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Author Topic: Ranks Re-examined  (Read 4158 times)

Offline Tbone

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Ranks Re-examined
« on: July 09, 2010, 02:04:07 pm »
*Updated to most recent version*

Ok, I'm trying different things out here. Since Jedi Knight is one of the classes, having everyone be a "Knight" and "High Knight" doesn't really work. How about this?

Master Commander - head of the Angels. So I would be Tbone, Master Commander of the Furious Angels.

Master Lieutenant - 2nd in command of Angels. Master Lieutenant Broin.

Master - Captains, essentially. Master Anamodiel, or Anamodiel, Master of the Veritas Order

Order - crew/ship/squad

Lieutenant - 2nd in command of an Order - responsible for maintaining the ship, etc.

Angel - member of FA. So it would be Tbone, Angel of the Libertas Order

Recruit or Ascended - newly joined

Potential - someone doing the challenge

Offline Anamodiel

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Re: Ranks Re-examined
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2010, 05:42:41 pm »
I like it.

...And we will strike down upon those of Darkness, with great vengeance and Furious Anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.

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Re: Ranks Re-examined
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2010, 07:24:48 pm »
I like it as well.  They're simple and easy for anyone to understand, yet still have a Star Wars-specific flavor.

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Re: Ranks Re-examined
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2010, 11:35:25 pm »
I'm loving it! I'm so glad things are getting closer and closer to the Old republic than i originally thought.

Offline Ragnarok

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Re: Ranks Re-examined
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2010, 05:38:52 pm »
I just have one question what about non force users? Since most of those ranks look to be taken from the Jedi order.

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Re: Ranks Re-examined
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2010, 06:00:57 pm »
The idea is that the Force is in everyone, even those who don't train for it like Jedi. With the Furious Angels, your connection to the Angels gives you a natural ability to use the Force in whatever you're doing. The ranks do resemble Jedi ranks, but are actually ranks pertaining to the Angel-specific Order. I'm open to adjusting them slightly to not be an exact replica, but I want to keep it similar.

Offline Manic Velocity

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Re: Ranks Re-examined
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2010, 08:26:19 pm »
Could we change "Padawan" to "Ensign" or something similar? Padawan is a rank reserved solely for the Jedi Order, while ours is more of an Angelic Order. Our backstory ties us inately to the Force, but not all of us will be rolling a Jedi.

Offline Ragnarok

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Re: Ranks Re-examined
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2010, 10:43:10 pm »
Well I don't know if its a good idea or not but you could change knight to angel and High Knight to Archangel. Padawan should probably change but the rest are fine.

Dont know if this helps either but hears are some different Jedi ranks.

Normal ranks

 Jedi Initiate (or Youngling  or "Jedi Hopeful") – a Force-sensitive child. Often a prospective Jedi was detected through blood sampling—those with great Force potential had high midi-chlorian counts in their bloodstream. At a very young age, children were removed from their families and assigned to the Jedi Temple for training. Younglings  were taught in communal groups known as clans. At some points in history, this stage of training was also called the Jedi Apprentice stage. This was particularly true during the ancient wars when Jedi often started training older beings, and "Youngling" wouldn't fit. The older use of this term should not be confused with the Padawan stage.
    * Jedi Padawan – an apprentice who began serious tutelage under a single Jedi Knight or Jedi Master. In order to graduate to Padawan status, an Initiate was required to be chosen by a Knight or Master and taken as their sole pupil. If a youngling was not chosen to be a Padawan by 13 years of age, the youngling was placed into another, lesser role in the Jedi Service Corps, or they could choose to leave the Order. Depending on where the student's talents lay, this might be the Agricultural Corps, the Medical Corps, or the Exploration Corps. Padawans who were of a haired species typically wore a long braid of hair behind their right ear. When a Padawan was elevated to Knighthood, the braid was cut during the knighting ceremony. At least a few Jedi, though, were elevated to Knighthood simply by being told that they had passed whatever trials were considered necessary—most notably Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Vergere. Some exceptions of late acceptances to Padawan training were made, most notably in the case of Anakin Skywalker. In the days of the old Order, an Initiate could become a Padawan by passing less formal trials (understanding the Code, building a lightsaber, and facing a trial of the dark side itself)[2].
    * Jedi Knight – a disciplined Padawan could become a fully trained Jedi once they completed "the trials." The known trials were, but weren't limited to: the Trial of Flesh, the Trial of Courage, the Trial of Skill and the Trial of Self (also known as "facing the mirror").

