appriciate the honesty and would like to thank those who have again for accepting my apology..


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Formal Apology...
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2005, 01:20:27 am »
I would like to thank you for having enough courage to step up and take responsibility for what took place. I know it had to be hard, not only because of the situation that involves the clan, but to also shed a little bit of light on who Venlar is outside of the Matrix. And for that I commend you.

Now I know that I am not someone who has even spoken with you, but I just want you to know that I understand your situation fully. I too am in college and currently dealing with many issues in my life that cause me to be extremely stressed and make some decisions I dont agree with afterwards. And I would have to say that I am thankful for having such a great group of people as a faction. I know that in an earlier post I did do some venting. But It also made me realize that I was thankful for the group of people we have here. I've noticed that nomatter what, when it comes to living outside of the matrix, everyone here cares. And that is awesome. I would also like to add, that being someone in quiet a similar position as you, I would have no problem speaking with you privately. Not trying to sound weird, but sometimes it just helps to talk to someone about everything and get it off your chest. And I dont mind being the person you dump on. And that goes for anyone in the Faction. I was actually taking Psychology at one point in time, so I'm a good listener. If you, or anyone, feels the need to talk, vent, bitch, moan , or just complain to someone, you all feel free to contact me here, or via my email. I have AIM if you wanna chat via text, and am open to using a private channel on TS if you wish. So anyone who wants to vent, let me know :) I'll take the job of being the Faction Psychologist  and Dr. Phil. LMFAO!!!! Alright, enough of that.

Thanx for the apology, keep rocking and kickin' ass.

Offline Tbone

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Formal Apology...
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2005, 02:04:36 am »
Thanks Venlar. We've never had any problems with you before, so it seemed quite out-of-character. I accept your apology and am glad you are still around.


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Formal Apology...
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2005, 03:26:42 am »
And now for a British response (we're arseholes).

DON'T DO IT AGAIN![/color]

On a slightly more serious note, well done for admitting it.

Offline Ketamininja

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Formal Apology...
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2005, 04:09:17 am »
How about

Gonnae No Dae That.

I'm a total frickin rock star from mars.
C'mon bro, I got tiger blood.


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Formal Apology...
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2005, 06:29:53 am »
Venlar, thanks for the sincere apology. Everyone can make mistakes, but to take responsibility for them is what is important, and of course to learn from them.

I understand you completely, I have a lot of stress in my life right now too (long-term sickleave and soon an exam that includes almost everything in medicine), and if I would have been reading the forums, I don't know if I could have restrained myself. It DOES help to talk about what's troubles you.

I am sorry about your grandmother, hope that she recovers.


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Formal Apology...
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2005, 08:54:55 am »
Venlar,  I just wanted to say at least on my part your apology is 100% accepted.  

Sometimes people do things without thinking, or are passionate about their view.  My prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.  That should be your #1 priority, and I can understand how that could interfere with your regular personality in game.

You have my support for what it is worth.


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Formal Apology...
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2005, 09:41:42 am »
I am pretty sure most of us can sympathize with the desire to give our side of the story on the forums when those flamers get going, no matter how much we know it is the wrong thing to do.

We are humans and we all make mistakes, so apology excepted. I am glad you were able to stay around, but if you ever do something like that again, I am tying you up and handing you over to Nemi...


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Formal Apology...
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2005, 11:22:02 am » not nemi... anything but that... *runs away screaming*



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