A Padawan and a Master

    * Jedi Master – a Jedi Knight who showed great understanding of the Force and managed to instruct a Padawan and train them successfully to the level of a Jedi Knight. This title could also be achieved through the performance of extraordinary deeds, or retaking the trials. Self-proclamation of the Jedi Master title was rare and often frowned upon by the Jedi Council (for example: Jorus C'baoth and his unknown clone Joruus C'baoth).
          o Councilor (or Council Member) – A very few Jedi were invited to serve on the Jedi Council, the governing body of the Order. The Council was made up exclusively of wise, experienced Masters. The only Jedi Knight to sit on the High Council, Anakin Skywalker, was appointed by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, although he was not granted the rank of Master simply because of this. Ki-Adi-Mundi served as a Councilor while undergoing the process of becoming a Master at the time of his invitation before Anakin, the Chosen One. The Council was made up of 12 masters, five of them holding life terms (two of them designated as "senior"), four holding long-terms, and three holding short-terms.
          o Master of the Order – The title used to denote the leader of the Jedi High Council. This title was held by Mace Windu until the beginning of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, when he gave the title to Yoda.[3]
    * Grand Master – The highest rank of the Jedi Order was that of Grand Master. Yoda was once the Grand Master, as was Luke Skywalker following the Swarm War.

A Jedi Knight or Jedi Master could have only one apprentice at a time, and the Padawan had to be promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight before another apprentice could be chosen. Several thousand years before the events of the Ruusan Reformation, however, masters were allowed to have more than one apprentice, as evidenced by Master Arca Jeth having three—the brothers Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma and the Twi'lek Tott Doneeta. When the New Jedi Order first began, Luke Skywalker had to assign several students to one master due to the few Jedi in the Order; for example, Kyle Katarn had Jaden Korr and Rosh Penin both assigned to him. During both of these vastly different time periods, the term "Padawan" was not used, thereby strengthening the association of the word with the one-master-one-student policy.

Being a Jedi was a life of great variation as the Jedi Order had several responsibilities. While many Jedi were generalists, some would specialize in one or more areas either in accordance with their own interests and preferences, or because they were delegated responsibility for an area that required specialization. With these specializations often came specific Jedi ranks. Moreover, in certain periods of the history of the galaxy, some Jedi would assume military ranks fighting alongside Republic forces.
[edit] Military and warfare
A Jedi brute

    "We're often called a militant Order, but do you know one of the principal differences between the military and the Jedi Order? The military are expected to follow orders, even when they feel those orders are not what's right. The Jedi are expected to do what's right, even when the course of action runs contrary to orders."
    ―Jedi Master Cilghal[src]

In times of war, especially when Sith forces were involved, Jedi would sometimes assume military ranks and govern armies of Republic military units, as was seen in the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Civil War, the New Sith Wars, and the Clone Wars. So Jedi indeed became soldiers, not just keepers of the peace.

    * Jedi Commander – a Padawan serving as a Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic, the Jedi Commander was assigned to a Jedi General until knighted. Once a full Jedi, the Padawan is now referred to as General.
    * Jedi General – a Jedi Knight or Master who had been placed in command of a Republic army. Considered a full General.
    * Senior Jedi General – twenty of the Jedi Masters serving as general in the Clone Wars were given the rank of Senior Jedi General. They were very experienced in warfare and battle tactics. Ry-Gaul was a Senior Jedi General.
    * High Jedi General – ten members of the Jedi Council were given the rank of High Jedi General in the Clone Wars, not only commanding their own army, but also supervising Senior Jedi Generals, Jedi Generals and Jedi Commanders. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu were notable High Jedi Generals.

    * Jedi Lord – a Jedi who served as a commander in the Army of Light during the New Sith Wars. The Jedi Lord assumed this title mainly out of political motivation. The rank was abolished after the war.

In addition to the ordinary military ranks, there were a number of ranks and titles based on specialization in areas of warfare and combat.

    * Force Warrior – a Jedi who was skilled in a special type of unarmed combat, using meditative martial arts and the Force.
    * Jedi Ace – a Jedi who had specialized in starfighter combat, combining piloting skills with mastery of the Force.
    * Jedi Gatemaster – the Jedi who served as the keeper of the main entrance at the Jedi Temple. These Jedi were usually trained in a special way.
    * Jedi Guardian – a Jedi Master who was especially skilled in battle, the Guardian would concentrate mainly on martial training and combat in general without losing focus on diplomacy and the philosophies of the Force.
    * Jedi Consular – a Jedi Master who was especially skilled in applications of the Force, the Consular would concentrate primarily on the diplomacy and the powers and philosophies of the Force. The Jedi Consular was similar to the Force Warrior with the exception that the Jedi Consular would still use a lightsaber.
    * Jedi Sentinel – The balance point between Guardians and Consulars, Sentinels would focus on balancing between applications of the Force and combat skills.
    * Jedi Weapon Master – a Jedi Master who focused solely on battle, the Weapon Master was among the greatest physical fighters of the Order.
    * Jedi Watchman – The equivalent of the Jedi Sentinel, the Jedi Watchman investigated the mysteries of the galaxy and sought out injustice and harm and brought it into the light. A Jedi Watchman was assigned to watch over a particular system in the galaxy, and served it in all means.
    * Jedi Sniper – Jedi Snipers defended the temple specializing in long range telekinetic lightsaber attacks, using saber throw to strike from long distances at anyone who presented a threat to the headquarters of the Order. Unlike most Jedi, Jedi snipers wielded their lightsabers with a reversed grip. All known Jedi snipers were slaughtered by Darth Vader and his troops during Operation: Knightfall. Many Jedi Snipers preferred a short lightsaber.
    * Jedi Brute – Jedi Brutes defended the temple wielding double bladed lightsabers alongside Jedi snipers and Jedi gatemasters. At a young age, physically intimidating Padawans with a penchant for lightsaber combat were selected from the pool for special training. They were then trained in aggressive combat tactics and the use of a double-bladed lightsaber, and were trained to master Ataru, Shien, and Soresu. They were known to have worked closely with the Temple Security Force. Many Jedi brutes were present at Operation: Knightfall in 19 BBY, and most were slain by the new Sith apprentice Darth Vader.

Jedi Healer Barriss Offee

    "When we do appear we can be killers, but we can also be healers. Thank the Force for that."
    ―Obi-Wan Kenobi

    * Jedi Healer – Some Jedi would focus on the more Humanitarian aspects of the Force, specializing in Force powers based on Force healing. In addition to knowledge of such Force powers, also had extensive knowledge of medicine and medical technology. Jedi healers were normally stationed at the Jedi Medical Corps Infirmary, but would also serve in the field. For instance, around the time of the Clone Wars, Jedi healers would serve aboard MedStar frigates and, occasionally, in Republic's mobile surgical units ("Rimsoos").

Culture, history, and knowledge

    "In a dark place we find ourselves… a little more knowledge might light our way."

Some Jedi would specialize in lore, such as the history of the galaxy, the Force, and the Jedi Order, producing invaluable knowledge.
A Jedi holding a holocron

    * Jedi archaeologist – a Jedi who had specialized in gaining historical knowledge through archaeology, the Jedi archaeologist was often a member of the ExplorCorps and involved in expeditions of various kinds.
    * Jedi historian – a Jedi who had specialized in chronicling the history of the galaxy and the Jedi Order, the Jedi historian knew virtually everything about the past of the Jedi Order.
    * Jedi librarian – a Jedi who had specialized in administrating vast databases of knowledge, the Jedi librarian was in charge of an important Jedi library, such as the ancient Great Jedi Library, the library of the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, or the Jedi Archives.
    * Jedi geologist – a Jedi who had specialized in geology.
Liaison and diplomacy

Master Qui-Gon, more to say, have you?

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    "Go, I will. Good relations with the Wookiees, I have."

Kai Justiss was watchman of Kashyyyk.

Jedi were often called upon to act as impartial diplomats, possibly due to the Order's traditions of detachment from secular society and the phenomenon of Force-guided intuition. They would serve as moderators and negotiators during disputes, and their judgments were often recognized as just and binding. When acting as diplomats, Jedi took the utmost care to be impartial and fair-minded. The legacy of this impartiality was such that, decades after the Jedi Purge and Palpatine's false accusations of the corruption of the Jedi Order, the legend of Jedi impartiality lived on in the memories of some sections of galactic society. Some species who respected the Jedi – for example, the Barabel – retained a tradition of calling upon a Jedi's impartial judgment even for minor interpersonal disputes.

While any Jedi could function as a mediator or diplomat – for example, Obi-Wan Kenobi, also known as The Negotiator due to his skills in this area – two dedicated classes of "diplomatic Jedi" are known to have existed prior to the Jedi Purge:

    * Jedi Sentinel – Jedi that sought a balance between the intensive combat training of the Jedi Guardians and the wider philosophical views and teaching responsibilities of the Jedi Consulars. These Jedi ferreted out deceit and injustice, bringing it to light. They were generally employed in scouting missions and were skilled in security, computers, stealth techniques, or medicine, and also had diplomatic skills. Having said that the title of Jedi Sentinel was an ancient one dating back as far as the Jedi Civil War, and seems to have fallen into disuse by the time of the Jedi Purge.

    * Jedi Watchmen – Jedi Watchmen were charged with overseeing a particular system or sector, thus serving as a type of liaison officer between the system or sector and the Jedi Council as well as the Republic in general. Jedi Watchmen were often highly skilled in diplomacy and possessed knowledge of the culture of the system or sector they oversaw. Often Jedi Watchmen originated from the system or sector they were tasked with overseeing.

    * Jedi Advisor – Jedi Advisors advised Galactic Republic senators.

 Crime fighting and investigation

    "You are under arrest, my lord."
    ―Mace Windu to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine[src]

The Jedi Order would also actively partake in crime-fighting as part of their role as keepers of the peace in the Republic. They would loosely police the galaxy, but there were also groups of Jedi specializing in crime detection, investigation, solving, and prevention.
Saesee Tiin, Agen Kolar, Mace Windu, and Kit Fisto arrive in the Chancellor's Suite to arrest Palpatine.

    * Jedi investigator – a Jedi specially appointed by the Council to uncover hidden and obscure threats to the galaxy such as powerful criminal syndicates, corruption and conspiracy against the Republic and other shady menaces. The Jedi investigator would often work alone and undercover to infiltrate suspicious organizations or would be busy investigating some act of crime.
    * Jedi Sentinel – a Jedi Sentinel was the perfect balance between the Jedi Guardian and the Jedi Consular, possessing great skills in combat and knowledge in the force. This type of Jedi functioned like both the Jedi investigator and the Jedi Shadow, rooting out and destroying both crime and the dark side. In addition, the Jedi Sentinel also had skills in various other studies. However, it is unclear whether the Jedi Sentinel as a distinct class survived the Ruusan Reformation, and the title was an ancient one dating back at least as far as the Jedi Civil War.
    * Jedi Shadow – a Jedi whose job was to seek out and destroy any sign of the dark side of the Force, the Jedi shadow was the Jedi Order's primary weapon against the dark side up until the Clone Wars. The Jedi Shadow was a Jedi tasked with infiltrating dark side groups and cults to expose them to justice.


    "For eight hundred years have I trained Jedi. My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained. A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind."
    ―Yoda to Luke Skywalker — (audio)Listen (file info)[src]

In addition to the Master-Padawan model, some Jedi had specialized in teaching aspects of the Force and the skill required to be a Jedi.
Yoda served an important role in the Jedi Council, giving instruction to all Younglings.

    * Jedi instructor – a Jedi accountable for giving general teachings to Younglings, Padawans, or the occasional older beings. Sometimes Council members, who were frequently at the Jedi Temple, where initial instruction commonly took place, served as Jedi instructors. However, most such mentors were stationed at a Jedi Praxeum or academy.
    * Jedi battlemaster – a Jedi highly skilled in lightsaber combat, the Battlemaster was the lightsaber combat instructor of a Jedi Praxeum, Temple, or Academy.
    * Jedi trainer – a Jedi student or Jedi Knight responsible for teaching and instructing a certain aspect of the Force, the Jedi trainer was a vital component in the education of Jedi Knights in the early years of the New Jedi Order.

So long as I breathe, I live. So long as I live, I fight. So long as I fight, I triumph!

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Re: Ranks Re-examined
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2010, 01:40:29 pm »
Ok, I'm trying different things out here. Since Jedi Knight is one of the classes, having everyone be a "Knight" and "High Knight" doesn't really work. How about this?

Master Commander - head of the Angels. So I would be Tbone, Master Commander of the Furious Angels.

Master Lieutenant - 2nd in command of Angels. Master Lieutenant Broin.

Master - Captains, essentially. Master Anamodiel, or Anamodiel, Master of the Veritas Order

Order - crew/ship/squad

Lieutenant - 2nd in command of an Order - responsible for maintaining the ship, etc.

Angel - member of FA. So it would be Tbone, Angel of the Libertas Order

Recruit or Ascended - newly joined

Potential - someone doing the challenge

Offline Manic Velocity

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Re: Ranks Re-examined
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2010, 06:33:34 pm »
How about "High Commander"?  The repetitive "er" annunciation of "Master Commander" sounds odd to me.  And maybe "High Lieutenant" to keep it consistent.

Otherwise I think it's perfect.

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Re: Ranks Re-examined
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2010, 07:20:55 pm »
Maybe Command Master and Lieutenant Master?

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Re: Ranks Re-examined
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2010, 07:27:26 pm »
Master-o-mmander 9,000!

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Re: Ranks Re-examined
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2010, 07:44:18 pm »

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Re: Ranks Re-examined
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2010, 09:27:59 pm »
I like High Commander.

...And we will strike down upon those of Darkness, with great vengeance and Furious Anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.

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Re: Ranks Re-examined
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2010, 02:40:21 am »
High Commander or even just Commander sounds good.   Perhaps Lieutenant Commander for the second in command?



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